Dear all,

The preparation of version 7 largely coincided with the disruption caused by COVID-19 which saw the CRM-SIG meetings moving online. In order to prepare for the online meetings and organise the work of the SIG an ad-hoc group was formed consisting of the chairs of the CIDOC-CRM SIG, the main editors of the then forthcoming version 7 and a convenor/secretary, in collaboration with the technical support team at ICS-FORTH.

The current members of the group are: Chrysoula Bekiari, George Bruseker, Martin Doerr, Christian-Emil Ore, Stephen Stead, Eleni Tsoulouha, and Thanasis Velios. This group organises the agenda for the SIG meetings and chairs its sessions, tracks issues, edits the CRM definition document and monitors the interaction of the SIG with external bodies.

The group needs to meet regularly and more frequently during the weeks leading to a SIG meeting. Each group meeting requires some preparation and members do their best to attend as many virtual meetings as possible and to deliver accepted tasks in time. We would now like to formalise this group by discussion and decision at the next SIG meeting as the "open CRM-SIG editorial group", a practical solution to engage community members that can devote enough time and work for this task, and to invite volunteer members of the community to join. We are pleased to welcome a new member already: Erin Canning.

If you wish to join the group please contact one of the listed members.

We also invite proposals on how best this group can function to support the community.

All the best,

Thanasis (on behalf of the group)
Crm-sig mailing list

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