Herbert Voss writes:

> I uploaded pstricks.tgz to the uk mirror.
> Please replace all files with the ones in
> /graphics/pstricks/doc
> /graphics/pstricks/latex
> /graphics/pstricks/generic
> pstricks.tex has its own color handling, which makes
> it difficult to support packages like color or the
> extended xcolor. These new versions of pstricks.sty
> and pstricks.tex fix some known problems.
> The old package pstcol.sty is obsolete and
> shouldn't be used anymore.
> For more information read the file
> /doc/pstnews1-14.pdf

thanks for the upload; i've installed all the files on the archive,
and updated the catalogue (including a pointer to the new pstnews

thanks for the upload.

Robin Fairbairns

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