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The following information (all highly classified) was
provided by a CIA analyst in late 1999...

MKULTRA - Recent Developments in Mind-Control
Technology for Counterintelligence Applications

Q. Is it true that one of the goals of mind-control
technology is to create a "programmed assassin"?

This is more of a secondary goal. Most cases where a
subject becomes violent can be traced to minor
experimental glitches. Frequently, it is never
intended that the subject would become violent, only
that they will "disassociate" themself with others.
Subjects that become violent usually have a specific
genetic marker that makes their susceptibility to EMP
and mind control technologies extremely high.

In the early days of the project, we found that some
of the subjects would develop wild delusions and
hallucinations when exposed to the technologies. This
was researched and a gene in which it could be
predicted as to a subject's vulnerability was
identified in late 1974. This gene in combination with
the technologies could cause complete madness and it
became necessary to identify this gene (or absence
thereof) in the potential subject. In late 1990 a
specific EMP frequency was discovered in which gene
could be deactivated or at least its tendency to
create madness.

Q. Is it true that previously normal citizens who
become mentally-ill murderers are invariably targets
of mind-control technology?

Most of the people so affected are those with a.) a
specific gene in which the subject is particularly
affected by the pulse and b.) a predisposition to
mental illness.

Since the early 1960's, the agency has kept detailed
records of all people receiving specific neuroleptic
medications in the USA. This has proved particularly
fruitful in our project as certain neuroleptic
medications can either block the mind control
technologies or the tendency to exacerbate the
symptoms of the underlying illness. Certain attempts
at re-formulation of the neuroleptics has been
attempted but only with marginal success.

Q. Is the development of a reliable programmable
assassin the principal aim of MKULTRA?

Actually the focus has been more on identification of
those individuals with the "BETA AJ521" gene. MKULTRA
has not utilized the technology on those subjects with
predisposition towards mental illness since early
failures with the technology. We continue to search
for answers to the riddle of why certain genotypes
(which have been identified) have less predictable
responses to the technologies.

Recently the development of a smaller agent (probe) in
which the subject's genetic pattern and susceptibility
can be studied without any awareness of it's presence.
It enters the body through normal respiration and once
the study is complete, the probe shuts off and
reconstitutes as a inert waste product which is
eliminated from the body through normal bowel
movements. The data is real-time, so the probe has no
need to actually record anything, only to send its
data to the controller. The probe is roughly the size
of a grain of sand but is much lighter due to its
gravity countering properties.

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