
I am having 2 separate issues with my CSS that I will list in order. I would 
really appreciate any help I can get. The test site is located at: 

1.) I've been working the last couple hours attempting to fix the weird way my 
links are behaving within my main navigation menu after they are styled. I 
found the guilty lines in my css that are conspiring against me, namely, my ul 
{ margin-top: -60px; } and the ul a { line-height: 30px;}. With the active, 
clickable area completely dependent on the line-height area the problem is that 
neither is willing to respond by moving along with the text and negative 
top-margin. Mad!

So, as I move the text in the navmenu up with the negative margin, the 
clickable area is reduced. The only relationship the active area (line-height) 
and the negative top-margin has is the text. Only the text that is within the 
apparently unmovable line-height area is clickable so with a -15px top-margin 
for example, only half of the text is clickable because the top half is outside 
of the clickable-area, and a -60px, which is where I want it, is completely 
outside of the unmovable line-height "clickable" area.

I thought to enlarge the line-height to something like 75px but it creates a 
huge blank space below the navigation menu. 

2.) I ran into an issue with my floated liquid images around the same time I 
went back and added the margins (also in percentages), even though I was 
careful not to go over 100% width (removing the margins again doesn't fix 
anything so this is just conjecture). The problem only occurs in Mozilla and 
doesn’t occur in IE6. 

It seems when I shrink the browser window in mozilla after a certain point the 
liquid images pop into their full size and are no longer liquid unless I 
maximize the browser window and hit refresh. The paragraphs take up the entire 
width of the div and the images, at their full dimensions, drop below the 
paragraphs. I have all the css for this on my linked CSS document.

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