I've never been able to figure out how to center fancier graphical form buttons. I typically implement them like this: <a class="Btn" href="#" onclick="doSomething();"><span class="Ctr">Button Label</span><span class="Right"></span>

It's not the prettiest HTML ever, but it allows me to do variable- sized buttons with a single set of background images. The left edge background is assigned to the <a> tag, the horizontally-repeating center background is assigned to the <span class="Ctr"> tag, and the right edge background to the <span class="Right"> tag.

However, the only way I've been able to get everything to line up is to left-float all of the elements. This (a) makes things difficult when combining the buttons with other elements, and (b) makes it impossible to center a button or group of buttons.

Any ideas regarding a better option?


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