Cryptography-Digest Digest #602, Volume #10      Sun, 21 Nov 99 07:13:03 EST

  Howto make an S/MIME key for Netscape with openssl (Pinhead)
  Re: Nova program on cryptanalysis -- also cipher contest (Troed)


From: "Markku J. Saarelainen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 01:10:21 +0000

Copyright 1996 Markku J. Saarelainen

NOTE: This Intelligence Analysis Vision was first published in January,
1995 and revised twice in July, 1995 and January, 1996. This is the
third revision of the original vision document, and this revision will
be revised within one year. If you have any constructive comments and/or
recommendations for revising this vision statement and/or any related
objectives, please, send them to my email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- thank you in advance for your participation in this important
development process.



                                        July, 1996


                                Markku J. Saarelainen


        1. Foreword
        2. Electronic Documentation and Records
        3. Intelligence Analyst
        4. Electronic Consultation
        5. Information Security Solutions
        6. Management Organization
        7. Global Information Networks
        8. Changes in Human Behavior and Organizational Culture
        9. Communication Technologies Standardization
        10. Conclusions


The future technologies and advancements in different sciences shall
enable us to change our communication and human interaction processes.
We have already various options and alternative methods for expressing
ourselves and communicating our messages to our desired and targeted
receivers. However, the number of these options will increase and the
effectiveness of different communication techniques will improve in the
future. Not only the communication become faster, but the content and
scope of the information and data will become more complex and broader.
We will be able to receive, process, store, maintain and analyze
communications and signals faster, more effectively and reliably.

These changes shall require us to update and develop our intelligence
analysis systems to keep up with this fast information technology
development and innovation. We will need to be able to provide technical
and behavioral solutions, and to response to specific organizational
needs and demands. It will be important to ask right questions and it
shall be essential for us to provide right answers to these questions:

What is the future of the intelligence system analysis?

How does the information age revolutionize the philosophy and principles
of the intelligence analysis?

What is the role of the intelligence analyst?

What are the future requirements for intelligence analysis systems?

What are required changes in our national and global organizations?

How can we facilitate organizational changes so that results would be
most optimum?


The transformation from manual and paper processing systems to fully
computerized and electronic systems was started decades ago, but it
continues today and the nature of this transformation changes and
develops further to improve the communication and information
processing. A major portion of the information is recorded and retained
electronically. The content of the recorded information changes also.
The information can include both video, audio and data. Needs for hard
copies of documents and records decrease, and in many cases hard copies
become unnecessary. It is possible to access a lot of the information
that is required to perform both suitability and conformity intelligence
assessments without being in the location that is analysised. In
addition, new sensor, monitoring and video/audio technologies can be
utilized more efficiently and reliably to gather, collect and record the
intelligence system activities, and then store this information for the
future analysis and replay purposes.


The intelligence analyst is able to access the electronic information
anywhere around the world with appropriate access controls and
confidentiality agreements in place. The analysis can be performed from
the home office or from anywhere else. The analyst can perform complete
analysis using the information available in the management's electronic
information system. The analyst may also delegate many of these analysis
functions to tailored software applications and routines used to perform
analysis and evaluations of the management's information. The analyst is
to perform more analysis in a shorter period of time and provide more
accurate results including extensive and complete analysis of the
intelligence system performance and the achievement of any specific
intelligence objectives and targets (see ISBN February 1995). The
intelligence analyst can make intelligence analysis findings and
analysis available for management review faster and improve the
intelligence of this information. In addition, the analyst can utilize
natural language applications to perform  the intelligence analysis,
which reduces the analyst's dependence on any particular language.


The technical information and assistance have become more readily
available for the intelligence analyst. The intelligence analyst may
access to any previous analysis case files and records to seek
assistance and guidance for necessary analysis interpretations. Specific
knowledge databases including video, text and sound are available for
the intelligence analyst's remote access. This information can include
specific standard requirements and working documents, and management,
client and analyst information, language knowledge, past analysis
performance and any other relevant information. In addition, the analyst
may access to assigned electronic consultancies for seeking assistance
in any specific technical issue. This all  speeds up the completion of
the intelligence system analysis and improves the accuracy and
consistency of the analysis results in general.


To ensure the adequate security during the analysis communications and
in any analysis processes, security controls are utilized in the
information systems and electronic networks. The intelligence analysis
use either directly or indirectly various methods and techniques for the
data encryption and information access control. In addition, the client,
management and analyst organizations implement the information security
solutions that are necessary to ensure the adequate access to the
analysis information by the analyst, but still to maintain the analysis
confidentiality and privacy and the organizational integrity. The
company-wide Information Security Systems (see GSSN October 1995) have
an important role in the overall information and communication
management processes.


Because intelligence system analysis are based on electronic information
processing systems, the managements develop their internal information
processing systems to maintain and manage intelligence records,
documentation and data in the electronic databases. In addition, the
managements develop easy, flexible and fast video, audio and data
communication systems and interfaces between the analyst, the management
and any other individuals involved and needed in the intelligence system
analysis. However, new information processing applications establish new
requirements for ensuring the integrity of the information and
developing reliable and effective tools to protect the organization's
information against any unwanted tampering and changes.


The future intelligence system analysis are enabled by growing and
advanced global information networks (ATM, SONET and other technologies)
including a variety of different satellite and earth based communication
technologies including wireless communication tools. Satellites such as
Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEOs) enable fast, reliable and accurate
communication anywhere around the globe. The software applications for
processing images, audio, video and data are being developed to utilize
these communication networks. Both the intelligence analyst and the
management develop their internal information systems to communicate
both internally and externally, and to interface with the global
information network.


Changes in information processing technologies establish new
requirements for people, who are using these technologies. The
achievement of this vision requires major changes in corporate cultures.
Individuals are required to use sophisticated communication systems,
computers and software applications. This by itself can cause major
resistance to the organizational change. In addition, individuals have
to learn and adopt new ways of processing information and data, and
using global database systems to manage, retrieve and obtain necessary
information for performing their work activities. The information
systems maintain also records of
various organizational activities such as all uses of documents and
data, work activities performed by personnel, customer and supplier
purchase orders, uses of facilities and conditions of current storage
locations. This may cause some loss of "perceived employee privacy" that
can create additional barriers to required organizational changes. The
organizations have to use appropriate development techniques to minimize
any resistance and organizational stress (see  ISBN October 1995, ISBN
April 1994, ISBN May 1994 and ISBN July 1996).

Organizational culture is one of the most fundamental aspects of any
organization. Cultures - including beliefs, values, norms, attitudes,
general intentions, and other behaviors features - are very much
dependent on an organization's internal behaviors that are, of course,
influenced strongly by external market forces such as customers and
competition. Certain cultural characteristics and behaviors are more
suitable for certain environmental situations and circumstances.
Management should enforce and facilitate the adoption of cultural
characteristics that help to develop and implement organizational and
management systems. There are general cultural features that are
considered to be beneficial and helpful during and after the development
and implementation of any organizational system such as a intelligence
system or a global intelligence analysis system. These cultural
characteristics include, but certainly not limited to,

* Capability to THINK SMALL, while maintaining  the BIG picture
* Having FUN, while doing work and developing intelligence systems
* Helping everybody to GROW during development projects
* REWARDing achievements and good development results
* DISCIPLINE and ability to WAIT for long-term results
* Commitment to TRAINING and EDUCATION
* Company wide and well-communicated MISSIONS and visions
* FLEXIBILITY and ability to adjust and CHANGE
* HIGH and well-maintained employee MORALE
* Good and EFFECTIVE internal COMMUNICATION systems
* Adequate HUMAN and other RESOURCES
* MINIMIZATION of unnecessary work and activities


Several standardization organizations are developing both national and
international standards for many different communication technologies.
ISO, International Organization for Standardization, may be one of the
best known standard developers globally. The interconnectivity between
different communication and information processing systems is essential
for the development and implementation of future global networks. The
intelligence analysis require easy and fast communication between
different systems that can be manufactured by different software and
hardware manufacturers. Without common standards for transmitting and
receiving data from one system to another, intelligence analysis can not
rely totally on electronic communication systems. The international
standards have to be also developed and implemented for data models and
information structures, query functions in intelligence records
databases, information security protocols, wireless information
processing, document formats and any other pertaining communication and
database management technologies. However, the timing of standards
development and publication is essential in order to benefit fully from
technological development, while maintaining the open and motivated
spirit in the technological innovation.


The future is both interesting and challenging. It requires an
efficient, intelligent and accurate cooperation between information
technology specialists, analysts, managements, standardization bodies,
communication system manufacturers and other organizations to implement
this intelligence analysis vision. The road is not going to be easy and
it may take many turns. To achieve this vision everybody's
determination, willingness, motivation and leadership (see GSSN November
1995) are needed to develop communication and information processing
systems (see GSSN July 1996), standards and organizational cultures
further to meet future requirements and to achieve the Global
Intelligence Analysis Vision and the following objectives:

Earth and satellite based communication systems are used for regular
business and analysis communications transmitting data, audio and video
quickly, reliably and timely.

Intelligence analysis performed remotely from anywhere.

Secure communication methods including encryption and access control are
developed to enable the analysis confidentiality, security and

Sensor and monitoring technologies are used to gather, collect and
record the information about work and intelligence system activities.

Intelligence analysis information is stored, recorded and maintained in
the database systems including audio, video and data.

Software applications are used and partly programmed by the analyst to
obtain analysis information from the management's information databases.

The analysts can perform almost 100 % of the analysis and report results
of these analysis to management reviews timely, reliably and with
improved  intelligence.

The Intelligence analyst can access remotely any support information,
documents and data including any past analysis files and databases.

Designated electronic consultancies help analysts and managements to
improve the consistency in the technical interpretations.

Organizations prepare and train their personnel to use, implement,
maintain new communication technologies and information systems to
reduce resistance to organizational change.

Organizational cultures and behaviors are changed and transformed to
adopt new communication and analysis systems and technologies.

Dependency to any natural languages is reduced by using standard
language protocols, software applications and voice recognition

International standards are developed to enable the effective operation
of interconnected global communication networks.


Copyright 1996 Markku J. Saarelainen


From: Pinhead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Howto make an S/MIME key for Netscape with openssl
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:54:58 GMT


Subject: Re: Nova program on cryptanalysis -- also cipher contest
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 09:55:28 GMT

"@li" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>You can use a coordinate system using 2-dimentional arrays (although I am
>not sure how to define the size of 2-dim arrays at run-time).  For example:
>then all you have to do is check the x's and the y's for a match.
>so you can define same row/column to be when x1==x2 or y1==y2

I work as a professional software engineer, so the actual coding part
is no problem. I'm more interested in actual Playfair rules that can
be used to go from bigram guesses (or statistics) to a partly
reconstructed square :)




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