Hello all,

On 20/04/07 08:32, Aram Perez wrote:
> The proposal for using AES128-CBC with a fixed IV of all zeros is for
> a protocol between two entities that will be exchanging messages.
> This is being done in a "standards" body (OMA) and many of the
> attendees have very little security experience. As I mentioned, the
> response to my question of why would we standardize this was "that's
> how SD cards do it".
> I'll look at the references and hopefully convince enough people that
> it's a bad idea.

Relating to the anger at the "random bunch of people [who] design crypto

What Aram wrote is "many of the attendees have very little security
experience", not: "there are no attendees with security experience".
There are people at the relevant OMA group who know enough about
security, but just like in the real world -- they are outnumbered by
plain "feature-set" people, and thus have to come up with very clear
arguments to get their way.

Aram figured fixed IV's is generally a bad idea, and probably so did
others at OMA, but since the security people have to build a case and
not just say "well, it's generally not a good idea", a more descriptive
explanation of possible attacks (a "justification") was sought for.

Now to the subject matter:

I do not know the protocol in question, but in a nutshell: Generally,
CBC with a fixed IV (be it zero or any other value) is to be avoided for
the reason described in previous posts. In some circumstances this
restriction may be relaxed, such as:

(1) if the first unknown (to the attacker) block _always_ follows (not
necessarily immediately) a session-specific block (a block that is not
likely to repeat for the same key, such as a message-id). For example,
if every encrypted structure starts with an id that never repeats among
structures, and all "security-wise meaningful" blocks follow it, you are
_probably_ safe.

(2) if the key is never re-used among structures you encrypt.

AND (3) If you don't care about replacement attacks on the (1 to i)
blocks that will result only in a (possibly-undetected) corruption when
decrypting the i+1 block (rather than two blocks, with a varying and
non-attacker-changeable). For example: If Message #1 and Message #2 are
encrypted with the same key, you can take blocks 1,2,3,..,i of Message
#2 and paste them in Message #1, and only block i+1 will decrypt badly.
If you had protected (attacker unchangeable) and varying IV's, block 1
would have decrypted badly too, for whatever it's worth.
(Comment: block 1 can be any higher index, as long as there are no
earlier blocks that differ between the messages.)

As the others stressed: the implication of these conditions/limitations,
as well as others which I may have not spotted, depend on the protocol...


P.S. Aram, as you know, I am signed on the OMA NDA, so you can send me
the protocol. If other members here are signed on the OMA NDA, I guess
it could be useful if you notified Aram in a private message, so you can
get your copy and examine it too.

Hagai Bar-El - Information Security Analyst
T/F: 972-8-9354152 Web: www.hbarel.com

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