-Caveat Lector-

from alt.government.abuse
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.government.abuse:35150">(1/2) The corruption &
conspiracy of law enforcement in life control surveillance system</A>
Subject: (1/2) The corruption & conspiracy of law enforcement in life control
surveillance system
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (AYu5565448)
Date: Sat, Dec 5, 1998 8:04 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After the Life Manipulation & Life Control in surveillance system has Become
an International Conspiracy, there is No National Border between these
corrupted LEO & operatives in life control surveillance system (1/2)

Why would corrupted LEO & operatives use life (health)
information as one's identity in surveillance system?

This is because that the original objective of the mind
control research was to develop the method to remote
control the activation mechanism of the human organism.
The researchers succeed at developing remote electrical
life manipulation method (to control the activation
mechanism of human organism) in the early 1960s.  This
method and bioelectric sensing method have been adapted for
surveillance and interrogation purposes.

(attachment)-Dr. Robert Becker's 1985 book _The body
" The CIA funded research on electromagnetic mind control
at least as early as 1960, when the notorious "MKULTRA"
program, mostly concerned with hypnosis and .....FOR
According to the released CIA documents, it had confirmed
that they had the abilities to remote control animals activities by 1961.
These techniques would be tested and adapted for use on man.

Excerpt (_The Search for Manchurian Candidate_ by John D.
Marks,  1979 )
In November, 1961, the CIA document stated that: The remote
control of activities in several species of animals had been demonstrated
(...).  The evaluation will be conducted toward the application of selected
elements of these techniques to Man.
Furthermore, the research of CIA have conducted included how to induce death
and make the victim appears as to have died of natural causes since the 1950s.

(Attachment)-See 4/02/79 WASHINGTON POST
Heavily censored CIA documents from a quarter-century ago
show the Agency considered performing experiment on
terminal cancer patients under the guise of "legitimate
medical work....Knock off key people," the heavily censored document
said, "how knock off key guys...natural cause...
Human subjects would be available for work that could be
carried out as legitimate medical research..."
According to the article, the CIA (since 1950s) have researched on inducing
death (cancer & heart attack) in order to "knock off" or assassinate their
targets in
surveillance system, so these targets' death would appear to be the result of
natural causes.

These technologies has been developed successfully and transferred to be used
in the US surveillance system.Therefore, the law enforcement officers can use
remote electrical life manipulation & inducing death method to manipulate or
kill people's live in surveillance system.

Thus, current surveillance system has become a life control system and one's
life (health) information become one's identity in current surveillance

Why would the life manipulation in surveillance system become an international
conspiracy of the corrupted law enforcement officers?

Since these law enforcement officers misuse everyone's life (health)
information as one's identity in surveillance system, this system can neither
be used to find spies, nor reduce crimes.

After two decades of using life information (people's health conditions) as
people's identities for surveillance and investigation purposes, it has been
proven to be a
failure.  That's because the life information of people cannot be use to
predict people's personalities, loyalties, honesty, behaviors, etc.
it cannot
be used to catch spies, search for criminals or traitors, etc.

The life (health) information can only be used to predict animals' behaviors
(and not that of human beings).  That's because animals behaviors are based on
its desires.  They eat when hungry and mate when they desire it.  Animals
might even mate with their parents, siblings or offspring because it does not
have ethics, education, and laws to limit its actions.

However, human beings are different because they are educated; and, their
actions are regulated by their own moral values, religious beliefs and the law
of our society.   People's behaviors are not only based on their desires.
Its behavior is the result of a combination of their moral values, religious
beliefs, knowledge of the law, desires, etc.  That's why people will not have
sex their parents, siblings, and offspring (with exception of mentally ill

Therefore, this life (health) information doesn't reveal anything about
people's personalities, honesty, loyalties and behaviors.  Thus, it cannot be
used to identify spies and criminals; it can only be used to kill.  These life
information are used to determine how to induce death on the targeted victims
and make it seem as if the victims die  of natural causes.

This proves life (health) information cannot be used to identify people's
personalities, loyalties, and identify who are spies, criminals, traitors,

Therefore, the LEO (law enforcement officers) neither could find the KGB spy,
Aldrich Ames (although he had worked as a KGB agent in the CIA for over 10
years), nor could they obviously reduce the crimes rate by using life
in surveillance system.

It has further proven the life (health) information cannot be used to
one's loyalty or personality because the life information of Aldrich Ames (the
KGB spy) was always correct.  Thus, this system can only be used to
control the citizens' lives.

Since these law enforcement officers (LEO) have the life (health) information
of citizens, the LEO can easily induce death on citizens in surveillance
and make these deaths to appear as the result of natural causes.
Those law enforcement officers (who have used the life control surveillance
system) have been corrupted by this system.  This is because these officers
found that they have the absolute power to manipulate and kill people's
lives in the surveillance system without victims' knowledge.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!
Therefore, these law enforcement officers have become corrupted after they
the remote life manipulation methods in surveillance system and become
citizens' life controllers.

After using the remote life manipulation methods in surveillance system, these
corrupted LEO (& operatives) knows that the life control surveillance system
cannot be used to find spies or identify criminals.  These corrupted
LEO fully understand:  By using life information as one's identity in
surveillance system, this system can only be used to manipulate and kill
without the victims' knowledge.  However, these corrupted LEO are unwilling to
give up their unlawful power in the surveillance system.
This is because they have committed crimes (of unlawful manipulation of
people's health and murder in surveillance system) and become accustomed to
their unlawful power to control people's health & lives (as people's master)
surveillance system.

So, these corrupted US LEO (& operatives) started to cooperative with foreign
LEO (including those of communist countries) to expand their unlawful powers
spy on and control their citizens' lives outside their native country.
After making such cooperation, the LEO can pursue their common interests
(preventing their crimes in the life control surveillance system from being
exposed to the publics and protect their unlawful power from being taken
 This cooperation between these LEO (of many countries) has made this life
control surveillance system an international conspiracy (for the past two

Thus, this life control surveillance system doesn't even relate with the
security of our country and society It only has been abused to spy on the law
citizens' private activities, to manipulate citizens' health, and to control
the citizens' lives.  Since life control has become an international
conspiracy, the US LEO & operatives  have cooperated with foreign LEO &
operatives (including enemy countries) over two decades to pursue their own

How could the LEO of enemy's country (i.e. the Russian KGB) cooperate with US
LEO in current surveillance system?
That's because they agree with that their local surveillance station will not
be used to spy foreign citizens (including foreign embassy's employees) or
any information from them.

To earn the trust to both LEO, both oversea LEO are allowed to use both
country's local surveillance station to keep their oversea citizens (including
their Embassy' employees) under closed surveillance & control.

It means that corrupted LEO only pursue their own interests to expand their
powers to control citizens' lives on oversea and give up to use the local
surveillance station to search spies from foreign citizens.

The agreement also means that foreign Embassy's employees in US will be also
under foreign oversea LEO's surveillance & control.  Therefore, corrupted LEO
can keep their citizens under closed surveillance & control everywhere
(from within their own country to foreign country which has the Working
agreement with US LEO).

On the other hand, to expand LEO power & increase their control over everyone,
local LEO further recruited operatives from business stores' owners (or

These operatives have also learned the life manipulation techniques with
electric methods in surveillance station from senior operatives (or LEO).

Therefore, these recruited operatives from business can assist local LEO to
suppress those citizens (whom LEO dislike) in surveillance system.

I would remind the reported cases of Microwave Harassment &
Mind Control Experimentation" by Julianne McKinney.

There are eight cases has been reported in such kind situation.

Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee
a local power company that , if she value the lives of her children, she would
drop the her opposition to the company's installation of high power lines.
Since receiving the threat, the individual 11-year-old daughter has been
reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization
treatment of
illness which cannot be diagnosed.  It's now also apparent to this individual
that her three- year-old son is on the receiving end of externally induced
auditory input.(See page 9 on "Microwave Harassment & Mind Control
Experimentation "December 1992 by Julianne McKinney)
The above power company's manager (or owner) should be an recruited operative
of LEO.  That's why he could use the remote electric methods to manipulate
these victims' health & lives.
The above case has proven that corrupted LEO & operatives rather break the law
and violate the constitution (Bill of Rights) to pursue their own interests.

After two decades of close cooperation in life control surveillance system
foreign LEO secretly, the corrupted LEO & operatives of these countries have
become a "family."

The relationship between these corrupted LEO & operatives (who control
citizens' lives in surveillance system) all over the world is more intimate &
important than the LEO relation to their respective countries.

That's because they share the same unlawful power (of monitoring people's
private activities in their homes or offices); keep the same secrets (mind
machine & life
control technologies); commit the same crimes (of manipulating people's health
& murder citizens with induce death technology); and pursue the same goal (to
control everyone's life and expand the unlawful power everywhere).
Therefore, these LEO & operatives have become a strong (& underground),
& international "family".   Under such kind of secret, illegal cooperation in
life control surveillance system, these LEO & operatives also have become the
most powerful group & persons in the world.
The close & secret cooperation between these countries' LEO
to Control their Citizens' lives in surveillance system,
also enable these corrupted LEO & operatives to expand
their power to spy on and control their citizens' lives in
foreign countries (which also use the life control
surveillance system).
Therefore, the US LEO also give (support) foreign (i.e.
Taiwan's) oversea LEO & operatives to access to US local
surveillance station, weapons, mind machine, etc. for use
on foreign (i.e. Taiwan's) citizens in America.

Also, after developing the life control technologies and
weapons (so called nonlethal weapons) for over two decades,
the current law enforcement officers (and undercover
operatives) have secretly expanded their powers to control
and can manipulate everyone's life with the sound or
radiation wave weapons (the so-called "nonlethal weapons")
in current surveillance system both at home and abroad.

The close cooperation between these countries' corrupted
LEO & operatives also means that not only can these
corrupted LEO (& operatives) spy on any citizen anywhere
(including in foreign countries), these corrupted LEO'S
decision on any citizen's life (health or fate) will be
carried out anywhere (included in foreign countries which
uses the life control surveillance system) by this
country's corrupted LEO & operatives, oversea LEO, and
foreign LEO.

For example:

When the corrupted LEO & operative decided to drive a
victim mad, the victim cannot easily eeven if he/she flee
to another country (if the destination country is a country
that have life control surveillance system).  The oversea
corrupted LEO from victim's native country and the oversea
LEO in that foreign country will continue the work started
in the victim's native country by using the same mind
control tactics in surveillance system.  Thus, only
those who has real knowledge of this international
conspiracy of life control can avoid of being driven mad.

Similar cooperation can also be seen on the Internet.  If
a country's LEO falsely accuse an opponent as insane (to
mislead other readers) on the Internet, their collaborators
from the cooperating countries will also make same false
accusation on the same person.

That's why when I expose the corruption and secrets of life
control surveillance system and the mind machine on the
Internet, there are always collaborators from U.S. or other
countries to deny that the mind machine can be used to read
mind or even falsely accuse me as paranoid.

It is their goal to keep the mind machine, life control
& life manipulation in surveillance system a top secret.
It means that every country's LEO & operative (who use the
life Control surveillance system) will cooperate to
eliminate their opponents, or anyone who knows of their
crimes, secrets, and unlawful privileges.

This kind of the cooperation between these countries is the
result of the corrupted LEO'S secret agreement to
prevent the secret of the life manipulation in surveillance
system and mind machine technology from being exposed.  So,
these corrupted LEO can protect their unlawful privileges
& keep their life controllers' positions forever.
Therefore, the US corrupted LEO will only treat their
operatives or foreign LEO (Who also use the life control
surveillance system) as "family" (the only people that they
can trust).  These corrupted LEO & operatives will not
treat US regular citizens as their country men but will
discriminate against these regular citizens.

Now, I would show readers an information to prove that life
controllers of every country should have the same handy
dandy agreement described as below (to provide support).
The British may be Spying on you

Even today, a World War II intelligence-swapping deal
continues to invade the privacy of Americans --by Alan M.

A recent book by two recognized experts on international
spying, John Lofus and Mark Aarons, has disclosed an
intelligence scam that should frighten every American who
loves liberty and value privacy.  It all began back in the
bad old days of J. Edgar Hoover, who was in charge of the
FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972.  It should come as
no surprise to anyone who is familiar with Hoover's sordid
history of political blackmail, extortion and personal
corruption that the "hero" after whom FBI headquarters is
named would go to any lengths to assemble secret dossiers
on Americans who disagree with him.

During World War II, President Roosevelt allowed British
intelligence to establish "listening posts' within our
borders, in exchange for the British allowing us the same
privilege over there.  At war's end, nobody bothered to
repeal this handy-dandy arrangement, and Hoover saw a
wonderful opportunity to expand his information-gathering.

Together with James Foorestal, the paranoid-schizophrenic
Secretary of Defense who eventually jumped to his death
from a psychiatric ward, Hoover arranged for British
intelligence to bug US citizens in exchange for the FBI
bugging British citizens.  The intelligence services would
then simply swap their information.  This clever criss-
cross scam assumed increasing significance over the years,
as the courts and legislatures made it difficult for FBI to
snoop on Americans in the name of "national security".  The
FBI responded to these legal restrictions by circumventing
them.  Hoover simply expanded his 'you spy on mine, I'll
spy on yours' deal to other friendly intelligence agencies,
and the snooping went on.  The key, of course, is that
since the spying is done by the foreign intelligence Agency
allegedly for its own intelligence-gathering purposes, no
search warrant is sought, even if the target is an American
citizen.  According to the intelligence sources quoted by
Lofus and Aarons, this scam persists even in an age when
sophisticated electronic monitoring makes it possible for
intelligence agencies to tap virtually every phone call,
fax and e-mail.
The British intelligence agencies have become "a permanent
fixture" at the most sophisticated electronic surveillance
station in the United States.
It is ironic that, we are conspiring with the intelligence
establishment of other nations to deprive our citizens of
a right guaranteed by our Constitution.
The first step must be for Congress to learn exactly what
is happening within the deep recesses of our intelligence
community.  We can no longer allow ourselves to be taken
in by this intelligence-exchange criss-cross operation.
(Alan M. Dershowitz teach at Harvard Law school and writes
a syndicated column.  Source: LOS ANGELES TIME 19 May 1995,
p. B7)
Beside above information, another article also prove that US LEO has working
agreement with many government Agencies abroad-even the enemy country (Russian

(attachment)- The Dangers of the "Counter-Terrorism" Bill
by James R. Elwood
The U.S. government has the most powerful military,
intelligence, and law-enforcement capabilities in the
world, plus working agreements with many government
agencies abroad - even the Russian KGB.
The FBI, CIA, etc. can readily deal with real threats..
Three years ago, I have stated the Taiwan oversea LEO  also have the similar
agreement with the U.S. and other countries (those countries that are using
control surveillance system).

This type of secret agreement allows the foreign oversea LEO or
Taiwan's operatives) to use the surveillance stations (i.e. US surveillance
station) in order to spy on and control foreign citizens' lives (i.e. Taiwan's
citizens living in the US). Furthermore, under US corrupted LEO's request (who
use life control
surveillance system), foreign oversea LEO & operatives (who use life control
surveillance system) will assist US corrupted LEO & operatives (who use life
control  surveillance system) to eliminate an US citizen's life (vice versa).

The above is a secret agreement between US LEO & foreign
LEO (including enemy countries).  However, they will not
write it on words because they only use the excuse of
pursuing criminals, terrorists, & drug traffickers to make
the working agreement between two government Agencies to
avoid other government regular officers' knowledge.

Therefore, under the name of pursuing criminals, drug
traffickers, & terrorists, many countries should also have
used INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization
of UN) as the channel to build an International
surveillance system network to track down the criminals
(and secretly to control every citizens live without the
knowledge of government's regular officers).

In recent years, some of the LEO have committed treason
according news report (such as CIA former agent Aldrich
Ames and two FBI agents) because they were secretly working
for the KGB.

Why would it be easy for corrupted LEO & operatives to
commit treason?
That's because most of LEO & operatives have been corrupted
by their unlawful & absolute power to manipulate people's
live in surveillance system (as if they are the masters of
regular citizens).   Hence, they have already become
accustomed to violate the law and their country's
constitution when pursuing their own personal interests or
the common interests of the life control group (in the
life control surveillance system).

I would use the above reported cases of Microwave
Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by Julianne
McKinney to illustrate my point.

The above case's power company's manager (or owner) should
be an recruited operative of life control group.  That's
why he could use the sound or radiation wave weapons (so-
called nonlethal weapons) to injure these victims.

The above case has proven that US corrupted LEO &
operatives would break the law and violate the US
constitution (& Bill of Rights) to pursue their own

Furthermore, to increase their power and protect their own
interests, the corrupted LEO & operatives would cooperated
with the foreign corrupted LEO & operatives (who use remote
life manipulation techniques in surveillance system) and
disregard their countries' laws and constitutions.
Therefore, the first loyalty of these corrupted LEO &
operatives (who use remote life manipulation techniques in
surveillance system) is to the life control group instead
of their own countries.

Since these corrupted LEO & operatives are accustomed to
break the law and commit crime in surveillance system to
manipulate others' health & lives, it has been made easier
for them to become more corrupt or even commit treason (if
it could pursue more personal interests for them ).  This
is because once people had committed the first crime, it is
easier for them to commit the next crime.  So, after
corrupted LEO break the law once, they can easily break the
law again.  It only gets easier and easier as these
corrupted official become more corrupt.

Why would the corrupted LEO & operatives pay their first
loyalty to the life control international group and not to
their own country.

There are four reasons:

First reason-Every country's corrupted LEO & operatives
(who use remote life manipulation techniques in
surveillance system) believe they are the only elite group
in the world.

Since the US originally learned the mind control
technologies from the communist Soviet Union, the life
controllers also have inherited the communists' theories.
The communist believe that all materials are owned by the
country and must be redistributed by the country to create
equality.  The communists also believe that they are their
countries' elite, so they must always control the political
power and lead the country forever.

These corrupted LEO & operatives (Who use remote life Manipulation techniques
in surveillance system) also have the similar beliefs, but they substitute
"material" with "life".   This means these corrupted LEO & operatives consider
the citizens lives belong to the international life control surveillance
system, and everyone's life can be manipulated according to the interests of
these corrupted LEO.  Every country's corrupted LEO & operatives (who use
remote life
manipulation techniques in surveillance system) will cooperate with foreign
oversea LEO and use remote electrical life manipulation methods to suppress
any opponent or anyone whom they dislike.  This is their way to control the
society and insure themselves to become the ruling class (in every country) of
the world forever.

Second reason - In the international conspiracy of life control surveillance
system, the corrupted LEO & operatives of every country have enjoyed the same
(monitoring other people's private activities at home or office), committed
same crimes (of manipulating other people's lives and health), kept the same
secrets (of the mind machine and mind control technologies), and pursued
the same goal (total control over other people's lives, and increase & protect
the unlawful power of the corrupted LEO).

Since these corrupted LEO'S unlawful powers are derived from the unlawful life
manipulation (on people) in surveillance system (which is not allowed under
law and the constitution), this has made these corrupted LEO &
operatives to oppose their own countries' laws and constitution.

That's because the corrupted LEO & operatives (who use life control
Surveillance system) do not believe that the regular citizens has the same
rights as themselves.  Thus, the corrupted LEO & operatives do not respect the
citizens and discriminate against them.
These corrupted LEO & operatives only respect other LEO & operative (or those
who use life control surveillance system in the foreign cooperating
or only consider other LEO & operatives (who use life control surveillance
system) as their equal and "family".  This is because other LEO & operatives
(who control citizens'lives in surveillance system) have the same unlawful
privileges as them.  Therefore, these corrupted LEO & operatives fundamentally
look down on the regular citizens, and this causes the corrupted LEO &
operatives to believe
that the international life control group is more important to them than their
own country.

The third reason:  The law and constitution of any country will always limit
the corrupted LEO's unlawful privileges and make it unlawful for them to
their own interests.  However, the life control group will encourage their
operatives and corrupted LEO to do anything to keep the remote life
manipulation in surveillance system a top secret and their unlawful privilege
as the life controllers forever.  It means that the life control group
encourages the corrupted LEO & operatives to completely disregard the law and
the constitution when pursuing the interest and protecting the secrets of life

Therefore, to protect their own interests & pursue life control's common
interests, corrupted LEO & operatives will eliminate anyone who know their
crimes, unlawful
privileges, and secrets with remote electric method in the surveillance system
(even if they need to break the law, the Constitution, and commit crime).

After the corrupted LEO & operatives have committed crimes of manipulating
others' lives in surveillance system, they are also afraid to be held
responsible under the law.Therefore, the corrupted LEO & operatives (who
citizens' lives in surveillance system remotely) will pay their first loyalty
to the international life control group and help keep the life control
surveillance system a top secret.  This is the only way for these corrupted
& operatives to avoid from being punished for breaking their own countries'
laws & Constitution and the committed crimes.

It means that the corrupted LEO & operatives know that as long as they can
prevent the life control system from being exposed, their unlawful privileges
can be maintained and their crimes can go unpunished.

Therefore, while the corrupted LEO & operatives (who manipulate citizens'
in surveillance system) pursue the interests of life control, they will
disregard their
own country's interests (if the country's interests oppose the interests of
life control).  If the country's law or Constitution oppose the life control
group's underground rule, the corrupted LEO & operatives (who use life control
surveillance system) will disregard their own country's law & Constitution.

The fourth reason: There is no national border between corrupted LEO &
operatives (who use life control surveillance system) of the world.
Since life (health) information in surveillance system can neither be used to
find spies, nor be used to search for criminals, the life control surveillance
system has been purely abused to control regular citizens' lives.

In order to keep the life control and mind machine technology secret, the
corrupted LEO & operatives not only cooperate with the LEO of capitalist
countries, but they also cooperate with the LEO of communist countries.  This
is the only way to make sure they can eliminate anyone (who knows of the
of life manipulation in surveillance system) and keep the mind machine a top
secret.  Therefore,  the life control surveillance system can neither be used
to find the spies, nor can it be used to search for criminals.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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