-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:                     @thequest.net
Subject:                What's This About World War III?

-   _______   ____   ______
   /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //    M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
  / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\         Making Sense of the Middle East
 /_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\
                                 WHAT'S THIS ABOUT WORLD WAR III?

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
        and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
     To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                       The MAD World Marches On

    MER - Washington - 12 June 1999:  While the Clinton folk try to
micro-manage things in various parts of the world -- in most cases so far
making a mess of things from Somalia to Haiti to Rawanda, from Iraq to Wye
Plantation to Kosovo -- the really big and crucial matters are not only
being neglected, they are being inflamed.
    Daily headlines and TV clips are giving Clinton and Albright
accolades for their "victory" and the "peace".  Underneath there's much
that's rotten and mushy, though the casual observer might see just the
surface luster, things purposefully polished on top to deceive.
     As Russian and Western troops converge on Kosovo -- with far
different visions and far different priorities -- this article by Robert
Scheer about the nuclear dangers of our world deserves careful
contemplation.  General Lee Butler use to be the man who had his fingers
on the American nuclear arsenal -- but in retirement he's horrified and
trying to be a modern-day Paul Revere.  It was only a few weeks ago that a
Russian General -- a three-star in fact who commands Russian ground forces
-- actually uttered the term "World War III", as did his commander in
chief, Boris Yeltzin in Moscow.
     Be assured, however, that with Clinton and Madeleine in charge, the
MADness will be continuing.   Propelled on by American militarism and the
"might makes right" mindset that goes back to the days when the American
Indians were massacred and Mexico dismembered, soon into the 21st century
we will be living in a world where far more nations have arsenals of mass
destruction -- biological and chemical as well as nuclear.   And that's
where all of our attentions should really be focused -- certainly not on
Bill and Monica, nor for that matter on Kosovo where today's outcome could
have been had at far less cost, with far fewer deaths, with much less
destruction, and with far less risk.

              Cold War's End Leaves Danger of Nuclear War

          Russia's disintegration threatens our security more
                     by inadvertence than by  design.

                           By ROBERT SCHEER

[LATimes, 4/13/99]   Back in the days of the Bush administration, Gen. Lee
Butler, commander of the Strategic Air Command, would once a month go
through a  practice phone conversation with the White House concerning the
end of the world.

      "Gen. Butler, what is your recommendation?" the Bush stand-in would
ask upon receiving an alert from NORAD that the Soviets had launched a
nuclear strike against the United States. Butler had to answer fast,
because, in a real attack, the president would have had only 12 minutes to
decide whether to launch thousands of nuclear missiles in retaliation.

      "Use them or lose them" would be the refrain running through
Butler's brain, well-versed in elegant nuclear deterrence theories of
ladders of escalation. "I had to say the words recommending the death
warrant of tens of millions of people, of civilization--20,000 weapons on
both sides exploding within 12 hours--knowing the planet can't withstand

      It still can't. Butler, a 33-year military veteran who rose to be
director of strategic plans and policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is
retired now, and the Soviet Union is but a memory. Yet what haunts him,
and  what occasioned his rare willingness to be interviewed, is that the
Cold  War's end has increased, not decreased, the prospect of accidental
nuclear war.

      Twenty-thousand nuclear weapons left over from the Cold War still
stand poised for launching, and the MAD doctrine that guided them is very
much in force. Neither the U.S. nor Russia has abandoned nuclear war
fighting as the cornerstone of their respective national defense policies.
"We still target them with nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert," Butler
observed. "The world truly has been transformed, but what has not been
transformed is our thinking about it."

      Russia's political and economic disintegration now threatens our
security more by inadvertence than by design, prompting key Cold War
military establishment veterans like Butler to sound the alarm:

      "The Russian command and early warning system is in a state of great
decline; about two-thirds of the satellites they relied on for early
warning capability are inactive or failing. They're experiencing false
alarms now on almost a routine basis, and I shudder to think about the
morale and discipline of their rocket forces. There are worrisome aspects
to all of that. That's why people like myself are so puzzled and dismayed
that our government won't even address the problem."

      Addressing the problem requires bold leadership on nuclear
disarmament that's been sadly lacking in the Clinton years. There have
been some cosmetic arrangements with the Russians as to nuclear safety and
targeting issues but no real follow-up on arms control measures
aggressively pursued by George Bush. Give credit where due: Bush
recognized that the end of the Cold War permitted--nay, mandated--that the
U.S. set an example by reducing the size and lowering the alert status of
its nuclear force.

      As Butler recalls, "The single most important arms controls were
George Bush's unilateral measures back in 1991, which took all of the
tactical nuclear weapons off the ships and brought many back from Europe,
took the bombers off alert and accelerated the retirement of the Minuteman
II force. And Mikhail Gorbachev followed suit. It's ironic that today we
have a  Republican Congress that thwarts arms control progress, and yet it
was a Republican administration that really moved the ball down the

      Clinton has never been very interested in nuclear disarmament, and
these days seems bent on alarming the Russian leadership by expanding
NATO's membership and military role in Eastern Europe, including a NATO-
led war against Russia's neighbor, Yugoslavia. This has strengthened the
hand of hard-line communists and nationalists who control the Duma,
undermining chances for nuclear arms control progress. Those elements also
point to Clinton's endorsement of the harebrained effort to revive the
"star wars" Strategic Defense Initiative as further evidence that the U.S.
is not committed to arms control.

      Boris Yeltsin has his flaws, but humiliating him and undermining
more moderate forces in Russia is the path of disaster. In 1995, Yeltsin
was awakened in the middle of the night because one branch of his
crumbling military had failed to inform another of prior knowledge of a
Norwegian rocket launch, which they confused with a U.S. Trident missile.
Fortunately, this error was corrected before Yeltsin's 12 minutes of
decision-making passed. No wonder Butler is concerned.

       M  I  D  -  E  A  S  T      R  E  A  L  I  T  I  E  S
        For past MER articles go to: http://WWW.MiddleEast.Org
                          (c) Copyright 1999
   COMMENT OR MESSAGE FOR MER?  Call: 1800 724-6644, ID 202 362-5266
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