I have a website and I have a PayPal shopping cart. I had a small 
problem and fixed it but the style is slightly a problem in IE. In 
Firefox, the site looks fine, but in IE the image which is the button 
for viewing your cart (it looks like text saying "cart") is too high up  
and out of horizontal line with the rest of the links in the navigation 
table. And the second row of the navigation table is taller than the 
first row. I would like to have both rows the same height, and the image 
for the link to the customer's shopping cart to be in line with the 
other links.

The website is here: http://www.possets.com
The style sheet is here: http://www.possets.com/scent/scent.css

I did not put the style sheet in the top part of the webpage I want to 
show you because I thought it would be much clearer if it were cited 
separately, it's rather complex.

Thanks for any help you can give me on this.

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