-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
To: "Skull&Bones Weirdo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: The Tampa crash/mind control/911/AF(McDill)/Saudi/Bush-CIA

> x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
> The Bigger Picture
> 1.08.02
> The Tampa crash/mind control/911/AF(McDill)/Saudi Bush-CIA connection
>  ** ALSO/Dubya: Mind control victim?  HE can't stop 'fessing up to major
> 911 complicity/culpability... OVER AND OVER
> Thankfully, a highly-credentialed and well-respected journalist (with
> whom we had a number of contacts over recent years) has put together an
> article that's COMPLETELY on the mark in terms of a number of key
> aspects to recent events in this country and elsewhere.
> Jon Rappoport has already delved deeply into the astounding number of
> massive oddities, inconsistencies, discrepancies and contradictions in
> the official 911 towers of lies, erected by BushMob/FedGov/NWO/CFR
> global gangster elitocrats on the ashes of the Trade Center.
> Now, in the wake of the TRULY odd Tampa hijacking and crash on Saturday,
> Rappoport incisively cuts right to the heart of the matter, and HOW it
> relates to what occurred on September 11 in some BIG, big ways.
> Rappoport ALSO analyzes the extraordinary performance by shrub over the
> weekend where he AGAIN INSISTED that he was FULLY AWARE of the first
> plane hitting the north WTC tower; because he was WATCHING it, SOMEHOW
> Moreover, Shrub even claimed THIS time round that he was FULLY COGNIZANT
> that what had just occurred was likely a "terrorist" attack -- and STILL
> he went ahead with his little photo opp, reading to the schoolkids!
> Just HOW TWISTED is this malignant SHRUB, anyway?
> We talked with Jon last night, after "news" "came out"  a DAY LATER that
> the Tampa hijacker -- OF COURSE -- allegedly had a "note" (written by
> WHOM we can ONLY IMAGINE!!) in his pocket, expressing "support" for some
> BushMob fairy tale named "bin Laden" -- and... maybe some distress over
> a bad case of zits, probably.
> By Monday, CNN was claiming that the note, JUST like the 911 hijacker's
> alleged incredible/indestructible passport, was, as it turns OUT, found
> in the PLANE WRECKAGE, NOT in Charles Bishop's POCKET.
> OOPS -- best SCRATCH that earlier FABLE, BushMobsSpin-meisters!
> THE POINT IS, this unfortunate 15-year-old kid was DEFINITELY a
> victimized sleeper agent, programmed in one or more of the COUNTLESS
> FedGov (intel/military) mind control/manipulation/conditioning programs
> and projects (what used to be called "brainwashing") -- the PRIMARY
> target of which are CHILDREN and YOUNG TEENAGERS.
> Jon Rappoport has this one DOWN, and unsurprisingly manages to convey
> the vital information with notably fewer CAPS than we would do.
> So here it is. THIS is the DEAL.
> And PLEASE do visit
> http://www.NoMoreFakeNews.com/
> = = = = = = =
> http://www.nomorefakenews.com/
> MONDAY, JANUARY 7. Yet more weirdness in the Charles Bishop Tampa
> hijacking/crash story. CNN now reports that the suicide note was found
> "in the wreckage." This puts the magic note on the same level as the
> terrorist passport that could not be destroyed but was found a block
> away from the WTC crash in the street.
> ADD: And the boy's plane flew about 100 feet over the highly secure
> MacDill AFB runway. MacDill, command central for the Afghan war, was not
> the slightest bit concerned that the plane might be carrying a load of
> ADD: No counter-measure was launched from MacDill. People there
> contacted a Coast Guard helicopter which was in the air--a vehicle that
> had no capability of stopping the plane--and the helicopter caught up
> with the plane and tried to signal Bishop to land his craft. To no avail.
> ADD: It's as if someone at MacDill KNEW what the "mission" of this plane
> ADD: Yet, until the helicopter caught up with the plane, no one
> discovered that the 15-year-old boy was flying it.
> Bishop, the 15-year-old boy who crashed a small plane into the Bank of
> America skyscraper in Tampa, Florida, killing himself, had a note in his
> ADD: The note expressed support for Osama bin Laden. I'm sure there was
> a note, although who wrote it and when, and how it found its way into
> ADD: "Can't you make the handwriting match the sample better? What do we
> pay you for?"
> ADD: The kid was quiet, he was a loner, he was an A student, he was
> friendly, he was shy, he was without psychological problems, he was not
> under the care of a shrink, he didn't do drugs, he was not suicidal, he
> was stuck-up. These are some of the contradictory comments from friends
> and the authorities.
> ADD: A fellow student says that shortly after Sept.11, the boy read a
> paper in class about 9/11, in which he expressed his deep
> disappointment. Presumably this disappointment was not the result of the
> fact that part of the financial district in NYC was still left standing.
> Yet, a few months later, there he is, no longer disappointed about the
> tragedy, flying a plane into a building.
> ADD: And oh yes, the note in his pocket, officials say, stated that he
> was "acting alone."
> ADD: Perfect.
> ADD: From what can so far be gleaned, I would say that someone got to
> this kid. Got to his mind. I'm not talking about casual conversation. A
> kid doesn't just up and steal a plane from his flying school, take off,
> and crash it into a building.
> ADD: We are talking about psychiatric drugs, or mind control, or a
> combination of the two.
> ADD: Of course, this just happens to be the Florida area where all those
> flying schools are located that have been training "terrorist Saudis."
> ADD: The boy flew over the restricted airspace of MacDill AFB, which is
> the command center for the whole Afghan war. Hmm. No one at MacDill
> lifted a finger as this unIDed plane entered its airspace. Instead,
> fighter jets were scrambled.out of Homestead AFB, 200 miles away, and
> they arrived on the scene moments too late.
> ADD: I see.
> ADD: I'm surprised we don't have magically shot video of the kid
> crashing his plane into the B of A skyscraper, as we did in NYC on the
> morning of 9/11 when the first jetliner smashed into the first WTC tower.
> ADD: If you think it's perfectly natural that we DO have video of the
> first 9/11 hit, just try to find video of the Murrah building explosion
> in OKC, on April 19, 1995. Go ahead.
> SUNDAY, JANUARY 6. The American teenager who crashed a small plane into
> the Bank of America building in Florida yesterday is described by a
> neighbor as a loner, who always wore sunglasses on the bus to school,
> who never talked to anybody.
> ADD: Sound familiar? So far there is no indication that the police or
> FBI is looking into his psychiatric history--as in treatment, drugs,
> anti-depressants that could have triggered his suicide.
> ADD: Nor, of course, will there be word about possible MKULTRA-type
> connections. As in, was this kid used as a guinea pig in mind control
> experiments? Is there a military/intell link within his family?
> ADD: And how do we interpret Bush's repeat statement, delivered by the
> Man a couple of days ago, in reply to a schoolchild's question, that he
> saw on TV the 9/11 crash of the first plane into the WTC moments before
> addressing kids at a Florida school?
> ADD: We are being told to believe that the president saw this crash, and
> THEN sauntered into the classroom where he chatted and read to the kids.
> Bush claims that, when he saw the plane crash into the WTC, he had two
> thoughts: It was a commercial plane off course, or it was an act of
> ADD: Strange. Very strange. A kind of blithe indifference. As if the
> crash were not real. I know a number of interpretations have been put on
> his behavior, but here is another one: The president is, on some level,
> out of touch with reality.
> ADD: He is in "dupe mode." He is, in certain circumstances, not able to
> act on his own. At these times, he is a puppet.
> ADD: Well, politically, that's exactly what he is. He is not the
> mastermind behind the Afghan war, the war for oil. He is not the man
> calling the shots. As I wrote during the presidential campaign, this man
> is his father's son. He has been thrust forward to serve an agenda from
> higher up.
> ADD: All presidents are functionaries in this respect, but Bush has a
> different feel to him. That of a mind circumscribed within tight limits.
> A mind that operates, when it is needed to, in push-button fashion.
> ADD: Bush has been groomed for a long time. He has been, some say,
> resurrected, from a state in which he was a wild young man, adrift, with
> no prospects, into a believing Christian. He has moved from alcohol and
> drugs into a "clean life."
> ADD: He has taken up the sword of righteousness.
> ADD: Well, suppose all that is a cover story. Suppose the truth is, he
> has been heavily indoctrinated through several means, into becoming the
> tool of his father's clan and people even higher up on the
> planetary-control food chain.
> ADD: From several accounts, this was a man who was very confused earlier
> in his life. He had no real skills, he had no direction. In a true job
> market, he would have had trouble landing anything decent. On top of
> that, he was rebelling, showing disdain for the kind of life his father
> and father's friends represented.
> ADD: Like a spoiled kid, he needed those $$$, though. He was a potential
> wild card, who could become a liability to the Bush name. Then,
> everything changes. He is in the fold. He is pure. He is reformed. He
> has a new act and new $$ flowing in.
> ADD: Oh, we could say, there are lots of stories like that. There are
> lots of religious conversions. Yes, but this man is the president. And
> he sometimes acts in a disconnected way. He can see, he says, the
> jetliner crash into the WTC--an event that put the entire nation into
> shock and outrage in a matter of seconds--and he can finesse that as if
> nothing very important has happened. He can disregard it completely. He
> can simply continue what he wasdoing. He can listen to kids read from
> their little books.
> ADD: Reading being something, people say, the president has approached
> with some trepidation. "Have to get into the classroom and listen to
> these kiddies read. Ignore the crash. Reading is important."
> ADD: Yeah. Something bizarre is going on here. This man is not a major
> player in secret plans to redirect the course of the nation. He is a
> tool who is being used in that regard. He is under control of those
> around him. How that control was achieved and how deep that control
> goes--these are serious questions.
> ADD: Of course, there is a chance that Bush's statement about seeing the
> WTC crash on TV before he went into the Florida classroom is a total
> fabrication. But even if that is so, what a weird loopy cover story. A
> cover story that makes him seem off-kilter and out of touch. That's the
> best he can do?
> ADD: Not every mind-control subject appears to be out of it all the
> time. You have to look for the odd moments when the clarity and force of
> will are suspended, like heavy liquid floating in a jar.
> ADD: Now add to this strangeness the fact that Dick Cheney is nowhere to
> be found. The vice-president is being protected in various hideouts,
> just in case the president is taken out. Yet, even from these mysterious
> bunkers, Cheney has nothing to say about anything. At one point, earlier
> on, he was quite voluble. He was the voice of assurance from within the
> White House. He was the godfather.
> ADD: Now he is nobody.
> ADD: Colin Powell is now nobody too. The former warrior has no face-time
> to speak of with the press on the transition government in Afghanistan.
> He is the secretary of state. You would think he would be front and
> center in this matter. But no.
> ADD: Who is actually running the show? Are we seeing a de facto Pentagon
> government of the US?
> ADD: Bush has had problems with language. He is a former pilot. The
> events of 9/11 center around his little reading episode with kids in a
> school and planes crashing into the WTC and the Pentagon. Was the 9/11
> horror show orchestrated, in part, to put the president into a temporary
> lull, a suspension of mental processes, a tunnel of action that would
> move us forward in precise, planned actions?
> ADD: Forget being a fly on the wall. What would a fly in the president's
> mind actually see? .

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