> WASHINGTON -- Computer hackers, once satisfied to test their skills on
> large companies, are turning their sights to home computers that are
> faster, more powerful and less secure than ever before.
On my private computer (DSL, dynamically assigned IP address), I
detect an increasing density
one of the largest financial networks ... slightly different kind
again financial ... discussion of additional kinds of risks/threats
Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk
Intro ...
Judge OKs FBI Keyboard Sniffing
By Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. Jan. 4, 2002 PST
WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department can legally use a controversial
electronic surveillance technique in its prosecution of an alleged mobster.
In the first ca
January 3, 2002
Tech Center
Home Computers Are Becoming
More Common Target for Hackers
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Computer hackers, once satisfied to test their skills on
large companies