quant-ph/9906103: Title: Secure Classical Bit Commitment over Finite Channels Authors: Adrian Kent Comments: 12 pages, TeX with harvmac If mistrustful parties A and B control two or more appropriately located sites, special relativity can be used to guarantee that a pair of messages exchanged by A and B are independent. Using this fact, an unconditionally secure relativistic bit commitment protocol, RBC1, was recently defined. Security is maintained in RBC1 by exchanging a sequence of messages whose transmission rate increases exponentially in time. We define here a variant, RBC2, which requires a constant transmission rate and can in practice be securely maintained for long periods. We also introduce a zero-knowledge proof protocol which allows A to convince B of the value of any function of $N$ relativistic bit commitments without giving any further information. Applying this to the XOR of two bit commitments made by RBC1 or RBC2, we define two further relativistic bit commitment protocols, RBC3 and RBC4. These two protocols are permanently unconditionally secure against classical attack and require only a constant transmission rate. We conjecture that they are also unconditionally secure against quantum attack. (12kb) -- Mike Stay Cryptographer / Programmer AccessData Corp. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]