-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Mon, 9 Aug 1999 14:52:19 -0700
Subject:                [BRIGADE] The Problem With Buchanan or...When Elections Matter 
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Brigade,

"That’s the problem with Buchanan, they say again and again, he
stands for
something; a lot of somethings! And what kind of imbecile is
willing to
run the odds of an outspoken principled conservative winning an
anyway? Too many people are bound to get angry...."

Another GREAT column from our friend Steve Farrell.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!


by Steve Farrell
NEWSMAX - http://www.newsmax.com
August 4, 1999

One thing you have to admire about Pat Buchanan, wherever he is,
so are
the fireworks. This was especially true of his 1992 Republican
concession speech which was so filled with flint and fire that
Pat almost
burned the Republican Party down and left it for dead. He
didn’t.  Given
more time, however, he may yet finish the job.

At least that’s the opinion of anti-Buchanan Republicans
Buchanan’s recent threat to bolt from the party and lead a
glorious and
holy charge under the banner of the Reform Party. All of a
establishment Republicans are shaking in their boots and manning
the fire
hoses against little ol’ Pat . . . again.

Better yet, their two chief cheerleaders, Mike Reagan and Rush
feverishly have taken to the airwaves to forewarn their
disciples of the
impending doom - ironically endeavoring to convince their audiences that
victory for the party, not for principle, is what really matters and that
a third party Pat would cost Republicans dearly. Their theory? It is
better to elect irresistible candidates who refuse to vocalize their
positions and then hope for them to become champions of liberty by way of

That’s the problem with Buchanan, they say again and again, he stands for
something; a lot of somethings! And what kind of imbecile is willing to
run the odds of an outspoken principled conservative winning an election
anyway? Too many people are bound to get angry.

It is an interesting theory. But here’s another theory; call it the common
sense theory. It goes like this: Zealously focusing on election results
and evening news reviews to the exclusion of principle produces a party
which pleases the media, and the media is pleased by liberals.

Thus: We get a Republican dominated Congress which fails to do a darn
thing (except go through the motions) in its “opposition” to the most
corrupt, liberty destroying and dangerous administration in the history of
this nation, and will no doubt close its eyes to continued corruption in
the next presidency.

It means that “conservatives” join the President in calling record tax
increases – in the guise of tax cuts and borrowing money from social
security - a balanced budget, and call stripping the right of citizens to
protect their families anti-crime legislation.

It means that the IRS will be “reformed” by Republicans rather than
abolished and that talk of a national sales tax will always be talk.

It means that Clinton’s “failed” attempt to socialize American medicine
will move forward, quietly, without resistance, thanks to unnecessary,
after the fact, Republican led compromise packages.

It means that, since Republicans outlawed the right to sue HMOs and
outlawed the right to sue slackers in industry regarding Y2K, that
Americans can expect this “conservative” trend to continue until they are
left powerless against the edicts, recklessness, and raw power of the
state and its “private” partners.

It means that President Bush’s scheme, which included the fascist idea of
government/private partnerships and mandatory national service will be
given new life by his converted-to-Christianity, “compassionate
conservatism” son. A move that threatens to undermine all of Christianity
via the controls which follow subsidies.

It means that ordinary Republican’s will continue to be misled by their
own party into believing that decentralization and federalism are one and
the same, until their state rights are subtly and finally subverted.

It means that thanks to an all-talk-but-no-action Republican-led Congress,
the UN and its regional subsidiary NATO will continue to be used to
advance the cause of terrorist groups like the KLA, will continue to be
used to undermine the sovereignty of nations, and yet will continue to
protect the sovereignty of two favored nations, Russian and China,
categorizing their dirty business of crushing freedom movements in
Chechnya and Taiwan as an “internal affair”

It means that the Republican led Congress will continue to grant most
favored nation trade status to China, the most brutal regime in history,
in order to preserve “free” trade, even while they enthusiastically slap
120 percent tariffs on goods sold from the freer nations of the European

And it means that a President of the United States will continue to go to
war at his own whim, without the consent of Congress, American boys will
continue to die in meaningless wars, and America’s enemies will multiply.
With such noteworthy achievements as these and countless others the
product of the Republican Party’s propensity to win elections and win the
favor of the media, it just makes plain sense for all of us to deify
another establishment candidate who “they” say can win, and damn the one
who “they” say can’t.

Doesn’t it?

Steve Farrell is the former Managing Editor of Right Magazine and
Newmax.com’s newest staff writer. Please email your comments to Steve at

------------  end  -----------------------

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