I suppose I should also have note that the master key going into KDF2
would be derived with PBKDF2 from a password if this is a password
derived set of keys, to get the extra features of a salt and iterator
to slow down brute force.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 04:21:39AM -0400, Adam Back wrote:
> The non-banking version of this is the KDF2 function in IEEE1363a.
> Same deal:  
> void KDF2( const void* Z, int, const void* P, int, void* K, int );
> Z = master-key, P = permuter, K = derived key
> each is variable sized.  (Sorry I implemented the source for someone
> who has the copyright or you could have that).  It's very simple to
> implement however:
> key = SHA1( Z || 0 || P ) || SHA1( Z || 1 || P ) ...
> for as many bytes as you need.  So I would eg use P = "AES" and P =
> "HMACS" to derive two different key.  Looks like KDF2 has the same
> problem John mentioned, so don't do that (let attacker chose P).

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