Dear all,

The question is: If an instance x of E4 Period took place at an instance y of 
E53 place, can we conclude that x took place at all places containing  y? This 
was explicitly stated in CRMbase before the September meeting. The decission in 
Rome was to reformulate this as

Therefore, this property implies the more fully developed path from E4 Period 
through P161 has spatial projection, E53 Place, P89 falls within to E53 Place, 
where the intermediate place is also defined in the same geometric system.


P7(x,y) ⇒ (∃z,u) [E53(z) ˄ P157(x,u) ˄ E18(u) ˄ P157(y,u) ˄ P157(z,u) ˄ 
P161(x,z) ˄ P89(z,y) ]

or simplified

P7(x,y) ⇒ P161(x,z) ˄ P89(z,y) ]

The answer to the question is that P7(x,y) ∧ P89(y,z) ⇒ P7(x,z)  is in general 
is not considered true. This axiom has to be reintroduced if this is the 
general understanding. It is not needed in practical database/KB 


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