>Is this what one would call a "hijacked thread"? Just asking.

Nope, this is what is called an unholy mishmash of off-topicness and, 
frankly, rudeness.

My apologies to you Rayburn for your first post descending into one 
of css-d's rare fits of losing the plot. (Though do please start new 
threads/questions with a brand new message ;)

css-discuss is not a place to discuss:

* what are the right and wrong ways of writing markup
* which users you should be addressing
* which browsers you should be targeting
* how accessible or usable you should make your site
* the benefits of using or not using standards

All declared as off topic at


* mailing list administrator's approach to where replies go

All comments about issues which relate to the policies and 
administration of the list should be addressed off list to the owner 
of the list. That said, there is an explanation of why things are as 
they are here:


* quoting styles

Again, issues of list policy should be addressed directly to the list 
owner and not to the list itself. That said...

 From http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html
"Trim your replies. If you have more quotation than original text, 
think about cutting down on the quoted stuff. The list members can 
look at the message to which you responded, or check the archive. 
Prune that quoted text with ruthless abandon."

The moderators normally don't do anything more than send private 
messages to overquoters asking them to mend their ways. We also don't 
normally freak out about top posting even though we don't like it and 
advise against it. We have however, provided info on the wiki as to 
how to deal with problems that make Gmail a pain to other members of 
the list.


* philosophy

 From http://www.css-discuss.org/policies.html
"css-discuss is primarily intended to be a place for authors to 
discuss real-world uses of CSS. This doesn't preclude discussions of 
theory, or nifty cutting-edge tricks that show off the power of CSS, 
or even talking about (X)HTML, DOM, and so forth. However, it's 
greatly appreciated if such discussions have some practical payoff, 
even if it's just teaching other list members a little bit more about 
how CSS works."

Finally, but most importantly, are these words of Eric's from the 
list policies which I think need repeating:

"Above all, if you can't answer with a modicum of respect, or without 
feeling somehow annoyed by the question, then DO NOT ANSWER AT ALL."


Alex Robinson
css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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