I am following the dropdown guide at 
http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns. Everything works fine but 
I found something a little quirky that is throwing me.

In the <li> tag a width is a constant of 10em. I decided that since I 
can't always guarantee the text size of my list items I would try and 
design things to be as flexible as possible. To accomplish this I tried 
setting my width to auto. That works nicely with variable length text 
but when I hover over a menu item the dropdown menu appears horizontal 
instead of vertical.

My eventual goal is to have a dynamically generated three level vertical 
dropdown with the top menu items being variable length and each 
separated by the same amount of space. I'd also like it to be as browser 
agnostic as possible.

I'm new at this so I think there might be a good approach that I'm not 
aware of. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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