-Caveat Lector-

*Very* informative website from a lady who has really researched the issues
and makes a lot of sense. Devvy Kidd has been working full time for seven
years to try  and educate people about the U.N/ New World Order, "Federal
Reserve" Vote Fraud  etc using facts, not conjecture or extrapolation. Check-
out her replies to the few hate e-mails she get's, almost without exception it
is written by somebody who has spent less than 10 minutes reading the
information on her website. Gavin.

Good quote. Gavin.

Pulitzer summed it up best when he said: "An able,
disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained
intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can
preserve that public virtue without which popular
government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical,
mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a
people as base as itself."

Here's a better one

Our republic and its press will rise and fall together-Joseph Pulitzer

One of the greatest problems freedom loving Americans
face in America today is the controlled media. There is
no free press in this country and those who have a
problem with this are either in a state of denial, fear or
they simply haven't done their homework. Joseph
Pulitzer summed it up best when he said: "An able,
disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained
intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can
preserve that public virtue without which popular
government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical,
mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a
people as base as itself." The government's media
apparatus popularly known as the "mainstream media" is
not only base, what they have done to the American
people with their carefully crafted lies and black- out of
the truth, is simply immoral.
Over the past few months I have been deluged with
e-mails from individuals all across this country who care
about America, who care about what our Republic has
stood for and all we will stand for in the future. The big
question has been: What can I do and is there a group or
organization in my area that I can join with to become
part of America's army of truth in this battle to save our
culture, our tradition, our way of life, our country? The
pen has always been mightier than the sword and this
battlefield of which I speak is Americans armed with the
truth and the courage to stand up and have their voices
heard and are willing to get out there and clean up the
thoroughly corrupt federal government, the courts and
local/state/county governments.
This is a big job but it can be done if everyone gets
on the same sheet of music. We can get the job done
if people quit participating in pipe dream scam
operations. We can get the job done if people stop
spending all their time and financial resources chasing
down a million conspiracy theories from individuals who
are no better than the gasbags we see on TV everyday.
A specific game plan, working with the truth, the law and
valuable resources like recall, will bring results.
I do not keep a regular mailing list. For one thing, I don't
have the time or resources to do this. I do have a
Rolodex of names and these are people I deal with on a
regular basis. But, I think at this time and thanks to the
overwhelming number of people reading this web site,
we can now create a "people connection" so Americans
can network with each other. This is how it's going to
We have 50 states. There are at least 28,000
documented citizens groups, not counting any political
parties. If you belong to a group or organization and you
would like to be listed on this people connection, please
send me via regular mail, any printed literature you have
on what you're doing. Please indicate how you would
like your listing to appear, i.e.:
Citizens for a Better Government
Attn: Joan Smith
111 Main Street
Anywhere, USA 10001
Phone number you want to use, an e-mail address and a
web site address if you have one
Primary focus of our organization is: Repeal of
unconstitutional laws by the state legislature
Other locations for Citizens for a Better Government in
Anywhere, USA:
Then list all your statewide chapters with name, address,
After I receive the information, I'll review it and then post
it on the site. Please be advised in advance that I am not
interested in any group or organization who are
self-described white supremacists, neo-Nazi's or old
Nazi's for that matter. The philosophy of these
organizations in my opinion is junk and individuals who
are involved in things like the KKK or other groups of a
similar flavor are no more American than Senator
Charles Shumer. Having said that, this section is for
serious people like me who are trying to stop the
destruction of our nation, not divide it.
Once the list begins to grow, people reading the site will
be able to click into The People Connection section
and they can then find a group or organization close to
where they live and hopefully join the swelling ranks of
the silent majority. There are many outstanding
organizations such as P.I.E. (Parents in Education),
eco-logic and so on. There are millions of Americans
who want to do something but don't know who to
contact. I sincerely hope that this People Connection will
be the vehicle to not only bring people together, but
hopefully to get everyone on the same sheet of music as
far as priorities in what we tackle:
1. The ballot box. This has to be the number one issue in
every state of the union and I covered this in the section
titled How to Recall An Elected Public Servant. What
good does it do to continue asking the same
assemblyman, the same state senator or any member of
Congress to do something over and over and over if they
aren't receptive to the message?
If you haven't read the complete update of my Blind
Loyalty booklet, you need to order it. There can't be
any question at this point that the ballot box has been
stolen by electronic ballot fraud, absentee ballot fraud
and throughly corrupted and tainted voting rolls in every
state of the Union by the inane Motor Voter Law of
1993. Unless and until we demand the voting rolls in
each of our states get completely purged and start again,
nothing is going to change. Unless and until we
demand that electronic voting machine are outlawed in
the states of the union, nothing is going to change. We
will have the same caliber of corrupt, ignorant and
cowardly public servants at every level "elected" over
and over and over.
2. We must get the US out of the UN. If you stop and
think about it, how many of our problems are a result of
treaties with this private organization? This private
organization is the Number One assault on the Bill of
Rights. Shortly there will be a new section under The
Wallace Institute and it will define how we are going to
represent a segment of the private sector to try and
defang the UN. We won't be able to do this,
however, without your support. This legal entity is for
you and I encourage you to check out this new addition
around the 20th of January 1999.
3. The money issue, the IRS and many others aren't
going to get resolved until we kick these state superior
court or district court judges off the bench. They are the
ones allowing the illegal activities of the IRS to continue
within the states of the Union. Here in California we are
so lucky to be able to recall them through signature
drives and yet I haven't found one single person willing to
head-up a recall drive - even though I have volunteered
to travel at my own expense to whatever district it's
being done in and spent a whole Saturday collecting
signatures. Coupled with cleaning up the voting methods
in our states, we might actually turn things around before
something really bad happens.
4. Education and the environment must be fought at the
state level and these subjects are covered in the recall
document, in various articles throughout the web site and
research materials are provide in the reference section.
That's just the tip of the iceberg as you know and are
just my humble opinion. It will take awhile to get the
People Connection going. As soon as I receive your
material, I will review it and get it posted if I feel it is on
the up and up. I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to
play God or all knowing, but I have been in the trenches
for the last seven years, more than full time. I've seen all
the scams, all the rip-off groups/books, all the ridiculous
racist groups - you name it, I've seen or heard about it.
My web master (who volunteers his time after working a
full day) and I have spent a lot of time and will spend
even more time trying to keep this site up to speed with
information you need to know. I'm not going to let it be
ruined or tainted by outside forces.
Having said all that, I am excited about this new feature
and I hope you will tell ten people to tell ten people to
tell ten people to visit www.devvy.com and spread the
word about this new networking mechanism.
Bringing Americans together, making a game plan and
following through with it will bring results. I know, Y2K
is looming but let me give you a little update on that: Dec.
27th , 28th and 29th, the Sacramento Bee carried front
page stories with two to three full insides pages on Y2K.
Some of it was a bit sarcastic but all in all, the
approximately 10+ pages were informative as well as
instructing people on what to expect and how to prepare
things like your bank account and so on. I was quite
shocked and surprised to see this extensive coverage in
a "mainstream" newspaper. But at the same time, better
than a quarter million people saw and read at least some,
if not all of the three part series. This is good. Every bit
of information and warning that gets out, especially in a
major metropolitan area like Sacramento, will help.
Naturally there will be people who don't care, who don't
really grasp the problem or, sadly, the very poor who
just can't spare a penny for extra anything much less
food storage. But, hopefully if enough know, they can
band together as families and friends to make things
work while the bugs get worked out.
Please send your material to: Devvy Kidd, P.O. Box
60543, Sacramento, CA 95838. I know many of you
have web sites, so if you have a site, be patient, it will
take me awhile to review your material. I look forward
to getting this project rolling!
Devvy Kidd
January 7, 1999

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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