This is my first CSS post so apologies on any 'errors' re protocol.

I have an unusual situation that I am trying to find a work around on.

We use the FCKEditor to allow our users to generate HTML snippets that
can be saved in a database, and then later these snippets are stitched
together on and HTML page for display.

FCKEditor allows you to use an 'internal' style sheet for items that are
within the editor. We have set up a base style sheet to give our users a
limited range.

Now - our base template HTML pages use a style sheet (very complex one),
and I am placing the gathered snippets within a DIV, that way it makes
it easy to position the DIV on the page and set its width etc.

My problem is this.

The Editors Style sheet is different from our main templates one and
anything that is displayed with the DIV is subject to interaction from
the page in general

Is there a way to set a style sheet in the DIV and have the DIV process
anything that is within it using this style sheet REGARDLESS of what the
Main page style sheet is set to.

So as style sheets go - the DIV is totally separate from the page style.

I know I could possibly do this as an IFrame but there are reasons that
I would prefer not to do this. Although an IFrame would be totally
independent of the parent page in regards to styles.

Any suggestions are welcome. 

Many Thanks

Dave Boccabella

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