Hi all,
Thanks for the great list. I'm delurking in the hopes that you guys might
have some advice.

I've posted a new page design for my employer (corp. ID  removed for
nondisclosure reasons).


As expected, it's behaving...

* well in Firefox for windows.
* Somewhat OK in Safari for mac: unexplained margin problems w/ menu
  under corp. logo.
* IE for Windows: not so much. (see below)

Specifically: in IE 6 Win., the 'search' div in the bottom of the
leftnav is not lining up w/ the footer as it does in Firefox. Also,
it's breaking the box in which it resides, revealing the torrid green
div beneath. Any ideas on what box model problem is causing this?

I'm sadly acquainted w/ IE box model hacks and could code around the
problem if I knew what it was, but as it is, I'm stumped.

Any help with root of Safari menu problem would be appreciated as well.

thanks in advance

"It's possible to divide the world into two groups:
those who divide the world into two groups
and those who do not."
        --Robert Benchley

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