Re: [css-d] Table cells don't always inherit font size

2008-02-18 Thread James Eaton
I just tried this, which seems to do the trick in the Thunderbird browser. Is this fairly universal? body { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.4; color: #00; } table { font-size: inherit; } From: James Eaton > What's

[css-d] Table cells don't always inherit font size

2008-02-18 Thread James Eaton
What's a simple way to be sure that all tables will inherit the font size from the body font declaration? The browser that I'm having a hard time with right now is Mozilla's Thunderbird. All the others that I care about seem to inherit the font size correctly. body { font-family: verdana, a

Re: [css-d] Table cell border color in Firefox

2007-08-05 Thread James Eaton
Oops, bad link. Try this one: - Original Message - From: "James Eaton" To: Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 7:11 PM Subject: [css-d] Table cell border color in Firefox > My apologies ahead of time if this is a JavaScript problem rather th

[css-d] Table cell border color in Firefox

2007-08-05 Thread James Eaton
My apologies ahead of time if this is a JavaScript problem rather than CSS. It appears to me to be CSS, but... http::/ This works correctly in IE6, but not in Firefox The issue is that when mousing over the header row in Firefox, the effect only works correctl

[css-d] Centered div jumps in Firefox, not IE

2007-03-29 Thread James Eaton
In Firefox a centered div on a page will move left or right, depending on whether vertical scroll bars appear in the browser window, while in IE it remains in one place. Is there a workaround for this in Firefox?

[css-d] Textarea font consistency

2006-12-21 Thread James Eaton
I'm having a hard time sizing text within textarea form elements and getting something consistent in appearance in both IE and Firefox. What's the trick? I've tried using em, px, and pt sizes, tried leaving the default font-family and explicitly designating it. But in every case I get incons

[css-d] Contextual selector plus explicit class

2006-03-15 Thread James Eaton
What are the rules regarding contextual selectors used in combination with explicit class declarations? I'm trying to use something like the following, but a class set in the element has no effect (in Firefox and IE6): table.stats { border-collapse: collapse; } .stats th { padding: 3px

Re: [css-d] Shorthand Properties

2006-02-13 Thread James Eaton
Thanks, but that wasn't what I was looking for. My question was whether or not there were any browser issues or other issues that would make it advisable to avoid any particular shorthand properties. - Original Message - From: "Peter Moulding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[css-d] Shorthand Properties

2006-02-13 Thread James Eaton
Are there any practical guidelines as to when and when not to use shorthand properties? Or perhaps a guide that shows browser compatibility. I've noticed in the many CSS examples I've been looking at lately that developers seem to universally use some shorthand properties (e.g. 'background')

[css-d] What's causing the offset of items in this form?

2006-02-08 Thread James Eaton
In this test I have two forms, each with text input field and submit button. In the top example the button is a standard type="submit", and the two items line up as I'd expect. In the bottom one I use a type="image" button. What causes the vertical alignment offset in the bottom example? ht

[css-d] Can div be wider than viewport without horizontal scoll bar?

2006-02-06 Thread James Eaton
Is there a way to have a div wider than the viewport without causing the browser to display a horizontal scroll bar? __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] IE7b2 testing hub -- http://c

[css-d] Frameset DTDs

2006-02-02 Thread James Eaton
Are the frameset DTDs for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 more akin to the strict or transitional versions of each? Should a frameset DTD be used for source pages that appear within those frames, or are they only needed on pages containing frameset tags? Should they be used for pages that utilize ifram