> From: Patrick Roane
> I just need a quick tip on how I can center my menu:
> see www.cpcconstruction.net/1/index.html


You've got a few markup errors that won't be helping your
Run the page past the w3c validator and clean up the errors it shows

Your menu should center for you in FF using the margin: 0 auto;
if you apply it to the right element. Your UL could be goiven a class or
to facilitate that.

<ul class="sitenav">  for example.

You'll need to take care of older IE and quirks mode IE as well though,
which is probably where you are seeing the non-centered menu at present.

You could use text-align: center; on the container div, "info",
then set a compensating text-align: left on child elements that aren't
intended to have centred text, (IE 5 centers all block level elements
in response to text-align: center; .

Using that in combination with the margin: 0 auto; should have your menu
list centered in all the recent browsers.  I didn't test this using your
markup, but it should get you on the right track.

Peter Williams
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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