-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Tuesday March 14, 2000; 11:04 AM EST

'Chinese Agent' Funneled Buddhist Temple Money to Gore Since 1993

A woman identified by the FBI as a Communist Chinese agent has
been shaking down members of a controversial Buddhist temple on
Vice President Al Gore's behalf for far longer than recent
mainstream press reports indicate, NewsMax.com has learned.

Maria Hsia, who was convicted ten days ago on five felony counts
for her involvement in an illegal 1996 Buddhist temple
fund-raiser, "acted to conceal temple political donations as
early as 1993, according to records and testimony that reveal a
more extensive history of temple money laundering than was
previously known," according to the Los Angeles Times.

Under a 1997 immunity agreement with Senate investigators, nuns
at California's Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple testified that Hsia had
been shaking down the temple for donations "since at least 1993."

Brian Sun, a lawyer representing several temple members, told the
Times, "The temple never intended to skirt the law. There was no
evil venality here. Had they been made aware of the rules, they
would have never engaged in this kind of conduct."

According to a Senate investigator who wished to remain
anonymous, "Hsia's modus operandi seemed to be to select a
politician, approach the temple for money and the temple would
funnel that money through straw donors to that politician's
campaign." Hsia would typically stop by to collect the donations
in person from Hsi Lai's treasurer, the prober added.

But despite the immunity grant, Yi Chu, Hsi Lai treasuer at the
time of Gore's 1996 fundraiser, fled the country and was not
available to testify at Hsia's trial -- making the Gore
fund-raiser's conviction all the more remarkable.

In fact, Hsia singled out Gore as a primary beneficiary of her
illegal fund-raising even before 1993, according to what Ed
Timperlake and William Triplett report in their 1998 book on the
Asian money connection, Year of the Rat.

They say Hsia started shaking down Buddhists for Gore more than
ten years ago:

"Right after the 1988 election, Al Gore, Maria Hsia, John Huang,
James Riady, and the Hsi Lai Temple organization began what was
to be an eight-year relationship. Riady began by providing
$10,000 in seed money, and the temple picked up the rest for a
January 1989 visit to Asia by Gore and others..."

"Hsia organized numerous fundraisers for Gore using laundered
temple money as a partial source. For example, a May 1989 event
raised nearly $20,000 for Gore with active participation from the
temple's monks and nuns."

Both The New York Times and The Washington Times now report that
on the eve of the 1996 election, Clinton Justice Department
officials moved swiftly and aggressively to halt a local United
States Attorney's investigation into Gore's relationship with
Hsia and the money she laundered on his behalf.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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