The aggregation build has been broken for a little while, due to a "broken 

I fixed as best I could, and I have opened following bug to document how I 

Bug 468471 - blindly fixed aggregation build due to broken categories 

BUT, I fixed just to get a "green build" ... the categories are not 
necessarily correct. Project "owners" (release engineers) will have to 
correct those. 

For what it's worth, if you do change categories, features included, or 
contacts, pushing to Gerrit review is the one (excellent) use-case of 
testing your changes before they get pushed to master, and risk breaking 
everyone else. Of course, the 'validate' action in the b3 editor will tell 
you the same thing ... but ... just in case you don't use it often, the 
Gerrit "test build" is a good sanity check. 


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