
I'm working on the representation of literary works (LWs) using the CRM core and the LRMoo. I've made every LW, or any part of it, an instance of both E33_Linguistic_Object and F2_Expression. I'm interested in describing the syntactic structure of a LW, so by "part" I do not mean just chapters and sections, but also sentences, clauses, syntagmata and words; and I have compositional properties of coordination and subordination.

Now I need to describe the fact that any part of a LW occurs within the text in several segments (some sentences are in fact broken in 2, 3 or even 4 segments), and the position of each segment within the LW. This is very similary to the situation where there is a global event (such as the execution of a piano concerto) which has one sub-event (such as a specific instrument playing) occurring in several time intervals. The difference is that these occurrences are not in the relative time of the concerto, but in the relative space of a LW.

I've made these segments instance of class TextFragment, a subclass of E33 but not of F2 because a fragment may be as small as a word or two. The property linking a part to the text fragments where it occurs is called "occursIn". Now my first question is (assuming the modeling is ok), where should I hook such property in the CRM property taxonomy?

The property linking a text fragment to the actual text is P190_has_symbolic_content. I guess this is rather uncontroversial.

Finally, the position of each text fragment within the LW must be represented. This is done by using 2 properties, one for the beginning and one for the ending of the fragment. The value of each property is a position within the text. A position, in turn, is identified by 2 coordinates: the content unit where it occurs (e.g., chapter) and by a number giving the offset within the content unit. Final question: where would position, begining and ending position belong in the CRM?

Thank you for your time.


Carlo Meghini
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione [ISTI]
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [CNR]
Area della Ricerca di Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa

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