-Caveat Lector-


"Secret Power" by Nicky Hager, 1996, ISBN 0-908802-35-8

GCSB is New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau.


It was with some apprehension that I learned Nicky Hager was researching the
activity of our intelligence community. He has long been a pain  in the
establishment's neck. There are many things in the book with which I am
familiar. I couldn't tell him which was which. Nor can I tell you. But  it
is an outrage that I and other ministers were told so little [yea NSA] and
this raises the question of to whom those concerned saw themselves
ultimately responsible.

David Lange, Prime Minister of New Zealand 1984-89


Another aspect of the Second World War that carried over into the Cold War
era was the close co-operation between five countries - the  United States,
the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - formalized with the
UKUSA Security Agreement of 1948.

Although the treaty has never been made public, it has become clear that it
provided not only for a division of collecting tasks and sharing of  the
product, but for common guidelines for the classification and protection of
the intelligence collected as well as for personnel security.


New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon, on June 12 1984, admitted the
GCSB liaised closely with Australia, Canada, the United  Kingdom and the
United States - the closest the government has ever come to talking about
the secret five-nation signals intelligence alliance  of which the GCSB is


The New Zealand analysts have a high level of contact with the overseas
agencies, including overseas staff training, postings and exchanges.  In the
early 1990s the GCSB began conducting its own training courses, teaching
them the special procedures and regulations governing the  production of
signals intelligence reports for the UKUSA network.

It is at these courses where the analysts are told about the UKUSA
agreement, which is described by senior staff as the 'foundation stone' of
all  the arrangements with the 'partner' agencies.


The GCSB introduces the new trainees to the world of codebreaking by
advising them to read two of the greatest exposes of signals  intelligence:
James Bamford's 'The Puzzle Palace' and David Kahn's 'The Code Breakers'.


In 1984, Glen Singleton of the NSA was formally appointed GCSB's Deputy
Director of Policy and Plans. Having an American inside the  GCSB serving as
a foreign liaison officer would be one thing: allowing an officer from
another country to direct policy and planning seems  extraordinary.

[ Unless you think of the NSA as the New World Order. ]


Intelsat 7s can carry 90,000 individual phone or fax circuits at once. All
'written' messages are currently exploited by the GCSB. The other  UKUSA
agencies monitor phone calls as well.

The key to interception of satellite communications is powerful computers
that search through these masses of messages for ones of interest.

The intercept stations take in millions of messages intended for the
legitimate earth stations served by the satellite and then use computers to
search for pre-programmed addresses and keywords.

In this way they select out manageable numbers (hundreds or thousands) of
messages to be searched through and read by the intelligence  analysis

Many people are vaguely aware that a lot of spying occurs, maybe even on
them, but how do we judge if it is ubiquitous or not a worry at all? Is
someone listening every time we pick up the telephone? Are all Internet or
fax messages being pored over continuously by shadowy figures  somewhere in
a windowless building? There is almost never any solid information with
which to judge what is realistic concern and what is silly  paranoia.

What follows explains as precisely as possible - and for the first time in
public - how the worldwide system works, just how immense and  powerful it
is and what it can and cannot do. The electronic spies are not ubiquitous,
but the paranoia is not unfounded.

The global system has a highly secret codename - ECHELON.

The intelligence agencies will be shocked to see it named and described for
the first time in print.

Each station in the ECHELON network has computers that automatically search
through millions of intercepted messages for ones containing  pre-programmed
keywords or fax, telex and email addresses. Every word of every message is
automatically searched: they do not need your  specific telephone number or
Internet address on the list.

All the different computers in the network are known, within the UKUSA
agencies, as the ECHELON Dictionaries.

Computers that can search for keywords have existed since at least the
1970s, but the ECHELON system has been designed to interconnect  all these
computers and allow the stations to function as components of an integrated

Under the ECHELON system, a particular station's Dictionary computers
contain not only its parent agency's chosen keywords, but also a list  for
each of the other four agencies. For example, each New Zealand site has
separate search lists for the NSA, GCHQ [British], DSD  [Australia], and CSE
[Canada] in addition to its own.

So each station collects all the telephone calls, faxes, telexes, Internet
messages and other electronic communications that its computers have  been
pre-programmed to select for all the allies and automatically send this
intelligence to them.

This means that New Zealand stations are being used by the overseas agencies
for their automatic collecting - while New Zealand does not  even know what
is being intercepted from the New Zealand sites for the allies. In return,
New Zealand gets tightly controlled access to a few  parts of the system.

The GCSB computers, the stations, the headquarter operations and, indeed,
GCSB itself function almost entirely as components of this  integrated

Each station in the network - not just the satellite stations - has
Dictionary computers that report to the ECHELON system


United States spy satellites, designed to intercept communications from
orbit above the earth, are also likely to be connected into the  ECHELON

These satellites either move in orbits that criss-cross the earth or, like
the Intelsats, sit above the Equator in geostationary orbit.

They have antennae that can scoop up very large quantities of radio
communications from the areas below.

A final element of the ECHELON system are facilities that tap directly into
land-based telecommunications systems, completing a near total  coverage of
the world's communications.

The microwave networks are made up of chains of microwave towers relaying
messages from hilltop to hilltop (always within line of sight)  across the
countryside. These networks shunt large quantities of communications across
a country. Intercepting them gives access to  international underseas
communications (once they surface) and to international communication trunk
lines across continents.

They are also an obvious target for large-scale interception of domestic
communications. Of course, when the microwave route is across one  of the
UKUSA countries' territory it is much easier to arrange interception.


The ECHELON system has created an awesome spying capacity for the United
States, allowing it to monitor continuously most of the world's

It is an important component of its power and influence in the post-Cold War
world order, and advances in computer processing technology  continue to
increase this capacity.

The NSA pushed for the creation of this system and has the supreme position
within it. It has subsidized the allies by providing the  sophisticated
computer programs used in the system, it undertakes the bulk of the
interception operations and, in return, it can be assumed to  have full
access to the allies' capabilities.

On December 2 1987, when Prime Minister David Lange announced plans to build
a new spy station, he issued a press statement explaining  that the station
would provide greater independence in intelligence matters: "For years there
has been concern about our dependence on  others and all that implies. This
government is committed to standing on its own two feet."

Lange believed the statement. Even as Prime Minister, no one had told him
about the ECHELON Dictionary system and the way the new  station would fit


His first experience of the UKUSA alliance was its security 'indoctrination'
(they really use this word). The indoctrination was done by GCSB  security
officer Don Allan, and consisted of a strict lecture about never, for the
rest of his life, talking about his job with anyone except other
indoctrinated people. GCSB workers are forbidden to say anything about their
work, even to their partners.

The indoctrination concluded with Holmes signing the two page indoctrination
form, which refers to New Zealand laws for punishing  infringements (in the
Crimes Act) but which originates primarily in UKUSA regulations. Equivalent
forms must be signed by staff throughout the  UKUSA alliance.


In the middle of 1994 Holmes got his first overseas posting - and a
prestigious one at that. He is on a three-year posting to the center of the
UKUSA alliance, the enormous NSA headquarters at Fort George G. Meade.

This posting was the first ever by a GCSB analyst to the NSA. Before he left
New Zealand his daily work, like that of all analysts, revolved  entirely
around that most striking manifestation of GCSB's links with the NSA: the
ECHELON Dictionary system.

Each morning the signals intelligence analysts in New Zealand log on at
their computer terminals and enter the Dictionary system, just as their
equivalents do in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and

What follows is a precise description of how the system works, the first
time it has been publicly described. [Buy the book for full details]

After entering their security passwords, the analysts reach a directory that
lists the different categories of intercept available, each with a four
digit code; 4066, for instance, might be Russian fishing trawlers, 5535
Japanese diplomatic traffic in the South Pacific, 4959 communications  from
South Pacific countries and so on.

They type in the code for the category they want to use first that day.

As soon as they make a selection, a 'search result' appears, stating the
number of documents which have been found fitting that category.

The day's work begins, reading through screen after screen of intercepted

If a message appears worth reporting on, the analyst can select it from the
rest and work on it out of the Dictionary system.

He or she then translates the message - either in its entirety or as a
summary called a 'gist' - and writes it into the standard format of all
intelligence reports produced anywhere within the UKUSA network.

This is the 'front end' of the Dictionary system, using a commercially
available program (called BRS Search). It extracts the different categories
of intercepted messages (known just as 'intercept') from the large GCSB
computer database of intercept from the New Zealand stations and  overseas

[ I interrupt this book excerpt to bring you retrieval results for "BRS
Search" from the www.altavista.digital.com search engine:

BRS/Search is designed to manage large collections of unstructured
information, allowing multiple users to quickly and efficiently search,
retrieve and analyze stored documents simply by entering a word, concept,
phrase, or combination of phrases, in any length. The product  offers the
most powerful indexing structure available today, with users able to
pinpoint critical information in seconds, even across millions of  documents
in numerous databases.

Hmmm. Sounds like the search engine I just used.

You give the search engine keywords to search for, and can specify exclusion
logic keywords. e.g. "digital AND NOT watch"]

Before anything goes into the database, the actual searching and selection
of intercepted messages has already occurred - in the Dictionary  computers
at the New Zealand and overseas stations.

This is an enormous mass of material - literally all the business,
government and personal messages that the station catches.

The computers automatically search through everything as it arrives at the

This is the work of the Dictionary program.

It reads every word and number in every single incoming message and picks
out all the ones containing target keywords and numbers.

Thousands of simultaneous messages are read in 'real time' as they pour into
the station, hour after hour, day after day, as the computer finds
intelligence needles in the telecommunications haystack.

Telephone calls containing keywords are automatically extracted from the
masses of other calls and digitally recorded to be listened to by  analysts
back in the agency headquarters.

The implications of this capability are immense.

The UKUSA agencies can use machines to search through all the telephone
calls in the world, just as they do for written messages.

It has nothing to do with whether someone is deliberately tapping your
phone, simply whether you say a keyword or combination of keywords  that is
of interest to one of the UKUSA agencies.


The keywords include such things as names of people, ships, organizations,
countries and subjects. They also include the known telex and  phone numbers
and Internet addresses of the individuals, businesses, organizations and
government offices they may want to target.

The agencies also specify combinations of these keywords to help sift out
communications of interest.

For example, they might search for diplomatic cables containing both the
words 'Suva' and 'aid', or cables containing the word 'Suva' but NOT  the
word 'consul' (to avoid the masses of routine consular communications).

It is these sets of words and numbers (and combinations of them), under a
particular category, that are placed in the Dictionary computers.

The whole system was developed by the NSA.


The only known public reference to the ECHELON system was made in relation
to the Menwith Hill station. In July 1988, a United States  newspaper, the
Cleveland Plain Dealer, published a story about electronic monitoring of
phone calls of a Republican senator, Strom  Thurmond. The alleged monitoring
occurred at Menwith Hill.

Margaret Newsham worked at Menwith Hill as a contract employee of Lockheed
Space and Missiles Corporation. She is said to have told  congress staff
that, while at Menwith, she was able to listen through earphones to
telephone calls being monitored.

When investigators subpoenaed witnesses and sought access to plans and
manuals for the ECHELON system, they found there were no  formal controls
over who could be targeted; junior staff were able to feed in target names
to be searched for by the computers without any  check of their
authorization to do so.

None of this is surprising and it is likely to be insignificant compared
with official abuse of the system.

The capabilities of the ECHELON system are so great, and the secrecy
surrounding it makes it so impervious to democratic oversite, that the
temptation to use it for questionable projects seems irresistible.

In June 1992 a group of current 'highly placed intelligence operatives' from
the British GCHQ spoke to the paper Observer: 'We feel we can no  longer
remain silent regarding that which we regard to be gross malpractice and
negligence within the establishment in which we operate.'

They gave as examples GCHQ interception of three charitable organizations,
including Amnesty International and Christian Aid. As the  Observer

"At any time GCHQ is able to home in on their communications for a routine
target request," the GCHQ source said. In this case of phone taps  the
procedure is known as Mantis. With the telexes this is called Mayfly. By
keying in a code relating to Third World aid, the source was able to
demonstrate telex 'fixes' on the three organizations.

We can then sift through those communications further by selecting keywords
to search for.

Without actually naming it, this was a fairly precise description of how the
ECHELON Dictionary system works.

Note that it was being used for telephone calls.

Again, what was not revealed in the publicity was that this is a UKUSA-wide
system. The design of the ECHELON system means that the  interception of
these organizations could have occurred anywhere in the network, at any
station where the GCHQ had requested that the four  digit code covering the
necessary keywords and exclusion logic for Third World aid be placed.


In a further misuse of ECHELON, a former intelligence employee revealed that
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had personally ordered  interception of the
Lonrho company, owners of the Observer newspaper, after that newspaper
published a series of articles in 1989 exposing  events surrounding a multi-
billion dollar British arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The newspaper said the deal had been pushed strongly by Mrs. Thatcher, and
it was alleged that massive bribes were made to middlemen,  including her
son, Mark, who was said to have received a 10 million Pound commission.

The former employee of the British Joint Intelligence Committee, Robin
Robison, broke his indoctrination oaths and told the Observer that, as  part
of his job, which involved sorting intelligence reports from the British
intelligence agencies, he personally forwarded GCHQ transcripts of
intercepted communications about Lonrho to Mrs. Thatcher's office.


Intelligence is not just neutral information; it can be powerful and
dangerous. Intelligence gathering and military force are two sides of the
same  coin. Both are used by countries and groups within countries to
advance their interests, often at the expense of others. To influence or
defeat  an opponent, knowledge can be more useful than military force.

The type of intelligence described in this book, signals intelligence
(SIGINT), is the largest, most secret and most expensive source of secret
intelligence in the world today.


Like the British examples, and Mike Frost's Canadian examples, these stories
will only be the tip of the iceberg.

There is no evidence of a UKUSA code of ethics or a tradition of respect for
Parliament or civil liberties in their home countries.

The opposite seems to be true: that anything goes as long as you do not get
caught. Secrecy not only permits but encourages questionable  operations.

Three observations need to be made about the immense spying capability
provided by the ECHELON system.

The first is that the magnitude of the global network is a product of
decades of intense Cold War activity. Yet with the end of the Cold War it
has  not been demobilized and budgets have not been significantly cut.

Indeed the network has grown in power and reach. Yet the public
justifications, for example that 'economic intelligence is now more
important',  do not even begin to explain why this huge spy system should be
maintained. In the early 1980s the Cold War rhetoric was extreme and global
war was seriously discussed and planned for.

In the 1990s, the threat of global war has all but disappeared and none of
the allies faces the remotest serious military threat.

The second point about the ECHELON capabilities is that large parts of the
system, while hiding behind the Cold War for their justification,  were
never primarily about the Cold War at all.

The UKUSA alliance did mount massive operations against the Soviet Union and
other 'communists', but other elements of the worldwide  system, such as the
interception of Intelsat communications, microwave networks and many
regional satellites, were not aimed primarily at the  Russians, the Iraqis
or the North Koreans.

Then, and now, they are targeting groups which do not pose any physical
threat to the UKUSA allies at all.

But they are ideal to use against political opponents, economic competitors,
countries where the allies may want to gain some advantage  (especially
access to cheap resources) and administrations (like Nicaragua's Sandinista
government) which do not fit an American-dominated  world order.

The third observation is that telecommunications organizations - including
the telephone companies - are not blameless in all of this.

These companies, to which people pay their monthly bills believing that the
phone calls they make and the faxes they send are secure, should  well be
aware of the wholesale interception of 'private' communications that has
been occurring for decades.

Yet they neither invest in encryption technology nor insist that
organizations such as the Washington-based Intelsat Corporation provide

They do not let their customers know that their international communications
are open to continuous interception. Wittingly or unwittingly, this  lack of
action assists large-scale spying against the individuals, businesses and
government and private organizations that innocently entrust  their
communications to these companies.

ECHELON is a staggeringly comprehensive and highly secret global spying
system. Around the world there are networks of spy stations and  spy
satellites which can intercept communications anywhere on the planet.


Over the last 10 years a lot has been heard in New Zealand about the dangers
of 'bureaucratic capture', about senior officials controlling their
ministers rather than the other way around. The area of government activity
described in this book is the ultimate example of bureaucratic  capture.

Politicians, whom the public has presumed will be monitoring the
intelligence organizations on their behalf, have been systematically denied
the information required to do that job.

If a democratic society wants to control its secret agencies, it is
essential that the public and politicians have the information and the will
to do  so.


Good encryption systems, such as PGP, developed privately by American Phil
Zimmerman, are publicly available, although they are still used  only by
relatively few people in the know.

The UKUSA agencies have been attempting to curb the spread of this
technology, which is a major threat to their influence, so far without
enough success to stop it.

It remains to be seen how much the public can find a technological answer to
maintaining privacy in a world with systems like ECHELON.

*** end of 'Secret Power' excerpt

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