IMHO: The sharable mode for Android really only becomes safe if you can get Google to include it in a standard Android distribution, otherwise the program using the shared module is exposed to whatever custom coding is within the shared module.

Yes, there are alternatives to verifying the safeness of a user-installable shared module, and a case can made for not relying on Google's inclusion, but that case would have to be made.

Roger Stringer

[Crosswalk-dev] Survey: Android pluggable extension usage model
"Huo, Halton" <>
06/10/2014 04:46 AM

"" <>

Hi there,

If you're not interested with Crosswalk Extensions ( , please ignore this email.

As the link above, if you ever develop or use Crosswalk Extensions, you'll find there is difference that how external/pluggable extensions are used in Linux/Tizen vs Android.


Shared model(Linux/Tizen)


Exclusive model(Android)



xwalk load all extensions(*.so) with --external-extensions-path

On Tizen, /usr/lib(64)/tizen-extensions-crosswalk will be default added.


Packaging tool(make_apk) is needed to added the extension jar files into apk file. The jar files are not shared with other apps.



lThe extensions are shared for all apps.

lExtension owner is controlling when to upgrade, if upgrade, all apps are affected.


lThe extension is only for one app. There will be duplicated jars in multiple apps even the jar are exact same.

lApp developer is controlling when to upgrade extension. There is case that app want to stay on given version for stability concern.

I use characters instead of the word pros/cons because it is hard to say who is better for different usage and people.

So I want to do a survey whether it is useful to introduce the shared mode to Android platform. The rough idea is:

lExtension developer can develop its own extension and packed as separate apk.

lCrosswalk core is able to find out how many Crosswalk extensions are installed on system when webapp launched.

lApp developer has programming flexibility to choose whether to load all found extensions or part of them.

lExclusive mode is still available. One thing is if there are extensions have same name, the exclusive one will be chosen. This make it possibility for those who want to stay on his own version of a API or his own implementation.

Your mind and feedback are very welcomed!



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