-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:50:35 -0500
From:                   "Jeff Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     Reason Express List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Reason-Express: REx 35, v2

Welcome to Reason Express, the weekly e-newsletter from Reason magazine.
Reason Express is written by Washington-based journalist Jeff A. Taylor
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REASON Express
August 30, 1999
Vol. 2 No. 35

1) The Waco Dilemma: Liars or Incompetents?
2) Another Report Debunks Gulf War Syndrome
3) Name Your Race or It Will Be Done for You
4) Programmer Fires Up Pot Initiative
5) Quick Hits

- - Waco: Round Two - -

The admission that the FBI did fire pyrotechnic devices on the last day of
the 1993 siege at Waco should provide a final chance to find out what
really happened that day. Congress seems intent on holding Attorney
General Janet Reno to her promise of a fully independent review of the

But what is happening does not inspire much confidence. A plan to dispatch
40 FBI agents to re-interview everyone present that day is sure to produce
conflicts in recollections that will never be resolved. Much better would
be to seek out all contemporaneous documents and any physical evidence
that might be had.

A good first priority would be to settle once and for all what the U.S.
Army's secret Delta Force anti-terrorist unit did the day the compound

"Everyone involved knows they were there. If there is an issue, it was
what was their role at the time. Some of the evidence that I have reviewed
and been made aware of is very problematical as to the role of Delta Force
at the siege," said James B. Francis Jr., the chairman of the Texas
Department of Public Safety.

The Pentagon promptly said that any personnel on site were there as
observers only--certainly not operational and not even in an advisory
role. We can only hope that the physical evidence that Texas authorities
have safeguarded can put this question to rest.

Once that is settled, next would be to clear up exactly how the FBI came
to possess and use military munitions on the scene. From there, it would
be nice to know if any other military munitions aside from the exploding
tear gas grenades were used.

Such basic facts are needed in order to build up trust in any conclusions,
as well as dampen the conspiratory zeal that has flourished in the absence
of governmental honesty.



- - Depleting Causes - -

A presidential oversight board last week concluded that there is no link
between Gulf War illnesses and exposure to depleted uranium used in U.S.
munitions. The finding by the Special Oversight Board on Gulf War Illness
jibes with previous studies in that regard.

The Pentagon uses uranium which has been depleted of its radioactivity
because of the material's extreme density. That heft helps shells
penetrate the skins of armored vehicles.

"The board agrees with the conclusion that the available evidence does not
support claims that depleted uranium is causing the undiagnosed illnesses
some Gulf War veterans are experiencing," said the report.

Thousands of veterans of the war have complained of maladies such as
fatigue, joint pain, and memory loss, which they claim are related to
their service in the Gulf. While the quest for some outside cause goes on,
the most likely explanation--that the illnesses are
psychosomatic--continues to get shunted aside.


Michael Fumento tried to quiet Gulf War syndrome hysteria at
http://www.reason.com/9703/fe.fumento.html and


- - Readin', Writin', and Race - -

Massachusetts is so intent on building a racial database of public school
students that teachers will be asked to guess at a student's race if
parents refuse to supply a racial classification on state forms.

The ethnic profile will be part of a student's infamous permanent record
as kept by a new Student Information Management System, which the state
will bring online this fall.

Aside from the obvious repugnance of being classified by the state as part
of this group or that group, allowing schools officials to fill in the
blank has plenty of room for mischief.

First, the information is likely to be wrong, unless we posit that public
school officials have some special ability to decide ethnic backgrounds on
sight. This error rate alone would make a database built with the guesses

Second, there would be a temptation for schools to classify students in
ways that does the school good. Under fire for poor test scores among
minorities? A few high scorers to this column, a few low scorers to that
column--instant improvement. Need to rope in a special grant targeted at
some group? Just bubble-sheet your way to qualification.

The Massachusetts American Civil Liberties Union has qualms about the
proposal, but has no immediate plans to file suit.



- - Legalize It - -

Who says silicon-age millionaires don't have a civic sense of duty? One
47-year-old Microsoft millionaire is putting his money behind a drive to
legalize marijuana in Washington.

Bruce McKinney donated $100,000 to the Campaign for the Restoration and
Regulation of Hemp, sponsor of Initiative 229, which would permit
marijuana sales in state liquor stores and license farmers to cultivate
the crop. The state general fund would get 90 percent of pot tax revenues,
allowing backers to argue a vote for legalization is a vote for schools
and roads. The rest of the revenue would go to drug-treatment and
drug-education programs.

The initiative needs 180,000 signatures by Dec. 31 in order to qualify for
the ballot in November 2000.

"I'm acting because I believe prohibition causes serious damage to the
health of our state and our nation," McKinney explained.

McKinney cashed out of Microsoft two years ago to run his own software
company and do free-lance work. He also donated $10,000 to a similar
initiative campaign in Oregon.

The Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp is at


- - Quote of the Week - -

"It's really a joke starting to connect food and hamburgers to
international politics. It's a stupid thing to do," Benny Kashriel, mayor
of the Maaleh Adumim Jewish settlement on a decision by Burger King to
close up shop in the settlement in response to threat of boycotts by
Muslims worldwide. Still, Kashriel called on Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak to suspend peace talks with the Palestinians in response.


- - Bug Squasher - -

A Canadian software maker reports a surge in Americans interested in its
Internet encryption products after the U.S. Justice Department asked
Congress to approve the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act, which would
give law enforcement new powers to bug computers.


- - The eBay eConomy - -

Case study of how "power sellers" use Net auctions to turn themselves into
mini-discount retailers. What would 1.2 million buyers do every day
without them?


- - Galt's Compiler - -

Efforts are underway to create a Myst-like computer game based on Atlas




Jacob Sullum will be arguing against censorship during a panel discussion
entitled "The Sins of Society vs. The Sins of Big Government" to be held
at "The Weekend," (an annual gathering of prominent conservatives) on
Sunday, September 5, 1999.  The panel will also feature Rep. Bob Barr
(R-Ga.) and Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.).


Reason Express will next appear Tuesday, September 7 due to the Labor Day


Reason's 2nd Annual Dynamic Visions Conference will be held February 19-21
(Presidents Day Weekend) in Silicon Valley. For information on speakers
and registration, see http://reason.com/dynamic/dynamic2000.html


Reason Express is made possible by a grant from The DBT Group
(http://www.dbtgroup.com), manufacturers of affordable, high-performance
mainframe systems and productivity software.

Current Circulation: 3801
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                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway
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