Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.co...@intel.com> writes:

> First, the TL;DR version:
> * Optionally clean your local GBS repository and existing Crosswalk
>   packages (in $GBSROOT/local/repos/$profile_name/$arch/RPMS) to free up
>   some space.
> * Build the crosswalk-libs RPM package:
>   cd src/xwalk
>   gbs build --spec crosswalk-libs.spec
> * Build the crosswalk-bin RPM package afterwards:
>   cd src/xwalk
>   gbs build --spec crosswalk-bin.spec
> [...]
> To most Crosswalk developers working on Tizen, the biggest change is
> that they will need to build crosswalk-libs once (or, if they are just
> hacking src/xwalk, download a version from download.tizen.org once they
> start building those new packages) and then only build crosswalk-bin.

Actually, upon closer inspection, not passing --spec also works; in this
case, both packages will be built.

Beware if you pass "--define BUILDDIR_NAME /somewhere" to gbs for
incremental builds though, as in this case both packages will be built
in the same permanent directory and the second time you call `gbs build'
libxwalk_backend.so will be packaged by crosswalk-libs.

So if you are using incremental builds, you *must* use different
directories for each package.
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