Not before time, I've installed v3.17 of the UK TeX FAQ on CTAN
(help/uk-tex-faq) and on the web at

There has been an embarrassingly long delay since the previous version,
3.16c: various personal circumstances have conspired to make completion
of the new version difficult.  The fact is, I'm getting old and I'm
slowing down.

As a result, I've been discussing a change in the way the FAQ is
delivered.  An announcement will be made in due course, but in the
interim I shall be updating the Web version more regularly (only
announcing significant changes).

I append the changes file (which is also available from the
distribution).  This only lists changes since the previous v3.16c, since
it proved impossible to read with all the changes since v3.16 :-(

Robin Fairbairns

UK TeX FAQ maintainer
Changes in version 3.16d

This file incorporates the changes from version 3.16 that previously
appeared in file CHANGES-3.16a, -3.16b and -3.16c; new changes for
this release (3.16d) are marked with a plus ("+") sign.

New answers:
 +Label biblatex: discusses BibTeX replacements (amsrefs, biblatex)
 +Label checksum: "checksum error in font" message
 +Label figurehere: how to avoid floating figures/tables altogether
 +Label entercompmode: "entering compatibility mode" message
 +Label fontsize: how to program arbitrary font sizes in LaTeX
 +Label latexqual: assessing the quality of your LaTeX
 +Label mathonlyref: only referenced equations are numbered
 +Label run-fn-nos: running footnote numbers when class numbers per chapter

Revised answers:
 +Label altabcr: extended examples and tidied a bit
 +Label BibTeXing: add reference to Shell & Hoadley's btxFAQ
 +Label books      mention LaTeX Graphics Companion 2nd edition; use ISBN-13
 +Label CD:        now couched in terms of the TeX collection
 +Label changebar: mention changes.sty
 +Label commercial:update details of Textures
 +Label dec_comma: mention numprint as possible way to get things right
 +Label docpictex: mention PiCTeX summary now on CTAN
 +Label fonts-pln: mention pdcmac bundle
 +Label ftnsect:   rewrite to make recommendations clearer
 +Label getbitmap: reworded to suggest that bitmaps aren't standard any more
 +Label LaTeXtoPlain: suggest ways forward for aspiring translators
 +Label make:      mention autolatex
 +Label man-latex: mention Grätzer's "short course"
 +Label minxampl:  editorial work, including (perhaps) clarifying web version
 +Label newfont*:  was newfont; content rearranged between this, plninltx* and
                   the new label fontsize
 +Label newfunction: expand description
 +Label ol-books:  TeX by Topic now available from CTAN
 +Label papersize: mention Acrobat Reader's default scaling
 +Label plninltx*: was plninltx; content rearranged between this, newfont* and
                   the new fontsize
 +Label protect:   clarify lists of commands known to be fragile, etc
 +Label psfchoice: add links to papers about maths fonts in tex; add fouriernc,
                   mathdesign/FS Garamond, kpfonts, minionpro and mnsymbol
 +Label running-nos: rearrange to emphasise package chngctr
 +Label tabcellalign: rationalised, reduced range of recommendations
 +Label tocbibind:    mention \phantomsection for when doing the job "by hand"
 +Label twooptarg:    mention the xargs package
 +Label unkgrfextn:   mention grffile package
 +Label wdnohyph:     mention \uchyph (not that it's much use)

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