Dear all,

In issue 388 ( we agreed the properties for position measurement. This issue 611 ( is about creating their scope notes and examples. Athina, Gerald, Martin and I have drafted these as shown below. Please consider them and we can discuss at the next SIG meeting. The examples for S23 at the bottom are included to correspond with the ones for the properties.

All the best,


O30determined position (was determined by)


S23 Position Measurement


E94 Space Primitive

Subproperty of:

S4 Observation: O16 observed value (value was observed by): E1 CRM Entity


many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note:

This property associates an instance of S23 Position Measurement with the instance of E94 Space Primitive which is the result of thatmeasurement. The instance of E94 Space Primitive approximates the place occupied by the entity whose position is being measured.



   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by captain Smith
   after hitting an iceberg (S23) O30 determined position41°44′N
   50°24′W (E94) [This was quickly measured based on the distance
   travelled since the previous known location] (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by officer Joseph G.
   Boxhall after the initial distress signal was sent (S23) O30
   determined position41°46′N 50°14′W (E94) [This was measured with
   more precision and revised the original position] (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by Robert Ballard
   after the Titanic ship-wreck was found (S23) O30 determined
   position41°43′32″N 49°56′49″W (E94) (‘Wreck of the Titanic’,
   Wikipedia, 2022)

In First Order Logic:

Oxx1(x,y) ⇒ S23(x)

Oxx1(x,y) ⇒ E94(y)

O31has validity time-span(is time-span validity for)


S23 Position Measurement



Subproperty of:

E2 Temporal Entity: P4 has time-span (is time-span of): E52 Time-Span


many to one, necessary (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:

This property associates an instance of S23 Position Measurement with the instance of E53 Time-Span for which the measurement is valid. No inferences can be made in relation to the validity of the measurement outside this time-span despite the fact that some measured entities are relatively stable and their positions may remain the same after the measurement. The time-span of validity should fall within (P86 falls within (contains)) the overall time-span (P4 has time-span (is time-span of) of the process of measurement.



   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by captain Smith
   after hitting an iceberg (S23) O31 has validity time-spanfrom 15
   April 1912 00:15 to 15 April 1912 00:20 (E52) [This was only valid
   while the position was being re-measured] (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by officer Joseph G.
   Boxhall after the initial distress signal was sent (S23) O31 has
   validity time-spanfrom 15 April 1912 00:20 to 15 April 1912 02:17
   (E52) [This was valid after the position was re-measured with more
   precision and was the measured position of the ship until the final
   distress signal was sent] (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by Robert Ballard
   after the Titanic ship-wreck was found (S23) O31 has validity
   time-span1 September 1985 12:48 (E52) (‘Wreck of the Titanic’,
   Wikipedia, 2022)

In First Order Logic:

Oxx2(x,y) ⇒ S23(x)

Oxx2(x,y) ⇒ E52(y)

Oxx2(x,y) ⇒ P4(x,z) ) ∧ P86(y,z)

O32measuredposition of (was locatedby)


S23 Position Measurement


S15 Observable Entity

Subproperty of:

S4Observation: O8observed (was observed by): S15Observable Entity


many to one, necessary (1,1:0,n)

Scope note:

This property connects an instance of S23 Position Measurement with the instance of S15 Observable Entity whose position is being measured.



   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by captain Smith
   after hitting an iceberg (S23) O32 measured position ofthe Titanic
   (E22) (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by officer Joseph G.
   Boxhall after the initial distress signal was sent (S23) O32
   measured position ofthe Titanic (E22) (Tikkanen, 2022)


   The measurement of the position of the Titanic by Robert Ballard
   after the Titanic ship-wreck was found (S23) O32 measured position
   ofthe Titanic (E22) (‘Wreck of the Titanic’, Wikipedia, 2022)

In First Order Logic:

Oxx3(x,y) ⇒ S23(x)

Oxx3(x,y) ⇒ S15(y)

For completion examples for S23 Position Measurement:

S23 Position Measurement


   the measurement of the position of the Titanic by captain Smith
   after hitting an iceberg (S23) (Tikkanen, 2022)


   the measurement of the position of the Titanic by officer Joseph G.
   Boxhall after the initial distress signal was sent (S23) (Tikkanen,


   the measurement of the position of the Titanic by Robert Ballard
   after the Titanic ship-wreck was found (S23) (‘Wreck of the
   Titanic’, Wikipedia, 2022)
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