so the assertion in the previous post man in the middle, SSL

was that sitekey as being introduced because of shortcomings in SSL 
countermeasures to
man-in-the-middle attacks .... however sitekey only deals with simple 
and is easily defeated with a man-in-the-middle attack

in earlier post man in the middle, SSL

there was reference to SSL attempting to address man-in-the-middle attacks and 
"are you really talking to the server that you think you are talking to". 
however, SSL might be better characterized as verifying that the operator of 
the webserver is the owner  of the corresponding domain name ... aka a digital 
certificate & pki operation  demonstrates that the operator of the webserver 
has use of the private key that corresponds to the "public key" in the digital 
certificate ... bound to the domain name. The browser than validates that the 
domain name in the URL is the same as  the domain name in the (validated) 
digital certificate.

one of my assertions is that problems cropped up when the public started 
webservers with buttons that they clicked on ... significantly degrading any 
association in most of the publics' mind between URLs and the webserver. Since
the public weren't effectively associating URLs with webservers ... and the only
function provided by SSL (as countermeasure to man-in-the-middle attacks) was 
the correspondence between the URL and the webserver .... a widening security 
exists between the "buttons" that the public associate with webservers and the 
which is the unit of validation by SSL

one conclusion is if countermeasures are introduced that don't actually
address the actual security vulnerabilities ... then they may not be able
to eliminate those security vulnerabilities.

so one countermeasure that has been introduced (to close some part of the 
security gap) 
is by some of the email clients which look for "buttons" in the content ... and 
if the 
label of the button appears to be a url/http ... it checks if the actual 
url/http is the 
same as the claimed url/http. if they don't match ... the email client will 
flag the 
email as potential problem. The simple countermeasure by attackers ... is to 
not use a 
http/url label for the button (i.e. just label the button something else, say 
name of some financial institution).

Another kind of approach trying to close the gap between what the people 
associate with 
webservers and the actual URL used ... is to take a page out of PGP and have a 
list of 
"trusted" urls (or at least domain names). Browsers display the assigned trust 
recorded for that domain name used in the URL (and then SSL verifies that the 
contacted is actually the webserver for that URL). This would start to provide 
a mechanism  for closing the gap between what the public deals with and the 
part of 
the infrastructure being checked by SSL.

(at least) two problems with this approach:

1) a repository of URL trust levels is almost identical to a trusted public key 
repository (directly used by PGP). the repository could directly record both 
URL, the public key  for that URL as well as the associated trust level. 
this would be another demonstration  of digital certificates being redundant 
and superfluous in an online world and would provide  the basis for a more 
environment than the current SSL operation .... misc. past posts mentioning
certificateless public key operation

2) so the new (old) attack is social engineering attempting to get people to 
click on 
various  buttons that change the trust level in their local trust repository. 
however, that also  exists today ... social engineering to get people to load 
certification authority digital certificates into their local (certificate 
authority public key) repository.

so number #1 doesn't eliminate all possible attacks ... however, it actually 
addresses one of the identified security vulnerabilities/attacks ... as opposed 
to supplying "fixes" for things other than what is actually broken.  

lots of past posts mentioning ssl domain name certificates .... including posts 
long thread about the certificates providing more of a feeling of "comfort", as 
to actually security, integrity, trust, etc.

note that #1, in attempt to close the gap between what the public associates 
websites ... and what is SSL is validated for a website (i.e. some chance that 
operator of a webserver reached by the domain name in the URL is the same as 
the owner 
of that domain name) ... it can actually close some of the gaps ... but in 
doing so, it 
increases the need for endpoints with some level of integrity ... and/or it 
leaves the 
end-points as possibly the weaskest link in the trust chain. also as outlined 
in #1, the 
possibly integrity improvement that comes from a local trust repository ... can 
result in making digital certificates even more redundant and superfluous 
reduce the need for public key operations ... just further reduces the need for 
certificates as a trust mechanism) ... this is similar to other examples where 
levels of trusts, also reduce the need for digital certificates as a trust 
mechanism ... 
misc. related posts on the subject

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