After a long effort, I finally got agreement from my company to make our encryption algorithms freely available. (See if you care.) Somewhat unexpectedly, we now have a number of queries saying basically "That's unpatriotic, giving it away to the terrorists!" Note that they were already *available* to them, it just wasn't free for all uses! So I guess it's unpatriotic to fail to make money from these terrible weapons. I won't even get into the issue of me being a furriner in the first place. Anyway.

I'm perfectly capable of writing my own words on the subject, but I also know that they've been written many times before. What are people's "favourite", succinct expressions of why it's OK to give away encryption algorithms?

To keep the list uncluttered, I suggest people send me suggestions, and I'll compile, collate, and report back to the list.

thanks and regards,

Greg Rose                                       INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Qualcomm Australia          VOICE:  +61-2-9817 4188   FAX: +61-2-9817 5199
Level 3, 230 Victoria Road,      
Gladesville NSW 2111    232B EC8F 44C6 C853 D68F  E107 E6BF CD2F 1081 A37C

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