I would like to add to the original question.  I received a request from
a developer who wants not only what's described in the ALA article,
http://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins, but he also wants
the "menu area" width to expand if text is resized.  Each column needs
to retain its background color all the way down to the footer.  See the
request I got below:

------------------- orginal request ----------------------

Is there a way, in IE 6+ to do something like the following. Keep the
following assumptions in mind:
- All text should support user resizing (using View, Text Size).
- The page should strive to use all of the browser's horizontal space.
That way, on high resolution monitors (at work, I use 1600 pixels by
1200 pixels) that "extra" space is not wasted.

| Menu area with the | Content area that fills/uses   |
| width specified in | the remaining browser window.  |
| EMs. That way the  | If the browser window gets     |
| menu width will    | sized wider, this area will    |
| change if the user | also grow wider.               |
| changes the font   |                                |
| size (using View,  |                                |
| Text Size).        |                                |
|                    |                                |
| This area should   |                                |
| have a background  |                                |
| color, and should  |                                |
| extend to at least |                                |
| display all of the |                                |
| menu text. If the  |                                |
| content area is    |                                |
| longer than the    |                                |
| menu, the menu     |                                |
| background should  |                                |
| extend to the      |                                |
| bottom of the      |                                |
| content area.      |                                |

Example of menu that is "shorter" than content area.
| Home               | Content area that fills/uses   |
| Search             | the remaining browser window.  |
| Reference          | If the browser window gets     |
| About Us           | sized wider, this area will    |
|                    | also grow wider. This content  |
|                    | could be a little or a lot, it |
|                    | just depends.                  |

Example of menu that is "longer" than content area.
| Home               | Welcome to our home page.      |
| Search             |                                |
| Reference          |                                |
| About Us           |                                |
------------------- end original request -------------------

Christopher M. Kelly, Sr. (GM22)
State Farm Insurance Companies - disAbility Support
website: http://intranet.opr.statefarm.org/sysdisab/
phone: 309-763-7069

"[Web] Access is not about adding wheelchair ramps to existing pages.
It's about getting your page right in the first place. This medium was
designed to be accessible. If your work isn't accessible, you're doing
it wrong..." - Owen Briggs, Web and CSS guru,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:39 PM
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] 2 Column layout + equal height problem

> If you are up for starting from scratch, try the 2 col layout on this 
> page: <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins>
> It will walk you through the faux col business. And it is a very 
> stable robust layout....If you prefer a fixed width layout, simply 
> wrap it in a giant wrapper with a fixed width assigned to it.

You can save a div by moving #wrapper outside of the banner and footer
and setting the width on that.  

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