-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
                             THE LIBERATOR ONLINE

   October 20, 1999
   Vol. 4, No. 20
   Circulation: 32,533 in 81 countries

   Mailing list of the Advocates for Self-Government.
   Created and edited by Paul Schmidt, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Co-edited by James W. Harris, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   If you wish to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address for
   receiving the Liberator OnLine, visit:

   The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational
   organization. Our purpose is to present the freedom philosophy
   honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers so that they can
   encounter, evaluate, and when ready, embrace the ideals of

   Contributions are tax deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS
   code. If you would like to support the Advocates, we *welcome* your
   donation. To support the Advocates' work, see
   http://www.reliablehost.com/self-gov/donate.html -- or give us a call
   at 1-800-932-1776.

     "At a time when society demands ever more meat and substance from us
     all, we must learn to defend all our personal resources with reason,
     clarity and the kind of effective persuasion that wins friends,
     rather than alienating them. For this, no group is more helpful than
     the Advocates, who teach independent thinking coupled with empathy
     and tolerance for others."

     -- Tonie Nathan, first Libertarian Party candidate for vice
     president (1972), and first woman in American history to ever win an
     electoral college vote.





     * Celebrity Libertarian: Parenting Guru John Rosemond
     * Colt Holsters It
     * FBI: Build Wiretapping Into the Internet


     * Editor's Choices: michellemalkin.com
     * Is Big Brother Reading Your E-Mail?


     * Safety Questions in the Classroom
     * Minimum Wage in the Classroom
     * The Bleeding Stranger: Offenses of Default


     * The Great Libertarian Answer
       by Michael Cloud


     * Advocates 15th Anniversary Tapes

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                              PRESIDENT'S CORNER

   Dear friends,

   "What is a libertarian?"

   "What is libertarianism?"

   As Michael Cloud points out in his "Persuasion Power Points" column
   this issue, these are two of the first questions any libertarian is
   likely to be asked.

   And it's vitally important that you have a good, persuasive answer

   Michael has some great suggestions to help you craft such answers.

   He's also suggested a contest -- with prizes to the best answers we
   receive to those questions.

   I think that's a great idea. Details are in his column. Check it out,
   come up with your responses, and send them in.

   We'll run the best ones in an upcoming issue. And in this contest
   we're *all* winners - you'll have better answers if you follow
   Michael's advice, and by sending your answers in you may help
   thousands of fellow libertarians come up with better answers, too.

   * * *

   On October 8, Joseph Farah, editor of http://WorldNetDaily.com, wrote
   an editorial called "Redefining the Political Spectrum."

   Many Liberator Online readers wrote letters to Farah in response,
   pointing out the fallacy of the old "left vs. right" political line
   (which, among other shortcomings, leaves out libertarians entirely) and
   suggesting the World's Smallest Political Quiz as a better model. Some
   of you forwarded your letters to me.

   Quite a few of those letters were printed at WorldNetDaily.com, and
   continue to be printed. Many of them gave the Quiz's URL. In fact,
   we've been receiving several hundred visits to the Quiz site *per day*
   from WorldNetDaily.com readers since those letters started appearing.
   Congratulations to all of you!

   By the way, even letters that don't get printed have an impact.
   Editors read them. And the sheer numbers of letters received on a
   topic play a big part in whether or not more letters on that subject
   are printed - and whether the subject itself receives future coverage.

   WorldNetDaily.com says it's been ranked for 25 weeks as "The World's
   Most Popular Web Site" by WorldCharts.com. The number of visits we've
   received thanks to these letters indicates that the site is indeed a
   popular one. A single letter there reaches a lot of people.

   We'll be harnessing the power of email in the future to help change the
   political map. See "What's Happening" below for info about our new,
   ongoing "Action Alerts" effort.

   And thanks, letter-writers, for showing - again -- that it can be

   Enjoy this issue of the Liberator Online.

   Sharon Harris, President

   PS: They're now available! Audio and video tapes of the entire
   Advocates 15th Anniversary Celebration. You can buy individual tapes,
   or get the whole set at a special low price. This event featured top
   libertarian leaders and some of the very finest libertarian speakers at
   their very best. In alphabetical order: David Bergland, Ken Bisson,
   Walter Block, Harry Browne, Doug Casey, Michael Cloud, Marshall Fritz,
   Karl Hess Jr., Jacob Hornberger, Vince Miller, Charles Murray, David
   Nolan, Congressman Ron Paul, Carole Ann Rand, and Mary Ruwart. See our
   "Product Review" section below for more info - or click here
   http://www.reliablehost.com/self-gov/adv15.html for a list of speakers,
   topics, and prices. Thank you!

WANTED: Copies of Ed Clark's book, A New Beginning
        If you have a copy (or copies), please call the Advocates
        at 800-932-1776. We'll buy, trade for merchandise, or
        gladly accept as tax-deductible donation. THANKS!


   * McGraw-Hill using Advocates article: "The Ugly Truth About The
   Minimum Wage" is an excellent article by Professor Jim Cox, Advocates
   supporter and author of the acclaimed book "The Concise Guide to
   Economics." The minimum wage is a controversial subject in classrooms,
   and Cox's unswervingly free-market article has been used by many high
   school and college students as a reference. (You can see it at:
   http://www.self-gov.org/cox02.html.) Now we're pleased to announce that
   McGraw-Hill, one of America's leading textbook publishers, has asked us
   for permission to mirror that site for student use in their educational
   product, "WebQuester: Economics." Here's how McGraw Hill describes that
   product to us: "WebQuester is a series of online exercises in the
   social sciences based on carefully selected sites on the World Wide
   Web. It consists of approximately twenty topics pertaining to a
   particular subject matter. Each module has ten multiple-choice
   questions relating to the information in the three or four links
   referenced. There are also short answer and essay questions based on
   the material in the site." We are delighted by this further example of
   how Advocates material is reaching classrooms across America.

   * StudyWeb Honors Advocates: The Advocates Web page has been selected
   as "one of the best educational resources on the Web" by StudyWeb.
   StudyWeb describes itself as one of the Internet's premier sites for
   educational resources for students and teachers. StudyWeb reviewers
   select sites they consider to be the finest educational Web sites for
   inclusion in their listing of educational links. Each site chosen for
   StudyWeb is given a detailed review describing its editorial and visual
   merits. StudyWeb reviews have been featured on Webcrawler Select, The
   Lycos Top 5%, Education World and many other places, and StudyWeb
   updates are provided to media and educational resources around the
   world. We are pleased to be included in this important educational
   resource, and to receive StudyWeb's "Excellence Award."

   * Advocates in the News: "City Pages" newspaper - subtitled "The News
   and Arts Weekly of the Twin Cities" (Minneapolis and St. Paul,
   Minnesota) -- ran a lengthy article about the Libertarian Party's
   "Success '99" training program. The article prominently featured
   Advocates President Sharon Harris and her role in the training, and
   included information about the Ransberger Pivot, temperament types, and
   other communication concepts the Advocates has introduced into the
   libertarian movement.

   * OPH in "LP News": An excellent photo of an Operation Politically
   Homeless booth in action is featured in the current issue of
   "Libertarian Party News," the monthly newspaper of that party. The
   photo shows LP members Lee Cross and Thane Plummer using OPH to take
   the libertarian message to attendees at the Orange County (California)

   * Thanks and welcome aboard to Pam Racette, who is now editing
   "Libertarian Clips," our free daily email libertarian clipping
   service. For info on how to subscribe, see below.


   * Free "Libertarian Clips": "Libertarian Clips" is a daily (or weekly,
   if you prefer) clipping service that brings you news stories from
   around the world that use the words "libertarian" or "libertarianism."
   See what libertarians are doing, and see how the media is using those
   words. It's FREE, and subscribing is a snap. Just click here:

   * Latest "Liberator" still available: The summer issue of "The
   Liberator," our print magazine, is crammed full of good news about
   liberty. Topics include: growing acceptance of the World's Smallest
   Political Quiz; the Quiz in Academia and on national television; Lights
   of Liberty winners; OPH success in California; Operation Persuasion
   update; and much more. We'll send you a FREE sample copy of this
   magazine. Just click here: http://www.self-gov.org/request.html

   * LP's "Success '99" workshops: The Libertarian Party is presenting its
   acclaimed "Success '99" libertarian leadership training workshops in
   two dozen cities across America this year. Join libertarian
   communication experts including Advocates President Sharon Harris, Dr.
   Mary Ruwart, David Bergland, Michael Cloud, Bill Winter, Ron
   Crickenberger, Steve Dasbach, Jim Lark, Barbara Goushaw, and others.
   There are four remaining "Success '99" events: Nashville, Tennessee
   October 23-24; Augusta, Maine, November 6-7; Denver, Colorado Nov.
   13-14; and St. Louis, Missouri Nov. 20-21. more details, registration
   information, and a complete listing of the cities, dates, and speakers
   for "Success '99," see: http://www.self-gov.org/success99.html

   * Advocates "Action Alert" Email: Too many journalists and other
   opinion-shapers are still using the old "left vs. right" political map
   - a map that leaves out libertarians. Now, using email, we can let them
   know -- immediately -- that there's an alternative to the left-right
   myth: the World's Smallest Political Quiz. Here's how.

   If you read or hear of a journalist or other public figure using the
   old left-right spectrum, please let us know immediately. If it's in
   print, fax us a copy or email it. (Use the address at the end of this
   issue). If it's on the Web, send us the URL. If it's on TV and you've
   taped it, a transcript would be great, but if you don't have that, just
   tell us what you remember was said.

   When appropriate, we'll send an "Action Alert" email bulletin out to
   our email list. That bulletin will include email contact information
   for the journalist. This will generate hundreds or thousands of
   responses - and that in turn can mean a huge step forward in public
   consciousness of the Quiz and libertarianism.

   * Communication Bargain of the Century: You can get the great 3-tape
   audio course "The Essence of Political Persuasion" from us at the
   *give-away* price of only $7.50 - that price includes handling and,
   now, First Class mail. (Yes, we've previously offered it for $5.00 if
   mailed by bulk mail, but we found that too slow - First Class will get
   your order to you right away!) Libertarian Party Political Director Ron
   Crickenberger says this Advocates offer is "...the greatest gift the
   libertarian movement has received in years." Thanks to "Persuasion"
   creator Michael Cloud for making this offer possible.

   To order, see: http://www.reliablehost.com/self-gov/persuasion.html

   This is a secure site, so you can order via credit card with
   confidence. You can also call us or mail $7.50 to the Advocates. Our
   phone number and address are at the end of this issue.

   * 1999 Lights of Liberty Awards: You can win certificates, public
   recognition, prizes and more for your vital activism for liberty.
   Awards are given for: 3 libertarian letters to the editor; 3 sessions
   working at an OPH booth; OR 3 libertarian-oriented public speeches.
   Click here http://www.self-gov.org/lights/ to learn more.

   New: Every "Lights of Liberty" winner will be entered in a drawing for
   the autographed "Libertarian Presidential Library" collection - a $250


   by James W. Harris

Celebrity Libertarian: Parenting Guru John Rosemond

   Nationally-syndicated parenting columnist John Rosemond must be one of
   the busiest people on the planet. His syndicated column appears in more
   than 175 newspapers from coast-to-coast, reaching more than 10 million
   readers. He is the author of eight best-selling books: Teen-Proofing,
   Because I Said So, A Family of Value, To Spank or Not to Spank, Making
   the "Terrible" Twos Terrific, Ending the Homework Hassle, John
   Rosemond's Six-Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children, and
   Parent Power!.

   He's also an in-demand speaker. During the last five years, he has
   given an average of 200 talks a year. He's a family therapist and a
   51-year-old father and grandfather who says: "The major resource and
   inspiration for everything I've ever written is my wonderful family."

   And there's more. He is director of the Center for Affirmative
   Parenting, and publishes a quarterly magazine for parents, "John
   Rosemond's Affirmative Parenting." In the May/June 1999 issue,
   Rosemond stated that, though the media often incorrectly defines him as
   a conservative, "I'm actually a libertarian."

   Rosemond's staunch rejection of "permissive" parenting techniques, and
   his defense of the family from government intrusion, have made him a
   controversial figure in some circles. He has praised the Separation of
   School and State Alliance (a project of the Advocates, headed by
   Advocates Founder Marshall Fritz) in his syndicated column, calling
   Marshall "one of the most interesting men I've ever encountered" and
   calling the organization's newsletter "..a valuable resource for anyone
   interested in parents' rights and educational issues."

   (Thanks to Brian Thomson)

Colt Holsters It

   Colt's Manufacturing invented the six-shooter in the 19th century. The
   company's Colt .45 - "the six-shooter that won the West" - has become
   legendary in countless westerns.

   Now, however, the 144-year-old company is halting virtually all of its
   retail business -- because of the threat of liability lawsuits.

   Colt has announced that, from now on, it will sell guns almost
   exclusively to government agencies and the military. Retail sales to
   civilians - formerly 30% of the company's business -- will now be
   limited to special collectors' editions.

   Colt is currently facing 28 lawsuits from cities, counties, and
   others. The lawsuits are similar to the recent punitive lawsuits
   against tobacco companies. The real, though unstated, purpose of these
   lawsuits is to force gun makers out of business. In the case of Colt,
   they are succeeding.

   The threat posed by such lawsuits to the right to keep and bear arms is
   very real. As the Augusta, Georgia "Chronicle" newspaper said of the
   Colt cave-in: "If enough firms do that, handguns could become so scarce
   or expensive that the Second Amendment right to own and bear them would
   be meaningless."

   (Sources: Associated Press / Augusta Chronicle)

FBI: Build Wiretapping Into the Internet

   The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), founded in 1986, is the
   private international organization that sets standards for Internet

   The group is now debating whether future Internet technology should be
   constructed in such a way as to allow the U.S. government to easily
   conduct wiretaps of online telephone communication -- in other words,
   to wire government surveillance into the next generation of Internet

   IETF members are girding for an explosive debate at their meeting next
   month. But the FBI has already given its opinion - and, big surprise,
   they are pro-wiretap.

   "We think it's a wise and prudent move," said Barry Smith, supervisory
   special agent in the FBI's Digital Telephony and Encryption policy
   unit. "If court-authorized wiretaps are frustrated, effective law
   enforcement is jeopardized, public safety is jeopardized, and
   policymakers are going to have to figure out how to rectify the

   It's Smith's last point - a veiled threat, really -- that concerns some
   IETF leaders. They argue that if the IETF doesn't build in Internet
   telephone wiretapping capability voluntarily, the government will pass
   laws mandating such changes anyway - and those laws could be more
   invasive and/or technologically unwieldy than the changes IETF might

   The FBI's Smith agrees.

   "If this standard-setting body chooses to turn a blind eye to reality,
   they can make a statement, but companies are going to have to function
   in the real world and meet their governmental obligations," Smith said.

   But Jeff Schiller, an IETF executive committee member, disagrees. "We
   should not be building surveillance technology into standards. Law
   enforcement was not supposed to be easy. Where it is easy, it's called
   a police state."

   (Of course, the United States, like most other countries, already
   requires telephone companies to configure their networks so police can
   easily wiretap calls.)

   (Source: Wired News: "Net Wiretapping: Yes or No?" by Declan McCullagh
   Oct. 13)

   * * *

Time for Restrictions...

     "The information superhighway is a revolution that in years to come
     will transcend newspapers, radio, and television as an information
     source. Therefore, I think this is the time to put some restrictions
     on it."

     -- Sen. James Exon (D-Neb.) 1996

                                  ON THE WEB

Editor's Choices: michellemalkin.com

   Michelle Malkin is a nationally syndicated libertarian columnist for
   Creators Syndicate. Her twice-weekly feature was introduced Sept. 28,
   1999 -- the quickest launch on record, according to the syndicate!

   Her work has been cited in many publications including the New York
   Times, USA Today, Readers Digest, and others. She has also written
   articles for the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, and Reason

   Malkin, the daughter of Filipino immigrants, was born in Philadelphia,
   Pa. in 1970 and raised in southern New Jersey. She is a graduate of
   Oberlin College. She worked for the Los Angeles Daily News as an
   editorial writer and weekly columnist from 1992-94. In 1996 she joined
   the editorial board of the Seattle Times where she worked for three and
   a half years.

   Visit her website at http://michellemalkin.com where you can read her
   past articles, favorite links, and other news articles. Also visit her
   archives to read her articles about affirmative action, health care,
   liberty, and many other topics.

Is Big Brother Reading Your E-Mail?

   By Rod Dreher
   from the New York Post Online Edition

   Want to give a big, fat finger to Big Brother today? Fax or e-mail this
   column to a friend. Be sure to include the following words:

   Unabomber. Anthrax. Fissionable plutonium. North Korea. Militia. Delta
   Force. Ruby Ridge.

   If the suspicions of Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.), the American Civil
   Liberties Union and cyber-libertarian "hacktivists" are correct, your
   fax or e-mail containing those words will have been intercepted by a
   sophisticated official electronic monitoring system called "Echelon."

   Echelon is a supersecret global surveillance network, run by the U.S.
   National Security Agency, in conjunction with the governments of
   Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

   Echelon is said to intercept and sift through countless electronic
   transmissions daily, filtering out those with particular "keywords"
   that could signal a security threat. The purloined posts are later

   Hacktivists around the world have scheduled today as "Jam Echelon
   Day." They're encouraging computer users to flood the Internet with
   e-mails containing suspected keywords, hoping the deluge will
   short-circuit Echelon's computers and satellites.

   The public will never know if they succeed, but crashing Echelon is not
   really the point. The protest is meant to raise public awareness about
   the threat to privacy and civil liberties purportedly posed by the
   security network, which sounds like something out of the movie "Enemy
   of the State."

   [For the full article, visit:
   http://www.nypostonline.com/102199/commentary/16529.htm and look at the
   end of the article to see how to send it to a friend.]

                                ASK DR. RUWART

   How can you answer difficult questions about libertarianism -- in
   short, positive, persuasive soundbite-sized responses? It's a
   challenge every libertarian communicator faces.

   Dr. Mary Ruwart is a leading expert in libertarian communication and
   author of the international bestseller "Healing Our World." Her new
   book is "Short Answers to the Tough Questions." In this column she
   provides Liberator Online readers with "Short Answers to the Tough
   Questions" that libertarians are frequently asked.

   If you'd like Dr. Ruwart to provide effective answers for YOUR "tough
   questions" on libertarian issues, just email the questions to her at:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. *Due to volume, Dr. Ruwart can't personally
   answer or acknowledge all email queries.* But we'll run the best
   questions -- and Dr. Ruwart's answers -- in upcoming issues.

   Extra Tip: Dr. Ruwart suggests that answers are often best preceded by
   a "Ransberger Pivot" statement, to establish common ground with the
   questioner. (Example: "Like you, I too want to live in a world where
   the environment is clean... Like you, I too want to see greater
   abundance for all people...") For more on the Ransberger Pivot
   communication technique, see previous issues, or contact the Advocates.

   Dr. Ruwart's past answers are archived in searchable form at the

                     Short Answers to the Tough Questions:

   by Dr. Mary Ruwart

   * * *

Safety Questions in the Classroom


   "In my political science class the other day the professor asked
   students what they thought was an appropriate role of government. A
   consensus among the students began to form that 'government should
   regulate products to ensure that they're safe.'

   "So I made this comment:

   "'I'm surprised no one in here seems to perceive any alternatives to
   laws in order to keep our products safe. There are other ways to do
   that, you know.'"

   "'Like what?'" the professor asked.

   "'Well, someone just mentioned that people want their products to be
   safe. That's why we had cars available with airbags even before the
   government mandated them. Now the price of a new car is $1000 higher
   because of the mandatory airbags. If you go home and look at any of
   your electric appliances, whether it's a coffee maker, toaster, or
   whatever, you'll find a 'UL' sticker on the bottom from Underwriters
   Laboratories, which tests out products for fire safety and is funded by
   insurance companies. Some of you were mentioning the need for building
   and fire codes. Even without the government imposing them on us, this
   room we're in right now would have to be fire-safe -- because if it
   weren't, the University's insurance premiums would skyrocket. It just
   makes good financial sense to ensure safety.'

   "I thought I had done a good job until the professor said, 'Well,
   think of the 1700 people that died in the recent Turkish earthquake.
   The insurance companies didn't protect *them*.'"

   "Ouch. How would you have responded?"

   My short answer:

   "You *were* doing very well. Your professor's comeback involved some
   illogical extrapolations.

   "One possible approach might have been:

   "'In poor countries like Turkey, safety standards, whether imposed by
   the government or the marketplace, are lower than in wealthy countries.
   Safety standards for something that *might* happen are only affordable
   in countries where the necessities are already in abundance. That's why
   natural disasters always take a bigger toll in poor nations. To
   increase safety, therefore, a country should increase its wealth, a
   feat that only the free market can achieve. Studies show that countries
   which enjoy free markets have a more even distribution of wealth than
   regulated ones. Thus, the poor benefit most by the increased prosperity
   and safety.'"

   "With poor countries, like Turkey, you can bet that its economy is
   heavily regulated. If you had asked your teacher, 'Does Turkey even
   HAVE insurance companies?' he probably wouldn't have known. Asking such
   questions helps to establish whether the comment is well-grounded in

   "If you're going to be sparing on the international front, you might
   want to get a copy of the Fraser Institute's "Economic Freedom of the
   World: 1997 Annual Report" by James D. Gwartney, ISBN 0-88975-175-7.
   The report rates every country by a number of different criteria.

   "The legal system in Turkey is given a "0" rating on a scale of 0-10
   (10 is the highest freedom rating). 'Two major factors continue to
   limit the development of this [Turkey's] economy: monetary instability
   and absence of rule of law...The legal structure grants political
   officials a great deal of discretionary regulatory authority...often
   used in a discriminatory manner, thereby reducing the security of
   property rights.' I suspect that in this atmosphere, insurance
   companies are almost absent.

   "If that were the case, your response might very well be, 'You mean
   government didn't do a very good job of protecting them!'"

   * * *

Minimum Wage in the Classroom


   "Libertarians say the minimum wage will cause unemployment because
   fewer employers will be willing to hire at costs above what an
   unskilled worker is worth. Yet one of my professors said that when the
   minimum wage was first initiated, despite what Republicans and
   libertarians said would happen, unemployment went down. This also was
   the result after Eisenhower raised the minimum wage in the 1950s. So,
   was my professor mistaken, or is the claim that the minimum wage causes
   unemployment simply libertarian rhetoric?

   My short answer:

   "Exhaustive studies, many of which are cited in my book, 'Healing Our
   World,' show conclusively that minimum wage laws decrease employment.
   However, *total* employment is a composite of many factors, only one of
   which is minimum wage. The employment figures that your professor was
   looking at would have been even higher without minimum wage laws.

   "Minimum wage laws affect minorities, disabled, and otherwise
   disadvantaged workers the most. Therefore, looking at employment
   statistics for these groups give a better picture of their true
   impact. Figure 3.1 on p.34 of "Healing" shows the decrease in
   employment of young black men relative to that of young white men as
   the minimum wage increased from 1950 to 1980.

   "When the next minimum wage hike is under consideration, scan your
   newspapers. The correlation between unemployment and minimum wage
   levels is so well known that newspapers usually give estimates of the
   number of jobs that will be lost.

   "Why not give your professor some other data to digest? You can
   purchase "Healing Our World" from the Advocates with a money-back
   guarantee, or browse it for free at
   http://www.netbooks.com/catalog/ruwart/index.html "

   * * *

The Bleeding Stranger: Offenses of Default


   "Our current system punishes crimes known as 'offenses of default' --
   for example, if somebody is injured and needs help, it is your legal
   duty to help him. As a libertarian I hold the view that it would be a
   passerby's choice as to whether or not to help, say, a bleeding
   stranger. How would a libertarian society handle this issue, and how
   would that affect victims?"

   My short answer:

   "People who are cold-hearted enough to refuse help to a bleeding
   stranger certainly aren't going to change their behavior because of a
   law! If anything, such people will make an even faster getaway, so that
   no one will be able to make positive identification of them.

   "It's very difficult, if not impossible, to FORCE people to help each
   other. You cannot create a caring society at gunpoint, even when the
   gun is wielded by government. You can only succeed in teaching
   violence. Maybe that's why we have bleeding victims that require help!

   "The great care-givers of history (e.g., Christ, Mother Theresa, etc.)
   taught by example. They would not have forced others to be 'good
   Samaritans' even if they had the opportunity. Perhaps we can learn from
   their example."

   * * *

   Dr. Ruwart's book "Healing Our World" features persuasive arguments for
   liberty, backed with *over 500 references* showing how liberty works.
   You can browse the entire book online at:

   You can order it at a special reduced price of only $12.95 (plus
   shipping) from the Advocates. Check out our online catalog at:

   Dr. Ruwart's newest book is "Short Answers to the Tough Questions,"
   also available from the Advocates for $12.00 (plus shipping).

                          PERSUASION POWER POINT #78

The Great Libertarian Answer

   by Michael Cloud

   "I've heard that you're libertarians," the guest said. "What's a

   "Well...libertarians believe that you have a right to your life,
   liberty, and property," said one.

   "Libertarianism is the original political idea behind the American
   Revolution. We believe what the Founding Fathers believed," answered

   "It's a political philosophy that believes in limited government, the
   Constitution, and individual rights," said a third.

   "Libertarians believe that you can do anything you want...so long as
   it's peaceful," offered a fourth.

   "Libertarians believe in the whole Bill of Rights, literally and
   exactly," said the fifth.

   What do you think of these answers? Which one do you like best? Would
   you use one of these answers as is, modify it, or use one of your own?

   "What's a libertarian?" and "What is libertarianism?" are the two most
   basic questions a person can ask you. They are the two most obvious,
   the two most ordinary questions that someone can ask you.

   They are also the two most overlooked questions that you need to
   answer -- even if your questioner forgets to ask you.

   How do you answer these two questions?

   "What's a libertarian?"
   "What is libertarianism?"

   [ Please stop reading for a moment and answer each question aloud. Then
   read the remainder of this Persuasion Power Point.]

   Are your satisfied with your answers?

   Do your answers clearly and briefly answer the questions?
   Are your answers true?
   Are your answers complete?
   Do your answers distinguish libertarians and libertarianism from other
   points of view?

   Answering these two basic libertarian questions briefly, effectively
   and well is harder than it seems.

   Would you like to formulate great answers to these questions?

   Here's how:

    1. Take a piece of notebook paper. An inch from the top, draw a
       horizontal line across the sheet. In the middle of that line, draw
       a vertical line to the bottom of the sheet. (It should look like a
    2. At the top of the sheet, write: "What is libertarianism and what
       is it not?"
    3. On the left side of the page, brainstorm and list the
       characteristics of libertarianism and libertarians.
    4. On the right side, brainstorm and list the features of
       NON-libertarians and NON-libertarianism.
       Now you have the ingredients to write: The Great Libertarian
    5. Out of your left-side list, pick the core elements, the
       indispensable essentials of what a libertarian is, what
       libertarianism is.
       How can you tell if something is an indispensable essential? If it
       is MISSING, what's left is NOT libertarian. If you cannot be a
       libertarian WITHOUT IT, then it is indispensable, it is essential.
    6. Out of your right side list, select the critical factors, the
       crucial features of a NON-libertarian person or proposal or
       They must be opposed to AND incompatible with libertarianism --
       e.g., Big Government, a law or regulation that infringes on
       someone's life, liberty, or property.
    7. With three to seven core essentials selected from the page, write
       your Great Libertarian Answer.

   Your Great Libertarian Answer must:

    a. Be 30 seconds or less when spoken - 50 to 70 written words.
    b. Using the key features you selected, tell what libertarianism is,
       what a libertarian is.
    c. Using the key features you selected, distinguish a libertarian
       from a NON-libertarian. Show how we are DIFFERENT from
    d. THE ACID TEST: Could a NON-libertarian, guided only by YOUR GREAT
       LIBERTARIAN ANSWER, distinguish between libertarian proposals and
       NON-libertarian proposals? * Would your 30 second answer enable him
       to correctly sort political ideas into two piles: libertarian and



   We want to share the Three Best GREAT LIBERTARIAN ANSWERS with over
   32,000 readers of the Liberator Online.

   To qualify to win, your answer must meet the a,b,c, and especially the
   "Acid Test" d guidelines above.

   The judges will be:
     * Sharon Harris, President of Advocates for Self-Government
     * Mary Ruwart, Ph.D., author of "Healing Our World" and "Short
       Answers to the Tough Questions"
     * Michael Cloud, creator of "The Essence of Political Persuasion"

   Three Grand Prizes: In addition to having their GREAT LIBERTARIAN
   ANSWERS published in the Liberator Online to over 32,000 libertarians,
   our 3 winners will receive ANY TWO (their choice) of the audio recorded
   speeches from the Advocates 15th Anniversary Summit held in Atlanta on
   September 24 - 26. [See "Product Review" below for more information on
   those tapes.]

   Use the guidelines above, test your answers on NON-libertarians, and
   enter the contest to find THE GREAT LIBERTARIAN ANSWER.

   Send your entry to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   We'll publish the winners' answers within 30 days in the Liberator
   Online. Deadline for entries: October 30th.

   This is your chance to share your persuasive libertarian

   "What's a libertarian?"


   Michael Cloud was the 1998 Libertarian National Convention keynote
   speaker. His speech, "The Libertarian Party: The Unreasonable
   Alternative," has been hailed as "stunning", "brilliant", and
   "unforgettable." In 1999, Libertarian State Chairs voted Michael Cloud
   as the Best Speaker in the Libertarian Party.

   He is the creator of the acclaimed 3-tape tape set "The Essence of
   Political Persuasion," available from the Advocates for only $7.50
   postpaid; see "What's Happening" in this issue.


                                PRODUCT REVIEW:

   Advocates 15th Anniversary Tapes: 18 tapes of liberty, learning,
   inspiration, and communication enhancement.

   Audio and video tapes of the entire Advocates 15th Anniversary
   Celebration are now available!

   Held in Atlanta, Georgia September 24-26, this event featured top
   libertarian leaders and some of the very finest libertarian speakers at
   their very best.

   In alphabetical order: David Bergland, Ken Bisson, Walter Block, Harry
   Browne, Doug Casey, Michael Cloud, Marshall Fritz, Karl Hess Jr., Jacob
   Hornberger, Vince Miller, Charles Murray, David Nolan, Congressman Ron
   Paul, Carole Ann Rand, and Mary Ruwart.

   It was an extraordinary event - a feast of inspiration, ideas, and
   insight. Speakers shared their favorite communication techniques, their
   reasons for optimism for liberty, their expertise on some of today's
   hottest issues.

   Here's what attendees said about the conference:

   "Not only have I learned skills that will help me persuade new people
   to join the ranks of libertarians, but I have seen a glimpse of what a
   libertarian society would be like."

   "This was a present I gave myself for my birthday - and it is the best
   birthday present I've ever received."

   "Fun, stimulating, educational, inspiring, confidence-building,
   optimism-building - I have hope for the country and the world - no more
   'what's the use' - we shall overcome!"

   "Words are wholly inadequate to express the effect these few days have
   had -- and will continue to have - on me."

   "Inspiring, invigorating, motivating. I have new hope about the
   prospects for our eventual success."

   "Fantastic! It exceeded my expectations."

   "A feast for the mind."

   "Everything about the conference was top-rate."

   "Rarely have I been so inspired or been presented with so much great

   "Best conference I've ever attended!"

   "Everything was great! I loved every minute of this whole weekend."

   "What a great conference!"

   "The kind of atmosphere I wish I could just live in indefinitely."

   Now you can hear these great speeches and seminars yourself - at home,
   in the car, or while walking or jogging. Over and over again.

   Tapes can be purchased individually -- and we've got a special low
   price for the full set of 18 tapes.

   Click hear http://www.reliablehost.com/self-gov/adv15.html for full

   See you in two weeks! You can contact the Advocates at:
   Snail Mail:
   Advocates for Self Government
   1202 N. Tennessee St. Suite 202
   Cartersville, GA 30120

   Phone: 770-386-8372; for orders, 800-932-1776
   Fax: 770-386-8373
   Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   WWW: http://www.self-gov.org/

   If you wish to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address for
   receiving the Liberator OnLine, visit:

   You can see back issues of the Liberator OnLine on the Advocates' web
   site: http://www.self-gov.org/liberator/

   "May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and security of
   self-government." -- Thomas Jefferson

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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