Terence Kelly wrote:
> A friend of mine reported that when he ran a battery of
> straightforward random tests on the GNU package, it failed on simple
> inputs (things like "4 + 4").  It takes very little effort to set up
> random tests and run them, and this kind of testing reveals bugs in
> several multi-precision arithmetic packages.
> You might check out the very well-documented arithmetic packages in
> Dave Hanson's book _C Interfaces and Implementations_.  Source code
> is available at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/software/cii/
> If tests (random or otherwise) convince you that none of the packages
> available in source form are correct, Knuth Vol. 3 contains a
> reasonable discussion of multiple-precision arithmetic, as do the
> _Numerical Recipes_ books.

OpenSSL's tests include random tests, which are verified both internally
(by doing the same sum a different way, or otherwise checking the
answer) and externally (by checking them with bc). They do occasionally
reveal weird compiler bugs.




"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
     - Indira Gandhi

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