Use UnlitGeneric, and info_point to declare where the lighting origin is.

For -staticproplighting, it uses the alpha channel of the basetexture. If
you have applied a normal map, you must put the alpha in the normal map and
declare that in the vmt with $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.

If you're still having problems you can apply $selfillum and control the
brightness in the alpha mask. Though, this method is last resort.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Andrew Thompson <>wrote:

> Not sure where the best place to report an sdk bug is, but figured I'd
> start here. I spent the day experimenting with the "Ignore Surface Normal"
> setting in prop_static. It appears that there is a bug causing it to behave
> unpredictably when a map is compiled with -StaticPropLighting. Since in a
> final compile you'll want -StaticPropLighting on, this is a big problem for
> Ignore Surface Normal.
> My situation: I have created card versions of my tree models. I would like
> them to use Ignore Surface Normal so that they match the env lighting in
> the map but are uniformly lit.
> To demonstrate the issue I gave the cards a solid gray texture and took
> some screenshots:
> 1) Ignore Surface Normal ON, -StaticPropLighting OFF:
> 2) Ignore Surface Normal ON, -StaticPropLighting ON:
> 3) Ignore Surface Normal OFF, -StaticPropLighting ON:
> Between 2 and 3, you can see that Ignore Surface Normals is doing
> something, but isn't behaving properly. If it were working, 2 should look
> identical to 1.
> I hope this gets fixed. For now, I guess I can either deal with awkward
> lighting, or make them unlit and manually edit the brightness.
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