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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [surfingtheapocalypse] "Mission to Mars":The NASA/Touchstone
Version of "The Monuments of Mars?"
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:56:14 -0000



Something to keep in mind about the new movie: "Mission To Mars."

WHY Has the NASA "supported"/ Touchstone Film replaced the HOMINID
"Face On Mars" With One Of An ALIEN GREY?





The Enterprise Mission


(Note - I am not able to respond to all e-mails, but I will read them
-- MB)

RICHARD C. HOAGLAND  - The Enterprise Mission
P. O. Box 1130
Placitas NM 87043
FAX - (505) 771-0820


                      "Mission to Mars":
          The NASA/Touchstone Version of
              "The Monuments of Mars?"

                                                        © 2000 The

Almost a quarter of a century ago, an unmanned NASA robot -- Viking 1
-- looked down on
Mars from a high orbit. And in a northern Martian desert called
"Cydonia" it photographed a
remarkable collection of astonishingly artificial-looking objects …

Including, a mile-long humanoid "face" … aligned with an equally
out-of-place, highly
geometric grouping of massive "Martian pyramids!"

Thus began a generation-long, intense (some would even say "bitter")
political and scientific
controversy. Long-standing, vehement government denials (NASA) that
Viking had spotted
"anything unusual" ... confronted and opposed by an equally vigorous
series of independent
scientific studies attesting to the extraordinary scientific nature
of "the Face":

As the centerpiece of a long-vanished, "Martian" extraterrestrial

 The head of one of those independent Cydonia research
 efforts for almost twenty years, former NASA consultant
 and Angstrom Medal of Science Award Winner, Richard
 C. Hoagland, has authored an extensive history of this
 generation-long scientific controversy. In "The
 Monuments of Mars" (North Atlantic, Berkeley, 4th
 Edition, 1996) Hoagland details both the painstaking
 scientific research conducted by himself and a score of
 other scientists on the strange features discovered at
 Cydonia, as well as the bizarre quarter-of-a-century
 official NASA effort to categorically deny any of this

 Now, over a generation after it was initially discovered …
 and then repeatedly, deliberately denied … a 120
 million-dollar feature film from Touchstone Pictures
 (Disney Corporation) – titled "Mission to Mars: Let
 There Be Life" – will finally confront (and with NASA's
 backing, no less!) the overwhelming controversies of "the
 Face" …

Including, the true Origins of Humanity itself … the ultimate Meaning
-- and a key reason for
Hoagland's 17-year-old unceasing odyssey -- behind "the Monuments of

The plot of Disney's forthcoming big budget "Mission to
Mars" (Release Date: March 10, 2000) is easily recognized
as "half Ray Bradbury," half "NASA `Cydonia spin.'"

To whit: a manned Mars mission departs for the Red Planet
… only to disappear (sounds a little like NASA's current
real-world history, doesn't it?). So, a second "Mars
Recovery Mission" is hurriedly dispatched. Objective:
determine what happened to the first Expedition … and, if
possible, rescue any surviving crew.

With the arrival on Mars of the Second Expedition … all hell breaks

Presented through a tour de force of "unprecedented Hollywood special
effects" (according to
Touchstone's publicists), the lavish visuals embedded in the Mars
film have been specifically
designed to "intensely illustrate" the "ancient alien science and
technology awakened by
NASA's unwanted presence on the planet" ...

 NASA backing (control?) of this major wide screen effort
 is overwhelmingly apparent – from the Touchstone Pictures
 official "Mission to Mars" Website (which remarkably,
 given the decades of independent science and public
 controversy surrounding the overall Cydonia Question, lists
 only other NASA "Mars links" on the subject), to the
 NASA "Mars scientists" officially hired for the project.

 Nowhere, in any of the Touchstone (or NASA) publicity
 covering this unique film – after more than twenty years of
 outright denial, a sudden, government-supported
 introduction to the stunning possibilities of "Martian
 neighbors" -- will one find the astonishing, real story
 behind this "fictional" manned Mission … the amazing,
 "secret" connection of this specific picture to over twenty
 years of real "Cydonia research"—

 Through the film's uniquely qualified Director.

The major Hollywood personality recruited to
oversee this unprecedented film – nothing less than
a NASA-supported "fictional confirmation of
Cydonia!" -- was award-winning veteran, Brian

DePalma, in addition to his credits on a score of
other major films, went into this project with a
(required?) "special insight" into the singular
possibilities inherent in an "alien science" …
discovered "on location" on the Planet Mars:

His own brother -- Dr. Bruce DePalma -- a very unorthodox (if
brilliant) former MIT engineer and

For Richard Hoagland -- working quietly on the
science and engineering implications of his
Cydonia discoveries for almost ten years --
collaborated heavily along the way (with, among
others) one "Dr. Bruce DePalma"--

 Yes, the same brother … of this very picture's esteemed
 Hollywood Director!

 Their last joint "appearance" (before Dr. DePalma's
 unexpected death in 1998) was in 1996. The occasion was
 the highly popular national radio show, "Coast-to-Coast,"
 hosted by Art Bell. At that time, Hoagland evoked DePalma'
 previous twenty years of exotic physics and engineering
 experiments to explain the sudden and (still) mysterious loss
 of the highly-publicized "tethered satellite experiment" by a
 NASA shuttle crew.

 When initially brought together in 1989, Hoagland and his
 colleagues had just published the outlines of something
 termed "Hyper-dimensional Physics" – decoded through the
 hyperdimensional geometry of the ruins specifically
 grouped around "the Face." When placed alongside
 DePalma's previous laboratory data, the "HD Model"
 seemed for the first time to be able to explain several of the
 otherwise inexplicable and astonishing laboratory results
 independently documented by DePalma … going back some
 ten years before Cydonia was even photographed!

Those highly significant experimental results ranged
from DePalma's creation of a rotating energy device(the "N-Machine"),
that (like stars and planets)
apparently taps into the seemingly "unlimited energy
potential" of free space … to gravity-defying, rapidly
spinning and precessing, massive systems. The latter is
best exemplified by DePalma's disconcerting
discovery in the early 70's that – in opposition to all
ideas in current physics -- a rapidly spinning system
(see graphic) flies higher and farther against gravity
than a non-spinning system!

These extraordinary experiments in fundamental physics even included
observation of exotic
biological effects experienced by living organisms directly exposed
to those mysterious
"rotational energetic processes."

Ultimately, much of DePalma's most remarkable experimental data,
after detailed comparison
with the theoretical predictions (produced from the geometric
decoding of "the Message of
Cydonia") were found to elegantly conform to Hoagland's
"Hyperdimensional Model." These
impressive confirmations were not only included in later editions of
Hoagland's best selling
history of the Cydonia investigations ("The Monuments of Mars"), it
was a highlight of his
many invited addresses to NASA over the years … and even at the UN!

Yet, equally remarkable, neither Hoagland (nor any other member of
The Enterprise Mission
team -- either officially or unofficially) was ever approached during

"Mission to Mars" development, to input their considerable "Cydonia
experience" (let alone
Hoagland's unique scientific relationship with Dr. Bruce DePalma …)
on any aspect of the
"alien science" of the soon-to-be-released (NASA?) Touchstone film.

Despite this glaring "oversight," the special effects lavishly (and
expensively) embodied in this
NASA-version of "what's ultimately waiting for us at Cydonia,"
amazingly enough, still manage
to incorporate all the major implications of Hoagland's
"Hyperdimensional Physics" in the
final film … with stunning visual results.

A most remarkable "coincidence."

Another "sheer coincidence" is to be found in the movie's final,
quite dramatic ending.

We're not giving anything away, because several striking images from
this "2001-type ending"
(as Touchstone actually bills it!) have already been shown around the
world (in a SuperBowl
TV ad, which ran at half-time). Particularly evocative is an "alien …
Martian face" seen
suddenly emerging from the reddish Martian sands … clearly and
irrevocably linking this film
to NASA's well-documented schizophrenic treatment of Cydonia for more
than twenty years …

There is only one small problem—

For some reason, DePalma deliberately chose to
completely ignore those twenty years of scientific
analysis of the Cydonia Face itself – which
unmistakably shows a hominid/feline lineage (with all
its implications – see graphic) -- and instead,
substituted his (NASA's?) own, completely fabricated
version of this intensely controversial object … which
to many viewers, looked remarkably like a so-called
"Grey alien," direct from the darkest side of the
contemporary UFO experience. This impression is
supported by some "publicity stills" just posted on the
official "Mission to Mars" Website, one of which
shows another "Grey" … in a crewman's Spacesuit
Arm Display!

A hint of NASA's "projection" of further extraterrestrial events to

By now it should be crystal clear that Touchstone's forthcoming
"Mission to Mars," according
to DePalma, is nothing more or less than NASA's long-awaited "answer"
to the sticky questions
of Cydonia itself. For those who are tired of government "spin" on
all the major issues of our
time, in this case there are clear alternatives.

Hoagland's own best seller (The Monuments of Mars:
A City on the Edge of Forever, North Atlantic,
Berkeley, 4th Edition, 1996) tells a VERY different
story of the implications of finding life on Mars from
this Hollywood portrayal. The discussion of the real
"science of Cydonia" has been extended through
Hoagland's scores of network interviews over the
years, as well as through a series of professionally
produced "Enterprise Mission" videos (the
"Hoagland's Mars" series) – documenting Hoagland's
various officially invited presentations to brief both the
NASA rank and file, major universities, and even a
gathering of delegates, press and members of the public
at the United Nations.

As stated earlier, NASA's own quarter-of-a-century position on
Cydonia research, as well as
those of its planetary scientists, has been uniformly caustic;
especially dismissive on the subject
was the well-known NASA "spokesman" on the theme of extraterrestrial
life, the late Carl
Sagan. In his own repeated public dismissals of Cydonia, Dr. Sagan's
well-known scorn ranged
from once comparing the appearance of "the Face" to the random
appearance of "Jesus Christ on
a tortilla chip …" to more "technical" statistical denials:

 "Why not one postage-stamp sized mesa – out of the 150 million
 square kilometers of Mars – that looks a little odd ..?"

 Yet privately, Sagan had a long and highly personal relationship
 with Cydonia and its researchers: among other things, over the years
 this involved several private briefings from Hoagland himself and
 various members of his research team, including one where Carl
 personally implored Hoagland to "keep up the good work." This,
 while simultaneously … publicly … proclaiming a very different
 view …

It was Sagan, just days after the release of the original Viking
"Face" image in 1976, frame
35A72, who pushed to have the Viking 2 landing site switched from
Cydonia -- on the grounds
that it was a "rocky Northern latitude." The Viking Team subsequently
put the Lander down at an
even rockier and more northerly latitude -- but well away from
Cydonia itself!

Much later in this schizophrenic public/private Cydonia involvement,
Sagan authored what has
come to be viewed as the definitive "Cydonia hit piece." In this now
infamous article, appearing
in PARADE Magazine in 1985 and titled, "The Man in the Moon," Sagan
not only sarcastically
compared "the Face" to that infamous tortilla chip (as well as to a
"Richard Nixon eggplant!"),
he published artificially "colorized" versions of the object -- to
bolster his contention that "in a
separate spacecraft photo with different lighting, it seems to be an
irregular hill …"

Sonoma State University ethicist, epistemologist, historian of
science and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Dr.
Stanley McDaniel, took Sagan sharply to task for this grossly
unfair article in 1993. In an exhaustive published document
titled, "The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive,
Congressional and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating
Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface of
Mars and in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA's Mars
Exploration Program," McDaniel showed not only the clear
scientific errors of all of NASA's years-long "objections" to
Cydonia, but of the high-profile Sagan "hit piece" as well. In
that section of his work, McDaniel methodically exposed the
deliberately deceptive tactics used by Sagan to advance his
cavalier "dismissals" of the Face, which included creation of
deliberately misleading images, labeling these outright
"propaganda methods." Wrote McDaniel:

"In my view, Dr. Sagan's article, given the circumstances, so grossly
offends the ethics of
science reporting that it deserves far more stringent adjectives than
I have used here [emphasis
added] … The fact that Dr. Sagan resorts to the array of fallacious
arguments found in this
[PARADE] article, and avoids addressing the actual [Cydonia]
research, very strongly suggests
a recognition that the case being developed for the possible
artificiality of the Face was already
– as early as 1984 – impressive enough to withstand responsible forms
of criticism ... It
would appear that Dr. Sagan may have considered it of considerable
importance to divert public
interest away from the Face on Mars – great enough for him to run the
risk that the fallacies and
diversions in his article might eventually be exposed …"

Then, near the end of his life, Sagan underwent his final public
change on the subject of
Cydonia: in a 180-degree turn from the PARADE article, he went out of
his way to separate the
"Cydonia investigation" from the other, "pseudo-science" targets of
his last published work,
"The Demon Haunted World." In this final written statement of his
life, Carl Sagan deftly
contradicted all his previous "official" positions on Cydonia:
pointing out that the Cydonia
investigation, as distinguished from most "extraordinary claims,"
stood apart -- by having the
one essential precept of "good science" … it could actually be
tested. He concluded his "about
face" by arguing that, as a clear "scientific problem," Cydonia
deserved to be fairly tested in the
coming years … via a veritable fleet of new missions then heading
back to Mars …

Which, curiously, is precisely when NASA (and Russian) missions to
the Red Planet literally
began to disappear …

 With this as background, on the occasion of Sagan's
 tragic and untimely death in late 1996, the A&E
 Television Network aired that very night a previously
 produced (with Sagan's input) "authorized
 Biography." And there – right in the middle of the
 description of Dr. Sagan's extensive research work on
 Viking's 1976 Mars Mission – from an obscure CBS
 tape (shot at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory the
 night Viking successfully landed on the planet Mars),
 suddenly appeared a much younger Hoagland, center
 screen …


Was this a deliberate "message" – carefully inserted into the middle
of Sagan's authorized
biography … by none other than Carl Sagan? From its placement in that
program, it was
obviously intended only to be seen on Sagan's death …

Now, in light of NASA's own highly questionable "sudden turn around"
on the subject of
Cydonia -- it's documented, official backing of this
soon-to-be-highly- controversial major film
finally dealing with the taboo "Face on Mars" … but without Hoagland
-- the real reasons
underlying Sagan's unmistakable (if oblique) "last reference to
Cydonia" is even more
fascinating. Considering the complete non sequitur represented by the
otherwise unidentified
insertion of Hoagland at that precise moment in his own

life-story, there seems to be no other reasonable explanation for
this bizarre event … than the
fact that Sagan specifically wanted to draw attention to the
importance of the real
quarter-century of Cydonia research, on the occasion of his death …

Led by Richard Hoagland!

Finally, there is Hoagland's own proposed "feature film" on the
subject of Cydonia, written in
collaboration with Paul Davids. Currently making the rounds of
several major studios, the script
presents a VERY different view (than the DePalma version) of NASA's
actions vis a vis "the Face on Mars" for over twenty years …

One thing is certain: the time to ask "what's truly waiting at
Cydonia ?" has finally come. This
seems to be "The Year!" For the answers, just--

Stay tuned …

The Enterprise Mission
P. O. Box 1130
Placitas NM 87043
FAX (505) 771-0820

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