-Caveat Lector- http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2949moonification.html

7. The Moon Lands on America

The unleashing of the Reverend Moon's Gnostic sex-cult freak show onto the streets of 1970s America only appears odd or inexplicable, if one chooses (as in deference to academic and media-approved opinions of modern history) to block out the openly stated aims of those who set up the cult in the first place: to destroy, by subversion, the unique experiment which was the American Revolution, and the intellectual tradition which produced it. Once that elementary point is grasped, all that need be explained is the changeover in tactics which took place in the 1960s.

This new phase of the Moon marked the promotion of mass insanity. Moon's missionaries came to the U.S.A. in the early to mid-1960s. Sang Ik-Choi, the first missionary to Japan, went to the U.S.A. with Yun Soo Lim, called Onni (Korean for "elder sister"). Onni was later "blessed" by Moon in a marriage to Dr. Mose Durst, whom she had converted. Together, they took charge of the Oakland Family in California, which became the most important center of Unification Church proselytism. In February 1972, with about 500 American members, Moon proposed at a Los Angeles meeting, the launching of an expanded recruitment drive based on forming mobile "witnessing teams" to tour the United States. This was the One World Crusade. Huge sums of money flowed in to set up permanent Unification Church centers in all 48 states, and to purchase a compound in Tarrytown, New York, on a property previously owned by the Bronfman family, of liquor and drug-money-laundering fame. (Rank-and-file Moonies were led to believe that their slave labor in producing wax candles, and street-corner sales of flowers and magazines actually paid for all this.) The Belvedere compound in Tarrytown became Moon's first home, when he relocated to the U.S.A. in 1972.

The One World Crusade was carried out with all-night, group brainwashing sessions, involving sleep- and food-deprivation, and use of psychedelic stimulants. After one notorious recruitment session at the New Yorker Hotel, bodies were found at the foot of the elevator shaft. This was the mad phase of the Moonie assault on America, the reason behind that all-too-familiar empty smile and vacant stare, worn by Moon's clean-cut, young street-corner zombies.

Why? Cui bono?

The Strategic Shift

The key to understanding the motivation behind this launching of mass insanity, is to recognize the important shift in the global strategic picture which had been achieved through Soviet General Secretary Khrushchov's assent to the 1963 test-ban and arms limitations agreements. For the Russell-Wells Utopians, this meant that the high rate of Western investment in scientific and technological progress, which had been required by the furious pace of the earlier arms race, could be slowed, without fear of losing everything. That had been the intent behind the U.S.-Soviet disarmament talks, initiated by the Russell-Szilard Pugwash movement in 1955. By the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an essential part of that objective had been achieved.

The evolution of the Moonies into a mass cult in the late-1960s U.S.A., had been preceded by establishment of a wide range of business and influence-peddling fronts. Moon's U.S. operations began to really take off with the 1964 founding of the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, by Col. Bo Hi Pak. (Moon's KCIA controller had incorporated a U.S. Unification Church earlier, but it had only proto-cells and a tiny following.) A year later, Bo Hi Pak launched the Radio Free Asia project, a transparent scam to build the coffers of the Unification Church. With backing of factions in the U.S. intelligence community, Radio Free Asia solicited millions from American anti-Communists to operate a transmitter in Korea, already paid for by the Korean government. One after another, the business and political front groups were established by figures including Col. Bo Hi Pak; Neil Salonen, Moon's first high-level American operative; and others, until the listing reached 33 single-spaced pages.

Once the decision was made to deploy the mass-scale recruitment operation onto U.S. campuses, other networks of the Russell-Wells no-soul gang lent a hand. Some of the early psychological conditioning of the Moon cultists was carried out by the Michigan-based National Training Laboratories. This was the social-engineering operation, specializing in labor relations, run under direction of the Tavistock Institute-trained Kurt Lewin and University of Pennsylvania Prof. Eric Trist.


Just as the Utopian-managed war in Korea had provided the context for the Moon recruitment, so the Vietnam War, the next of the succession of managed conflicts (held below the threshold of total war by pre-agreement among the superpowers), provided the human fodder for the Moonie recruitment in America. Most of the American Moonies were recruited out of the rock-drug-sex counterculture, deliberately introduced into the student ferment against the Vietnam War. Allen Tate Wood, for example, the prominent Moonie defector (who happens to be the grandson of the Southern Fugitives school poet Allen Tate), was a leader in the anti-war demonstrations which culminated in the burning of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) building at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Within a year or two, Tate Wood was lobbying Congress on behalf of continuing the war in Southeast Asia, a principal activity for Moon's zombies, working under cover of the Freedom Leadership Foundation front in the early 1970s.

While the zombies were hawking candles and roses on the streets, Moon's Freedom Leadership Foundation had set up meetings for the sex deviant with an impressive list of U.S. Senators and Congressmen. Between February and April 1973, Moon held meetings of half an hour or longer with:

Senators William Brock (R-Tenn.), James Buckley (Cons.-N.Y.), Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), and Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.); and

Representatives Philip Crane (R-Ill.), Richard Ichord (D-Mo.), Guy Vander Jagt (R-Mich.), Earl Landgrebe (R-Ind.), Trent Lott (R-Miss.), William Mailliard (R-Calif.), and Floyd Spence (R-S.C.).

The most evil aspect of it all was the intentional elimination of the rational, scientific mental outlook associated with a modern, technology-based, agro-industrial economy. Moon was not the whole of it. From 1968 on, every piece of the disparate networks of the Open Conspiracy was let loose at once. Of special note was the kookery of the Aldous Huxley/Gregory Bateson operation which had been brewing in California since Huxley's 1937 deployment to the United States. This was the origin of the drug side of the 1960s counterculture. To a youth culture terrified by the nightly news images of their peers returning home in body bags from a purposeless war, retreat into mind-altering drugs, mind-altering music, and even the mindlessness of Moon was not so strange. Another crucial piece of the operation had been hatched in New York's Institute for Social Research, which housed the emigré networks of Hungarian psycho Georg Lukac's Frankfurt School disciples. Russell's Unity of the Sciences movement formed another piece. And there were more.[33]

The Bosch Canvas

Imagine America of the late 1960s into the 1970s, as if it were the panoramic background to a painting by Hieronymus Bosch. Think of the canvas as a whole, with its nightmarish imagery of degeneration and debauchery, and the events as they actually occurred:

* the launching of the rock-drug-sex counterculture, under direction of such of Aldous Huxley's MK-ultra program disciples as Harvard's notorious psychedelic drug pushers, Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary; and, the parallel operation of stupefaction of popular music, as prescribed in the studies of Frankfurt School musicologist Theodor Adorno;

* the spread of the mass environmentalist movement, funded under such auspices as the World Wildlife Fund of Britain's royal consort, Prince Philip, and the card-carrying Nazi, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; the parallel deployment of a mass movement for world depopulation as in the promotion of the genocidal doctrines of the Club of Rome, founded by Moon collaborators Alexander King, Aurelio Peccei, and Japan's Class A war criminal Ryoichi Sasagawa;

* the dumbing down of U.S. education, especially de-emphasizing serious study of the sciences and Western Classics, as described in the Rappaport report produced during Alexander King's reign at NATO's Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;

* the destruction of the principal technology driver of the 1960s U.S. economy, the Wernher von Braun-conceived Moon-Mars colonization program;

* the dismantling of U.S. industrial capability, including its conventional nuclear power capability, and the eventual shutdown of the controlled thermonuclear fusion effort—all as prescribed in the Project 1980s report of the New York Council on Foreign Relations, under the heading "controlled disintegration of the U.S. economy"; and so forth.

By such means, the scientifically vectored, production-based world economy of the 1945-64 period was brought to its present state of onrushing depression collapse.

A Paradox

In The Time Machine, Wells' 1895 vision of the British oligarchy's utopia, the working classes have evolved (Huxley-style) into hairy, muscular, ground-hugging creatures, known as Morlochs, who do the work of production for society in underground mills. The upper classes, known as the Eloi, live their effete, airy existence on the surface above, while also serving occasionally as fresh meat for hunting parties of escaped Morlochs. To bring Wells' degraded vision up to date, merely substitute for the Morlochs' underground foundries, the exported manufacturing industries of the Third World sweatshops and maquiladoras; instead of the Eloi, think of the credit-card based consumer society at the top of which sit the now-shrinking number of idle rich in the advanced-sector nations. There, in summary, is a fair approximation of what the anti-American assault of the 1960s rock-drug-sex counterculture produced.

The rational person of good will, observing what can only be comprehended as an outbreak of mass insanity among his fellow citizens, asks himself: How is such a thing possible? The thought occurs to him that some person, or persons, must have brought about this state of affairs wilfully. For what reason, he asks, and how could such a thing be contemplated by rational men? Thus arises a paradox. Can collective madness be reasonably planned? We refer the still perplexed reader to the quotation at the opening of this article.

Now, summon this whole fantastic Bosch canvas before your mind's eye, as you think on today's purchased preachers, Presidents, and Congressmen, some so bold as to brag openly of the Moonie-supplied gold watches decorating their wrists. Yet, do not forget the even more widespread fear and corruption of a free citizenry, which has chosen to place Moon's purchased merchandise into positions of power and responsibility, and even now tolerates their continuance. Thus, look pure evil in the eye, and know, even so, that it can be defeated, provided you will fight.

8. The Moonification of the Sciences

In 1972, several busloads of members of Moon's "Oakland Family" rolled out of their Berkeley Center, with the intention of turning their cult of a few hundred adherents into a national movement. As the candle sellers hit the streets, others rented halls, printed programs, and sold tickets for the multi-city speaking tours of their "Father" Moon. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the Russell-Wells "no-soul gang" was already working on the next big step of the Moonification of America: They would merge the cult of the Korean sex-deviant, with the networks of corrupted scientists already gathered around Bertrand Russell's Unity of Sciences movement.

The first International Conference of the Unity of Sciences (ICUS) took place at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Thanksgiving Day, 1972. There were 20 academics from 8 nations sharing the platform with Reverend Moon. Among them: Harvard's Russellite professor of philosophy, Willard V.O. Quine, and systems specialist Ervin Laszlo of the genocidal Club of Rome.

From small beginnings, the subsequent ICUS conferences grew to hundreds, and then thousands. These would become the annual Walpurgis Nacht celebrations for the ghouls and goblins of the "no-soul" gang's science establishment, many of them proudly bearing the mark of that discredited Nobel Prize committee, which had long since become an instrument of the Russell-Wells conspiracy. Cash and entertainment was provided by Moon, the Mephistopheles of Poontang himself, who would also deliver a personal statement of greetings to each conference.

Eugenics and the Super Robot

Moon's third Unity of Sciences conference, in 1974, took place at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London. The Chancellor of Cambridge University, Edgar Douglas Lord Adrian, presided. Lord Adrian was a Nobel Laureate, and aging leader of the eugenics movement (as Wellsian biology had been called before the Nazi crimes gave the term a bad name). His researches on the passage of nerve impulses across the synapse marked the early phase of what was to become the Open Conspiracy's two-pronged program for science: to modify man, and create the super-robot "thinking machine."[14]

The fourth Unity of Sciences conference, back in New York, was keynoted by Sir John Eccles. Eccles had learned his neuroscience from Lord Adrian's partner Charles Sherrington (the two shared the 1932 Nobel Prize for physiology). Eccles then shared the 1963 Nobel Prize for physiology with Andrew Huxley, the third generation from the Thomas Huxley who had described the relationship of mind to body, as that of a bell to an alarm clock.[15] Eccles and the younger Huxley attempted to establish old Huxley's thesis, by researching the chemical basis of the action potential of the nerve impulse.

The Huxley view of the brain became the central topic at the 1976 conference, in Washington, D.C., where prominent neuroscientists joined Sir Eccles, that year's conference chairman, to debate the brain-mind problem: Which way to establish Huxley's hoax that the mind is merely a machine?

Some argued for a physiological approach: "The problems of higher brain functions are very much involved in the question of the unity of the sciences, if the ultimate aim is that the brain should understand the brain," Dr. H. Hyden, Director of the Institute of Neurobiology at the University of Göteborg, said. Others called for a mathematical model: "What is needed is not a detailed understanding of the physiology of the brain, but a form of statistical mechanics that prescribes the properties of a mechanism capable of assimilating information from outside itself and performing logical transformation to that information before generating motor output," argued Dr. J.W.S. Pringle from Merton College, Oxford.

Also at the fourth conference in New York, Nobel physicist Eugene Wigner made his first of many appearances. Wigner was an old player in the Russell-Wells nexus, a lifelong friend of Dr. "Strangelove" Leo Szilard.[16] Wigner soon became a regular at Moon's affairs, along with his former student Alvin Weinberg, the physics incompetent who served as Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Technology Bad, Genocide Good

At the 1976 conference, in Washington, D.C., the co-founder of the Club of Rome, Sir Alexander King, made his first appearance with Moon, to speak against the "ugly manifestations of technology." Now, there were 600 scientists and academics, from 50 countries, in attendance.

Recall the second point of Wells' program for the Open Conspiracy: "the supreme importance of population control in human biology and the possibility it affords us of a release from the pressure of the struggle for existence...." This was the purpose of the genocidal Club of Rome, whose propaganda provided the backdrop for the 1970s de-industrialization of the U.S.A. and Western Europe. If people could accept "postponing their immediate ambitions and gratifications of immediate desires at least to the extent of providing a liveable world for their children and grandchildren ... it would at least provide a breathing space," King said in 1976. Today's children and grandchildren can see what they got. The King of genocide was to attend and chair many subsequent ICUS conferences.

At the 14th conference, in Houston, free-enterprise economic guru Friedrich von Hayek received the Founder's Award from a Moon stand-in (the Reverend was still in prison on tax evasion charges). That one was chaired by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Alvin Weinberg, the student of Wigner. Von Hayek kept coming back, bringing with him the Conservative Revolution crowd of the American Enterprise Institute, the Potomac Organization, and others. At the 15th conference, a major theme was unity of religions. Discussion papers included one on a favorite topic of Moon: a piece by a comparative religion expert arguing that phallus cults are simply a form of "worship of the principle of life."

So, the wide net of the Open Conspiracy drew tighter.

Where It Came From

The Unity of Sciences movement had been founded in New York City in the mid-1930s, by a group of admirers of Bertrand Russell among the faculty of Columbia and New York Universities. It drew its philosophical fire from Russell's discredited attempt at a utopian formal logic, the Principia Mathematica,[17] and a related offshoot of German philosophical degeneracy, the Vienna Circle of logical-positivism. In the final analysis, the distinction between those doctrines, and what Moon considered to be his most profound discovery ("Why didn't you feel they [your feces] were dirty? Because that's a part of your body.") is a fine one.

It all went back to Thomas Huxley's basic teaching, itself the derivate of a long chain of philosophical decay dating back to Aristotle. The unifying theme was the denial of the nobility of man, as expressed in the provable power of the human mind to create and discover new ideas. For the "no-soul" gang, there is no distinction of man from the beast, nor even from inorganic matter. There is, thus, no soul. To maintain such a view, creative reason must be denied. The mind must be shown to be merely a formal-logical processor, not different from a digital computer. The method of knowing the world, is reduced to analysis of sensory data received at the nerve endings.

The logical-positivist version of the doctrine had been described most nakedly by the Austrian failure of a physicist, Ernst Mach. In his 1886 The Analysis of Sensations, and the Relation of the Physical to the Psychical, Mach described his philosophical epiphany at the age of 17. He had been studying Kant's tortured philosophy, when he suddenly saw ... something:

On a bright summer day in the open air, the world with my ego suddenly appeared to me as one coherent mass of sensations, only more strongly coherent in the ego.

Leaders of the Unity of Science grouping in New York, all members or sympathizers of Trotskyist political groupings, included Ernest Nagel, Sidney Hook, and Albert Wohlstetter (later to achieve fame as the mentor of America's leading Chicken-hawk, Defense Policy Board Chairman Richard Perle).[18] John Dewey, the so-called education reformer most responsible for the present dumbing down of U.S. education, was also prominently associated with the group. Soon, members of the Vienna Circle in flight from Hitler, began arriving in New York. Among them were Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, and the man who coined the term Unity of Science, Otto Neurath.[19]

Bertrand Russell visited New York in 1936, on his way to a two-year teaching assignment at the University of Chicago, and met with the members of the Unity of Sciences group. Russell took the movement with him to Robert M. Hutchins' University of Chicago. It grew to national intellectual prominence in 1938, with a well-publicized conference at the University of Pennsylvania, attended by Russell, and followed shortly thereafter by another affair at Harvard.

Soon, the method of Unified Science would take over the teaching of science and mathematics, first in the U.S.A., then the rest of the world. A project called the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, run out of the University of Chicago, published a multivolume series, of which Thomas Kuhn's wretched piece of intellectual dishonesty, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is the best known.[20] Neurath was the editor-in-chief for the encyclopedia. Rudolf Carnap, another Viennese refugee, and Charles Morris, both of whom frequented Russell's seminar at Chicago, were the associate editors. The advisory committee for the project included Copenhagen school physicist Niels Bohr, John Dewey, and the devil's orphan, Bertrand Russell himself.

Postscript: A Note on Moon's 'Theology'

Moon's is a Gnostic doctrine, not of his own invention. The method of propagating cults, as a means of maintaining subject populations under the rule of an imperial power, goes back at least as far, in known history, as the Babylonian Empire. The Romans learned it from the high priests of the East, whence it passed along, by way of Byzantium, to Venice, the leading maritime power up to the 17th Century. From Venice, it penetrated into England, and eventually became a standard piece in the repertory of the British Empire's intelligence services.

The specific cult doctrine known as Gnosticism came to the Hellenic world by way of the Persian domination of Mesopotamia. It originated as a form of mystery worship of astronomical deities, including a father (or "original man") and great mother god, sometimes Venus, or, in an Egyptian-derived variant, Isis (Sirius). The number seven has mystical significance as the number of the five visible planets, plus the Sun and Moon.

In the form of the Gnostic heresy deployed against early Christianity, the primal or original man, becomes Christ. In some versions, such as that presented in the popular book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Christ did not die on the cross, but married Mary Magdalen, migrated to Europe, and had children, who became the British ruling family by way of d'Anjou and Plantagenet lineage. This published hoax is a variant on the form of British Israelism believed by many members of the British elite today. In another common variant, the actual Jews are thought to be the children of Eve's copulation with Satan (the serpent); the other descendants of Adam allegedly went elsewhere. In other versions, Christ did not marry, which is, itself, alleged to be an error.

Moon's religion is a syncretic variant upon these diverse Gnostic doctrines, created as a cult belief-structure, for purposes of mass manipulation. Moon believes that he is the Father of a "Third Testament Age." The first was tainted by Cain's crime against his brother. Christ failed to have children, and thus the Second Testament Age was not fulfilled. Father and Mother Moon (that is, Sun Myung and his second wife Hak Ja Han) are the parents of a new race of "blessed" people of the Third Testament Age. Although Moon apparently once thought he could father all the children single-handedly, age caught up with him. It was determined that he and his wife could become the parents of the new generation, by being present at mass blessings of marriages. Tens of thousands of couples may participate at one time. Moon, now 82, believes himself the Messiah, but not immortal. Therefore, these affairs must be conducted as widely and quickly as possible. A big one just occurred near Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2002.

That, folks, is the hard truth about the world's largest Gnostic Sex-Cult Freak Show.

Is your rabbi, imam, priest, or pastor co-habiting with the devil? Is he sporting a new gold watch, perhaps a new girlfriend, or a Moon-blessed wife? Do you, including the unchurched among you, imagine yourselves free of this influence? When was the last time you picked up a copy of a publication in science, culture, history, or any field of intellectual endeavor, that did not have the imprimatur of the Russell-Wells "no-soul gang" stamped all over it? Have you any independent thought respecting man and nature, which is not derived from, or influenced in some way, by the philosophical premises of the "no-soul" gang? Think about it. Much is riding on your conclusion.


The essential thesis for this report is contained in two groundbreaking historical studies by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: "How Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man," Fidelio, Fall 1994, and "Today's Nuclear Balance of Power: The Wells of Doom," EIR, Dec. 19, 1997. The author had the rich outline of these concepts rattling around his brain when he undertook recently to look into the origins of the Unity of the Sciences Movement. Discovering the Russell, Dewey, Hutchins, Niels Bohr nexus of control leading into the 1970 re-publication of Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the question arose: How did this operation become integrated into the Moonie empire, beginning 1972, with the prominent assistance of Leo Szilard's partner, Eugene Wigner? A re-reading of Wells' The Open Conspiracy, pointed to the significance of Buchman's Oxford Group/Moral Re-Armament Movement, which spawned the Moon cult, as the tactical realization of Wells' call for a mass peace movement. A closer look at the Unity of Science doctrine combined with the second part of Wells' "modern Bible scheme," his Science of Life, helped to answer a question which had been part of the immediate motivation for this research: Who killed science?

The EIR archive of unpublished reports dating back to 1978 proved an invaluable source of material. An overview was provided by re-reading of the 1980 work The New Dark Ages Conspiracy, a book-length elaboration by his collaborators of LaRouche's original thesis on the Russell-Wells "no-soul gang."

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