Wonder if anyone can help.

I've put together a CSS navigation based upon
http://alistapart.com/articles/slidingdoors/: see
http://www.countingclouds.co.uk/dump/css-query .

The main navigation (Home / Widgets / Flibberts / Doobies / Contact Us
) is an unordered list (UL), uses some images to implement some of the
drop-shadowing, images as backgrounds of the <li> and <a href> tags.
This works OK-ish, doesn't scale well if you increase the font-size in
Firefox (using 2.x), so do CTRL-+ and it gets messy. That's one issue.

The sub-navigation (Widgets: What are Widgets? / Widgets: World of
Widgets / Widget Food / Widget Life / etc ...) is implemented as a
<DIV> and <p>'s. I tried implementing this as an unordered list where
the sub-nav <UL> is as list-item of the main-nav unordered list, but
couldn't get it to work. This is the correct way to implement this
semantically, but just couldn't work it out. One of the tricky things
seemed to be the border issues between main nav and sub nav.

My questions:
- Anyone suggest any better ways to implement this than I have?
Particularly re: the scaling if the font-size is increased.
- Anyone any suggestions re: how to deal with the sub-nav being an UL
in a LI of the main nav?

Many thanks,
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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