I'm a computer science student from Uruguay and I have a great interest in 3d 
rendering engines and games. 
Last year I took a couple of courses in computer graphics (an introductory and 
an advanced one), and as part of those courses I had the chance to implementa 
rendering engine using XNA. We also implemented a couple of off-line renderers, 
a simple raytracer and another with photon mapping.

I have been following gsoc for the last couple of years, but never applied. Now 
I feel prepared so I want to make a proposal to participate with 
CrystalSpace.My idea is basically implementing
the technique described in the paper ”Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination
in Image Space” which you can find 

It is based on SSAO, but instead of averaging an occlusion factor and 
it by the unoccluded direct illumination, it calculates the direct illumination 
using Screen-Space Directional Occlusion (SSDO), accumulating incoming
direct radiance from each visible direction. This way it can render colored and 
oriented shadows, whereas ssao renders grey shadows which remain unaffected by 
light color and direction.In addition, the algorithm goes a step further and 
computes one bounce of indirect light using the frame-buffer from the ssdo 
pass.This technique requires a bit more processing than ssao (+3% overhead for 
SSDO only, +30% overhead for SSDO + one indirect bounce according to the 
paper)and the results are significantly better.
I would like to hear some advice from you, if you are interested in making this 
a SoC project.I still have to dig a lot more into the source code, but I think 
this technique could integrate well, specially with the deferred renderer. It 
could be made as a 
feature which you can turn on/off, with some customizable parameters to adjust 
quality/performance. I would implement a demo to show the technique, andmaybe I 
could also implement ssao to compare both, and have them both integrated into 
the engine.
Thanks!Santiago Sánchez

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