Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread Ed Willink
Hi XText has declared intent. XText releases asynchronously, so it is very likely that Xtext 2.10 crosses the boundary. It seems unhelpful that you have inhibited aggregation contributions just because the XText releng has not realized how much trouble your enabled=false is causing. I'll e

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread David M Williams
In my opinion, it is nearly always helpful to have your dependencies "encapsulated" as much as is possible (or, practical) but I realize there are limits where the costs don't out weight the benefits. > However the extra modularity would show in the P2 catalog. This is true in one way -- the un

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread David M Williams
> Can we have the Neon contributions available as in previous years? Projects can do that, if they want -- as long as it is still "fits in". But it is up to the project. They need to "declare intent" and provide a release record, AND THEN re-enable what every contribution they want to make. T

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread Ed Willink
Hi Or should we be restructuring to have multiple better disciplined contributions? +1 MiniEMF, MiniGEF, MiniOCL, MiniMWE2 - no XText dependencies +3 FullEMF, FullGEF, FullOCL, FullMWE2 - with XText dependencies (MWE2 does this already; MWE2-runtime, MWE2-lang) We almost certainly have feat

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread Ed Willink
Hi OCL too cannot be enabled until Xtext is enabled. I feel that this attempt to bootstrap from nothing is going to make for some very tight late coordination. Can we have the Neon contributions available as in previous years? If enabled="false" is required to enforce announced participation

[cross-project-issues-dev] GEF Oxygen M1 contribution only partially today

2016-08-08 Thread Alexander Nyßen
Hi all, I have just re-enabled the GEF repository for Oxygen and made available the Neon release version of GEF-legacy (Draw2d/GEF (MVC) 3.x, Zest 1.x) to enable downstream projects that depend on it. The GEF (formerly known as GEF4) contribution to M1 is already prepared as well, but I had to

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen(4.7) M1 is available

2016-08-08 Thread David M Williams
Yes, once Oxygen M1 is done. (due this Friday, 8/12). In the mean time, if you wanted to do "test installs" you can use As always, I don't recommend using the Sim. Release repo for builds. Better to use the original "source" repositories that you dep

[cross-project-issues-dev] Troubles connecting to

2016-08-08 Thread Grégoire DUPE
Hello, I'm not able to build EMF Facet anymore because of troubles connecting to I have "Connection reset" errors. Does anybody have any clue to help me ? Here is a part of the Hudson log (

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Stable URLs for latest Orbit builds

2016-08-08 Thread Eike Stepper
Hi all, I'm afraid that, after 2.5 years of successfully providing these convenient "latest-X" composites for Orbit content, I must stop this service soon. The current composites are ot empty, but will not be updated anymore. See for the reas

Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Oxygen(4.7) M1 is available

2016-08-08 Thread Sievers, Jan
will latest oxygen milestones also be added to a composite repo ? we used to have this for previous releases, see e.g. Mars Regards Jan On 05/08/16 17:30, "cross-project-is