Earlier, I've written at various times:
>>>>> On this page:
>>>>> http://www.callibeth.com/about.php
>>>>> the bottom of the div gmain3 is covered up by the footer when the height
>>>>> of
>>>>> the browser windows is between 665px and 750px tall.
>>> Within these
>>> resolutions the gmain div is covered up by the footer and there is no
>>> scroll bar to allow the user to access the bottom of the gmain div. At
>>> larger and smaller heights this is not a problem.

> On Vista, I see the problem in Chrome and Safari , but not in FF and Opera.

Even further clarification of the problem: Besides the inaccessible
content at a set range of browser window heights, the footer text was
repositioning around the gmain3 div as a float in that same range.

I got some help by consulting

The first problem -- inaccessible block of text --  was solved by
increasing bottom padding on the gmain3 div's to equal the depth of
the footer. That's relatively easy to understand. No pun intended, but
I'll let it stand.

The second problem -- floating footer text -- was solved by adding the
class .clearfix to the gmain3 div and adding this clearfix hack to the
css code:

.clearfix:after {content: ".";
   display: block;
   height: 0;
   clear: both;
   visibility: hidden;}
.clearfix {display: inline-block;}
/* Hides from IE-mac \*/
* html .clearfix { height: 1%;}
.clearfix {display: block;}
/* End hide from IE-mac */

I thought the clearfix hack was for browsers that are dead and/or
dying. Not so? It seems to fix the the clearing problem in my updated
webkit browers on Vista.

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