This page has a Suckerfish dropdown menu:
The left two dropdowns correctly overlap the form that's below them in FF,
Opera & IE7, but in IE6 those two menus drop down *behind* the Quicklinks
Carol Doersom schrieb:
...Hovering on any of the links in IE6 causes all the
text below that link to jump down a pixel or two
Ingo Chao wrote:
haven't had a thorough look, but you are serving
Carol Doersom wrote: Hovering on any of the links in IE6 causes all the
text below that link to jump down a pixel or two.
David Laasko wrote:
>An interesting concept, Carol-- but not user friendly on my
end(XP_SP2). Seems screen >reso
I've got a list of links, each containing an image that appears in a
fixed location when you hover over the link. Works fine in Firefox,
Netscape and Opera. Hovering on any of the links in IE6 causes all the
text below that link to jump down a pixel or two.
I'm guessing this is the IE a:hover