-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Brigade,

"America is the only nation on Earth to claim a right to intervene
militarily in every region of the world. But this foreign policy is not
America's tradition; it is an aberration. During our first 150 years, we
renounced interventionism and threatened war on any foreign power that
dared to intervene in our hemisphere. Can we, of all people, not
understand why foreigners bitterly resent our intrusions?..." -- Pat

Below, please find 2 columns:
1. Apocalypse Soon by Tony Blankley 10/6/99
2. Is Cataclysmic Terrorism Ahead? by Pat Buchanan 1/12/99

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!


The Washington Times - October 6, 1999

Apocalypse soon by Tony Blankley

Presidential campaigns are useful for determining: whether a vice
president looks more presidential in a brown gabardine or a blue worsted
suit while announcing a change of address for his campaign headquarters;
whether a Christian gentleman should share an office with a Christian lady
-- and whether an aging left-wing movie star can add as much to
presidential politics as an atheist former professional
wrestler-cum-governor who dreams of coming back in another life as a
brassiere for a large woman. And it's only October. We have 13 more months
to enlighten, further, the electorate.

Meanwhile, the secretary of defense receives the first report from his
United States Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, which I
read with deepening fear for my dear little daughter Ana, who was sitting
on my lap while I looked at the report this weekend. The commission,
co-chaired by former Sens. Warren Rudman and Gary Hart, and composed of
leading military, diplomatic, political, academic, and business elder
statesmen is as sober in its makeup as it is flamboyantly nightmarish in
its predictions for the next 25 years.

So, sit back, ingest your calming substance or liquid of
preference and behold the near future, just as it has been reported to
Secretary of Defense William Cohen two weeks ago.

Weapons of mass nuclear, chemical and biological destruction will
proliferate. We should expect conflicts in which our adversaries, because
of "cultural affinities different from our own, will resort to forms and
levels of violence shocking to our sensibilities." The United States will
often be dependent on allies, "but it will find reliable alliances more
difficult to establish and sustain."

The report goes on to conclude that despite the fact that the United
States will be, both absolutely and relatively, the most powerful nation
on Earth, and despite the lack of a global competitor, we will be "limited
in our ability to impose our will, and we will be vulnerable to an
increasing range of threats."

 "States, terrorists, and other disaffected groups will acquire weapons of
mass destruction and mass disruption, and some will use them. Americans
will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers."

"When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living
creature call out, 'Come!' I looked and there was a pale green horse! Its
rider's name was Death, and Hades followed with him; they were given
authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and
pestilence, and by the wild animals of the earth." This last quote is from
John's Revelations, not the U.S. Commission on National Security in the
21st Century, But, giving allowance for a writing style gap of 2,000
years, it is a sequitur to the report findings immediately above it.

Visions of doom led men to religion and a search for God's grace. Today, I
fear, the main reaction, if any, is to look for a stock with upside
potential if there is increased demand for toxic cleanup and mass
contaminated corpse disposal.

 The faith of our fathers abides, and I hope that the stock market does
too. But, in a presidential and congressional election period, shouldn't
there also be a vigorous debate on the policies necessary to avoid or
minimize the calamity of mass death of Americans from nuclear or
biological attack?

The report goes on to describe a world in which U.S. intelligence and
diplomacy will be inadequate to protect our interests and security. The
continued advance of the global economy and technology will destabilize
nations and cultures, resulting in anti-technology backlashes. Those same
forces will "batter the concept of national sovereignty." Some important
nations "will not be able to manage these challenges and could fragment
and fail." Nationalism, ethnic and religious violence will rise, creating
"humanitarian disasters, major catalytic regional crises and the spread of
dangerous weapons."

"Big ideas" will spread quickly around the globe, and the "stage will be
set for mass action to have social impact beyond the borders and control
of existing political structures." The United States will "increasingly
find itself wishing to form coalitions but increasingly unable to find
partners willing and able to carry out combined military operations."

 In other words, according to the 14 sober and serious-minded
commissioners who filed this report --and represent the very heart of our
political-business-military-foreign policy establishment -- the world is
going to become unhinged in the next 25 years. They judge that we will
neither be able to manage the global chaos abroad, nor stop it from
reaping its terrible harvest here on the soil and in the flesh of our

But, awash as we are in our technology's unending flood of information --
and with no one place left to gather as a nation to think about our
collective future -- we ignore these warnings, even as we are thrilled by
Mr. Gore's change-of- address announcement.

Tony Blankley's column for The Washington Times appears on Wednesdays.


January 12, 1999

On the day after Pearl Harbor, ex-President Herbert Hoover sat down and
wrote to friends: "You and I know that this continuous putting pins in
rattlesnakes finally got this country bitten."

Japan's sneak attack was one of the great acts of state terror, but its
motive was desperation. The United States had cut off Japan's oil and sent
Tokyo an ultimatum: Withdraw from Indochina and China, or we bring you to
your knees. Japan decided to seize the oil of the East Indies and
eliminate the one force that could stop her: the U.S. fleet.

Yet, after we crushed Japan, China fell to Mao and Indochina to Ho Chi
Minh and the Khmer Rouge. Had we never intervened in East Asia, Japanese,
not Americans, would likely have done the fighting and dying in Korea and
Vietnam to contain Asian communism.

What calls to mind the phrase "putting pins in rattlesnakes" is an
unsettling paper by the Cato Institute's Ivan Eland: "Does U.S.
Intervention Overseas Breed Terrorism? The Historical Record."

Eland's argument: Americans are the principal targets of terrorists
because of our constant meddling in foreign wars. If we do not abandon our
compulsive interventionism, we will one day be subjected to an act of
cataclysmic terror, with a weapon of mass destruction, perhaps nuclear.

Already, we have come close. The World Trade Center bomb was designed to
bring down one of those 110-story towers and kill perhaps 50,000
Americans. Had the terrorists used poison gas, they might have killed more
than the 3,000 who died at Pearl Harbor. And Osama Bin Laden, the rich,
U.S.-hating Saudi terrorist reportedly has long been in the market for a
nuclear weapon.

Eland's empirical evidence linking U.S. military interventions to
retaliatory acts of terrorism is impressive. Consider:

U.S. Marines were sent into Lebanon to bolster a Christian regime in 1983.
Result: Islamic terrorists bombed our embassy and Marine barracks, killing
hundreds, and Ronald Reagan withdrew the Marines.

Before 1981, Libya's Col. Qaddafi had not targeted Americans. But Reagan
sent U.S. ships and planes across his "line of death" in the Gulf of
Sidra, shot down his jets and sank his patrol boats. Result: Qaddafi blew
up La Belle nightclub in Berlin, wounding dozens of GIs. Reagan answered
with air strikes. Qaddafi retaliated with eight acts of terrorism, by
Eland's count, the most horrific being the downing of Pan Am 103.

In 1992, George Bush intervened in Somalia. Bin Laden trained the
terrorists who lured U.S. Rangers into a trap, killed 18 and dragged the
body of one through Mogadishu. Bill Clinton pulled out.

Bin Laden calls Somalia his greatest victory and is believed to have
planned the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. What
motivates him? Hatred of America because of our huge military presence on
Islam's sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.

Robert Kennedy was murdered by a West Bank Palestinian. George Bush
was targeted for assassination by Iraqis. Filipino terrorists used to
attack Americans until we withdrew from Subic Bay and Clark Air Force
Base. Now, they don't.

The seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and other acts of state terror
by the mullahs stem from U.S. military support of the shah until 1979.
Today, there is a near-identical U.S. presence in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Both regimes are despised by many of their own people, and Americans have
been targets of terrorist attacks in both.

America is the only nation on Earth to claim a right to intervene
militarily in every region of the world. But this foreign policy is not
America's tradition; it is an aberration. During our first 150 years, we
renounced interventionism and threatened war on any foreign power that
dared to intervene in our hemisphere. Can we, of all people, not
understand why foreigners bitterly resent our intrusions?

With the Cold War over, why invite terrorist attacks on our citizens and
country, ultimately with biological, chemical or nuclear weapons? No
nation threatens us. But with the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, America will inevitably be targeted. And the cataclysmic
terror weapon is more likely to come by Ryder truck or container ship than
by ICBM. And no SDI will stop it.

Madeleine Albright describes terrorism as "the biggest threat to our
country ... as we enter the 21st century." But battling terrorism must go
beyond discovering and disrupting it before it happens and deterring it
with retaliation. We need to remove the motivation for it by extricating
the United States from ethnic, religious and historical quarrels that are
not ours and which we cannot resolve with any finality.

-------------------  end  ------------------

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