-Caveat Lector-

The Con of '99

        Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the
        united States of America reads:

        "The President, Vice-President and all civil officers of the United
States shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of
treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." (I added the emphasis.)

        As you know, the Senate just voted to not remove President Bill Clinton
from office after he was impeached by the House of Representatives. And the
Democrats (and the Republicans who agreed to cross "party lines") used the
excuse that the crimes that the President committed were not "high crimes and

        Those who voted for acquittal claimed that the Founding Fathers of
this nation, those who wrote the Constitution of the united States of America,
never intended that these words should remove a President for "sexual crimes."
They further claimed that they had searched the intent of the wri-ters of the

        So, now, after the vote, let's just examine their intent.

        First, let us examine THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, the series of 85 essays
written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay in 1787, as the
Constitution was being written (both Hamilton and Madison later signed the

The reason these men wrote these articles was to explain the document to the
American people, who were basically opposed to creating a powerful government
to replace the one they replacing.

        Strangely, I can find no reference to this phrase in the index of the
copy of the PAPERS that I possess. It is as if these men felt that they did
not need to define these words because they were "common knowledge" and
therefore understood at the time. They knew that the people of American would
know what they meant.

        So, the answer for us today lies in a dictionary definition. And,
I checked the WEBSTER'S 1828 (year) DICTIONARY, published only 41 years after
the Constitution was written. (As I understand it, this was the first English
dictionary ever published.) And this is how Noah Webster defined the words:

     "MISDEMEANOR: In law, an offense of a less atrocious na-ture than a
crime. The word CRIME is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more
atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are
comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors."

        Therefore, Clinton's impeachable offenses, such as Lying under Oath and
Obstruction of Justice WERE MISDEMEANORS by definition if they were considered
not to be HIGH CRIMES!

        So the Senators who said that they had "checked the intent of the

        Now, we must examine the really tough question. Why would they lie
to protect a President?

        And the answer is very disturbing.

And they knew that this conspiracy wanted Bill Clinton to remain in office, no
matter what crimes he committed!!

        And the reason I know that is because BILL CLINTON TOLD US IN HIS OWN WORDS

        And to prove that, we must go back to 1992, and listen to the words spoken
by candidate Clinton at the Democrat National Convention. These words were said
to the American people on the night of July 16, 1992, the night that candidate
Clinton accepted the Democrat nomination for the Presidency of the United
States, and were covered by the major media at the time. In fact, all three
major networks were covering the story LIVE!

        This is what Clinton said (for confirmation of this, please go to page
231 of Clinton's 1992 book entitled PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST:)

        "As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to cit-izenship. And
then, as a student at Georgetown [University], I heard that call clarified by
a professor I had named Carroll Quigley."

        So Bill Clinton was telling the American people that these two men were
responsible for getting him involved in politics.

        It is certain that most Americans know that John Kennedy was President
from 1961 - 1963. But only a few know who Dr. Quigley was.

        It is known that Bill Clinton went to Georgetown between the years of
1964 and 1968, when he graduated, and took many courses taught by Prof. Quigley.

        In 1966, meaning sometime between Clinton's sophomore and junior year at
Georgetown, Dr. Quigley wrote a 1348 page book entitled TRAGEDY AND HOPE (the
book is still available and may be purchased on AMAZON.COM) (and by the way,
for the critics of what I am writing, I do not work for Amazon.com, and
therefore receive no compensation for suggesting this online bookstore as a
source for the book should you wish to purchase a copy so that you can read
these things for yourself. I  just wanted you to know where you could purchase
it) and it is in this book that Dr. Quigley wrote about the existence of this
"international network." (We know for certain that young Clinton read the
book, because it was required reading for one of his courses.)

        This is what the Professor wrote on page 950 of his book:

        "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an in-ternational
Anglophile network [meaning that the network is basically controlled by
Englishmen] which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right
believes the Communists act.

        In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups
[Dr. Quigley identifies these "Round Table Groups" as being the major controlling
power in England and America for the past 70 or 80 years] has no aversion to
cooper-ating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so."

        But the most relevant thing that the Professor taught Bill Clinton was
this quote taken from page 73:

        "The business interests [meaning this "international net-work" expected
to control both political parties [in the United States] equally. Some of them
intended to contribute to both and allow an alternation of the two parties in
public office in order to conceal their own influence, inhibit any exhibition
of independence by politicians, and allow the electorate to believe that they
were exercising their own free choice."

        So now we know why politicians in "both political parties" would lie to
protect a President. They are both controlled by "an international network."

        Bill Clinton told us in his own words!!

        And to show you that President Clinton's mentor supported this
"international network," he wrote these words also on page 950:

        "I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of
my life, been close to it or to many of its instru-ments."

        So the Professor agreed with the goals and methods of this conspiracy
and he taught the President that the way to get into politics was to follow
their "yellow brick road" to the White House!

        These are some of the other things that the President learned in
Professor Quigley's book:

        1.  The goal of this conspiracy: (from page 324 of TRAGEDY AND HOPE:

        ". . . the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim,
nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system in
each country and the economy of the world as a whole"

        2.  This "network" financed both sides (meaning America and Germany)
prior to and during World War II (from page 435 of TRAGEDY AND HOPE:

        [Adolf] "Hitler [the head of the German government, the government that
started World War II, prior to and during the war] . . . began to receive his
chief financial support from the industrialists."

        3.  Dr. Quigley introduced Clinton to Cecil Rhodes, one of the members of
this "international network:" from pages 130-131 of TRAGEDY AND HOPE:

        "Rhodes left part of his great fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships
at Oxford [University, London.]"

        It will be remembered that in 1968, after graduation from Georgetown,
young Mr. Clinton went to Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship. And it was here
that he learned more about those that the Dr. had written about.

        On page 582 of Quigley's book, young Bill Clinton read:

        "The more moderate Round Table group [meaning a branch of the
"international network,"] set up the Council on Foreign Relations in New

        And Mr. Clinton joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1988.

        So young Bill Clinton learned his lessons well from Dr. Quigley.
And other Senators in both parties know that what the future president
learned is absolutely true!

The story is even bigger than this, and if you want more,
and I will be able to provide the rest of the story!


Trance Formation of America (Help Save Kelly, Write Cathy)
The following is a verbatim excerpt from the book:
Trance Formation of America:
The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave
1995 by Cathy O'Brien with Mark Phillips
P.O.B. 158352, Nashville, TN 37215
Published by Reality Marketing, Inc.
5300 West Sahara, Suite 101, Las Vegas, NV 89105
Reprinted here with the express permission of Ms. O'Brien
SPOILER: This post is not for those who are easily offended


Texas v. Nolo

Without Justice, there is JUST_US!


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