> From: http://www.sjmercury.com/breaking/docs/081732.htm
> [SNIP]
> The bill deals with several
> technology-related offenses such as
> encryption, use and possession of
> devices that can intercept cable TV
> signals, phone slamming and spreading
> computer viruses.
Would the author, anyone at the
S.J. Mercury or at the Department of
Justice care to explain just what
exactly is the the "offense" of
May I remind you, and anyone else
willing to blindly accept government
press releases and "leaks", that
encryption is not only completely legal,
but absolutely vital to the health and
stability of the information age.
It is only scare mongering agencies like
the National Security Agency and the
F.B.I.  that are trying to prevent
everyone from protecting their privacy
because they would lose their God-like
omniscient powers if they cannot
randomly wire tap anyone they wish.
If it weren't for these organizations'
subversive behavior, our critical
infrastructure would be well protected,
and we would not be spending billions of
dollars and several major government
agencies and committees trying to fix
our vulnerabilities.
Let's face it, it never pays to listen
to a spy agency on how to protect our
electronic infrastructure.
Ernest Hua, TeraLogic Inc, Mountain View, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED], (650) 526-6064

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