BJ wrote:

I just this morning got caught by similar. How many of us have used this?

.clearA {

        overflow: hidden;
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0;

It no longer validates and is probably used in every dang stylesheet I've got out there . . .

Once I changed it to line-height: .01em; it validates.

Do you have any reason to believe that a line-height of 0 is invalid? When in doubt, check the spec. [1] As you can see, the value of line-height can be a length. [2] Length units are specifically allowed to be zero, and the line-height definition explicitly states, "Negative values are illegal." (And therefore, by implication, zero values are allowed.) Further, if you add any unit to your zero value, suddenly the validator stops throwing a parse error complaining about an empty string. And again checking the spec [2], the length unit indicator is explicitly optional for zero values. Clearly, therefore, the validator is broken in this respect. I filed a bug report.

More generally, please remember that the validator is a tool. It helps you to check your work, but it is a computer program and not an adequate substitute for reasoned human judgment. If you find a place where the spec and the validator disagree, the spec is correct. This is doubly so when the properties flagged continue to work just as they always have in actual browsers. Neither Mozilla, nor IE, nor Opera, nor Safari are directly connected to the validator in any way.

So don't worry about every dang stylesheet you have out there. They all still work just fine.

1. <>
2. <>


-Adam Kuehn
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