-Caveat Lector-


        Psychedelics often produce psychotic and even violent behavior
        in those that have never used them". -- Timothy Leary

'part two' of:
<a href="http://www.sirius.com/~holy/mushroom2.html">MUSHROOMS and
MANKIND</a> Ethno-Mycology 2, by James Arthur; Ethnomycologist, Author,
Lecturer, Theological Researcher, Shaman, Teacher, Soul healer.

More interesting and significant Discoveries

  Congratulations on making it this far.
  The "Cradle of Civilization""
  (The Enigma Continues)
  Picture: Book Cover; due out in 2000 (ISBN1-58509-151-0)
  1-800-700-TREE (8733)

There may be a reason that this mushroom has remained hidden for these
thousands of years. What has become clear, is that cosmologically every
religion on our planet looks forward to a time in the future where man will
have direct contact with what can be defined as God. The thousand year
reign of the messiah, the new golden age, the return of Jesus, Buddha,
Krishna, Mithra, King Arthur, etc, etc, etc, is a commonality that is the
hoped-for relief to the people that wish to live in peace, and
understanding. A time when all lies will be exposed. A time when oppression
of the righteous will cease. A time that hinges completely on truth and
reality, not societal imposements of those who wish to control humanity
according to their dogmatic and sadistic beliefs. This mushroom plays a
huge role in the coming dispensation of this "Golden Age".

Amanita muscaria:
The Mushrooms that shaped Mankind Part 2

"SUMERIA" The Cradle of Civilization.

Now that I have written a bit about Christianity, I thought a good place to
continue would be to jump back in history about 6000 years to Mesopotamia.
The reason I am going here is many of the religions, which come into
existence, after this time period, are based on adaptations of the
mythologies/stories which are found there.

  The stories and myths retain their basic structure, but the names of the
key players have been changed, as they were incorporated into new religious
systems. This is why most religions contain stories of the flood, the
creation epic, the attributes of deities, and similar laws of government.
Authors, Sitchin, Gardner, Bramley, Icke, and Horn, have written about the
extraterrestrial connections in the complex study of mankind, and their
so-called gods. Here is my take on the subject after studying this.

The clay tablets tell us of the Elohim/Anunnaki who were extraterrestrial
beings that came to our planet from the star "Sirius". They genetically
manipulated indigenous beings (which they called beasts) creating the human
race. In the tales were father-god, An/Anu, his two sons Enki/Ea and
Enlil/Ilu-kur-gal, the primary male beings featured in the story of the
creation of the Adama/Adam & Eve. Enki was very impressed with, and felt
compasion towards, the products of this genetic work, namely "us", whereas
Enlil was of the mind that the beings were only worthy of servitude. The
ancient Sumerian gods, and their feuding acts, have been found in later
religious myths with the same basic stories, however, the names Ea, Enki,
Enlil, Anu etc, were changed to Ahura Mazda, Jehova, Lord, Ahriman, Baal,
Adon, Etc. Biblical myths of Jacob and Esau, feuding over over birthright,
are similar to accounts in the Sumerian tales of Enki and Enlil. The
Anunnaki, as a whole, were compelled to allot for themselves the status of
gods over the lowly humans. The archetypal feuding brothers can be
stereotyped and categorized by their respective attributes, Enki is also
called Adonai (the "Lord"), and his (divine) attributes are compassion,
wisdom and fertility (sexuality), Enlil is called El Shaddai, The lofty
Mountan (YHWH), and "Jehova", he was a storm-god (the bringer of vengeance
and wrath) jealous and controlling. Therefore "The Lord" and "Jehova" are
not one in the same, but two different beings.

It was Enki and his sister Ninhursag who performed the genetic manipulation
which resulted in the Adama (the ancient name for the first human, Adam and
Eve). Humanity was conditioned to be in the service of the gods, but Enki
had another plan, which set off a continual series of events, which most
adversarial myths, concerning the war over the humans, between Enki and
Enlil, were fashioned. Enki desired to feed the humans the fruit of the
tree of Knowledge. This he knew was the thing which would open the eyes of
man, and multi-dimensionalize his consciousness. This did not go over well
with the Anunnaki, and Enki was commanded not to allow us this fruit. It
was Enlil that attempted to scare the humans into not eating the fruit by
telling them that, if they ate it, they would die. Enki went against the
wishes of the high council and was able to convice them to eat the fruit
anyway. When the gods saw what he had done, they condemned the act, and
insisted that the corrupted humans be exiled from the land of paradise.
Enki was man's preserver and compatriot, Enlil was the bringer of woes and

It was also Enki that saved humanity from the flood, which was brought on
by Enlil. Enlil also destroyed Sodom and Gommorrah, which contrary to
current precepts, were great citys of freedom and learning, not deserving
of the jealous and controlling Enlil's destructive rage. Enlil is also
purported to have destroyed Babylon, confounded the languages (after the
tower of Babel incident), and wreaked havoc upon the city of Ur. It is
extremely important to understand these original stories, as they were
written in the Sumerian tablets, and compare them to the 4000 year lated
adaptations in the Bible. Ea/Enki, was the good guy. It was him who fed man
of the tree of knowledge. So why the need to flip this story completely
upside down and condemn him as the evil one? In the Bible the word
translated as "serpent" is "nahash" (NHSH) which literally means to
decipher, or to find out. All throughout ancient times the serpent was
known as the bringer of knowledge (hense the euphemism "be ye wise as
serpents") and were the precipitators of enlightenment. It is this precise
thing that compels us to look further into the possibility that the
good-guy is the one that is condemned throughout religious writings, for
teaching freedom and knowledge. The freedoms of plant useage/taking for
enlightenment, freedom of sexuality, and even the freedom to not be
subservient to those oppressive gods who condemn these things as evil. In
the cuneiform symbolism it is the caduseus (the snake coiled around the
staff) which is the representation for Enki, in fact is is his personal
emblem. After Enki fed the humans of the tree, and was then effectively
exiled, those who remained under the control of Enlil and the Annunaki were
then clamped-down-upon, in a heavier way. It was Enlil that was worshipped
through fear and in later cultures named Jehova. Enlil, that old
extraterrestrial who adamantly opposed the education, freedom, and
enlightenment of humanity in every ancient Sumerian myth. A full set of
laws would be adopted, the other humans were instructed not to associate
with Enki/Ea or the exiled. So humanity received the first commandments.

You will have no other God but Me. Enki especially, and his radical
viewpoints, were explicitly condemned as evil. Control of the populace was
priority one, to the gods, and glimpses of intelligence, or too much
free-thought were "THE CRIME", and not likely to have been politely viewed.
But disloyalty to the jealos gods was absolutely forbidden.

You will work for six days and then have a day of rest. This will be a
holy-day, set aside for worship of the gods. Ritual and ceremony were to be
observed, and homage to be paid, refusal was forbidden, under penalty of
death. The technologically advanced Annunaki had no problem convincing the
primitive creatures of their superiority. In their role as the gods, their
word was life or death, an occasional display of technological power or
just plain fear inducing events, easily kept the followers in line.

You will not have sex without the permission of the gods. In a genetic
experiment, the production of offspring is controlled. Perhaps the gods had
no idea what kind of psychological problems stem from the repression of
human sexuality, after all, they are not actually human, but, it seems,
they just didn't care anyway.

You will not covet the things that you do not have. The haves must quench
the desire of the have-nots by making desire a sin. Even the desire for
freedom. Acceptance of your present conditions being part of your lot in
life must be held up as a high principle virtue, quenching high-mindedness
as sin.

The other laws are branches of these basic laws.

  Please, understand that I do not make the previous statements lightly.
The implications of what I have just written are dire. The reality is, the
conditioning of the masses, perpetuated by religious organizations, has
created and fed that great beast that has been so warned about. To state
that the laws given to humanity by nearly every religious system on our
planet are not the all knowing's UNIVERSAL LAWS is heresy at the least,
blasphemy is a more appropriate terminology. However, I think there is
ample evidence to show that some of these laws are not universal truth, but
are lies and detrimental to the development of Humanity. Good thoughts and
ideals are often used in cults to lure in the unsuspecting victims, then
the rules of oppression are instilled, cleverly disguised as good wholesome
values to the unwary.

  What kind of a god is it, which says; You are free to choose, as long as
you choose to do what I tell you to do, otherwise you will be punnished,
for all eternity, for your disobedience? Going back to Christianity, let me
point out that when Jesus was asked which of the laws was most important,
his answer was enigmatically "To love God with all your heart, and to Love
thy neighbor as thyself". This certainly shows a completely different view
of everything. The love of God surely did not mean those driving the slave
ships. What he is saying describes a love for something that is far beyond
any being knowable. That ineffable, invisible, indescribable God, which is
within you.

  Mesopotamia is the home of the fabled city, Babylon. The laws of the
Babylonian king Hammurabi contain an old version of the biblical 10
Commandments, although they appear to be based upon the philosophy of "The
Golden Rule", many of the laws are completely absurd. The biblical laws
appear to be, at least partially, based upon the laws of a Babylonian king.
These pariarchical laws could not have been invented by Hammurabi, they
must have been adopted, from an older source, the anunnaki/Elohim, and
expanded upon by this powerful king. Also some of the Egyptian 12 negative
acts are cast from the same blueprint. Initially, human law, was probably a
necessity in order to teach the concept of the golden rule. Some laws
appear to be a sincere effort to promote this concept, others, such as
banning free sexuality, restricting freedom to worship as you choose, and
the condemnation of desire to have a better life and possessions, are
clearly not. These are geared more towards totalitarian control of an
enslaved society. The idealism of a patriarichal society seems to be that
same old enslavement idea, only under the guise of the good law, and the
delusions of some sort of freedom. Whether the patriarchical laws appearred
first in Egypt or in Sumeria does not matter. It is the understanding of
what these laws are really all about that is ultimately the crucial factor.

  Remember (according to Sitchin), these laws were likely to have been
initially imposed upon mankind by the extraterrestrial gods from Sirius,
who warred among themselves, had fits of jealousy over control and
posession, and most likely did not have humanity's best interests at heart.
They are not laws that were created by the universal all encompassing GOD
consciousness which humanity attributes them to. The phenomenon of how
patriarichal caste systems adapted the oppressive laws will be dealt with

  While many argue that society could not survive without some sort of
governing laws, the "Golden Rule" answers this need more than adequately.
Keep in mind also that it was the opening of the eyes and mind to the
knowledge of good and evil that was forbidden to humanity by these same
gods. It's not such a big stretch of the imagination that the questioning
of these laws (discerning good from evil for ourselves) is important. It is
a logical course to follow if one is to consier basing ones whole
philosophical understanding of life itself upon them, and in fact a full
and unbiased investigation of them is in order. If a Human sees for himself
the difference between good and evil, he can no longer be told something
that conflicts with what he knows. Obviously if man is forbidden access to
this knowledge for himself, somebody must have something to hide.

  The name Enki means "Archetype", which is precisely what he was, an
archetype for the post-Sumerian gods. Turning to our anthropomorphising of
the mushroom theme, we find more interesting connections. Even beyond the
above discussed fruit-of-the-tree-story. Enki AND his sister Ninhursag were
the creators of the Adama. The red of the mushroom cap, as well as the
juice, are anthropomorphised as blood, and figuratively related to as fire.
The cap is also considered the female genital organ, as was the cup (like
the Holy Grail) from ancient times. While the mushroom stem is the phallus.
Anthropomorphically the mushroom is androgenous, in one sense, being one
entity yet having both male and female sexual organs visible. In another
sense it is two separate beings, joined together, in the act of creation,
albeit only the sexual organs are visible. Enki is the stem, Ninhursag the
cap, the two joining in accord to produce the Adama, anthropomorphism of
the mushroom into the two elementary archetypal creators. Further evidence
is the substance fed to the faithful of Enlil and Ninhursag known as
"Star-Fire". This supplemental nourisment was produced from the lunar
essence, or blood (from the womb), of the goddess Ninhursag. It is also
called "the gold of the gods" and even "the red gold". After the epic
Anunnaki's abandonment of humanity, brought about by the fall of Babylon,
when Enlil sabotaged the city, confounded the languages, and alloed the
city to be laid waste. Some myths tell us; when the Anunnaki withdrew,
"like birds taking flight", they took with them the 'Star-fire', or at
least the knowledge of what the 'Star-fire" was. The priestly caste which
remained, now under seige, needed again, to take the knowledge underground.
Much as the later alchemists, the knowledge of putting the gold to-the-fire
to create the alchemical gold, the secret of enlightenment, kept the
process a secret. Real gold, when put to the fire, melts. You do not have
an end product which can then be ingested. As we have seen 'gold' is a
polymorphous representation of the mushroom, the color of the cap-skin is
gold (when dried) and also reddish-gold AND it must be put-to-the-fire for
the process of decarboxylation (literally an alchemical chemical-change) to
occur before ingesting it properly. So the Anunnaki 'Fire-stone' is another
one of those substances which has a multitude of descriptive features,
Fire, Gold, Red, Female organ, Blood, juice, and even "nourisment that
bestows enlightenment", all of which can be easily understood in terms of
mushroom polymorphous and anthropomorphic imagery. It is also directly
related to the pineal gland, the tree of life, the manna (or shem-an-na,
which the Sumerians claimed was made from Highward-fire-stone), the greek
ambrosia, the Egyptian scheffa-food, and the Vedic soma. It was the most
secret and powerful thing known to the Anunnaki, and was not meant for
humans, at least in the eyes of the Enlilian regime. But for our archetypal
provider and protector Enki, and his sister, our "mother-creator",
Ninhursag, it was something that we evidently needed. By the way,
Ninhursag, in Egypt, is known as Isis, the mother of all the living, and
therefore is the archetype of Maya, Mary, Ishtar, Diana, etc. In the
Egyptian book of the dead, the pharoah, who is searching for the ultimate
food-of-the-gods, continuosly repeats the statement "what is it?" at every
step of his journey. This question is the very definition given for the
enigmatic 'Manna' in the Jewish records. What is this 'Star-fire'? That
which humanity has been forbidden by the Anunnaki, at least those Anunnaki
which do not wish humanity to succeed, and in the case of Enlil, were
willing to wreak all manner of deception and destruction to keep it a

[Image] Figure 19.   The Sumerian Annunaki
The region of Mesopotamia (Sumeria), which seems to have suddenly appeared
out of nowhere (according to Academia), had a high knowledge of astronomy,
architecture, a pantheon of gods, agriculture, gourmet foods, and courts.
It is considered to be the cradle of civilization. Mesopotamia, in the
north, encompassed the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, which flowed from the
Garden of Eden, in the Genesis stories. The places known as Atlantis,
Dilmun, and Lemuria are mentioned in the records of Sumeria. This is an
obvious indication that these societies or cities pre-dated the Sumerian
era. Therefore, the Mesopotamian civilization did not suddenly appear out
of nowhere. It was more likely a relocated ancient "Lost Civilization",
which, as we will explore, encompassed KMT/Khemit (Egypt) which is
considered by many to be the true "Cradle of Civilization". But this would
dash the academic world to the ground, even leaving entirely alone, for the
time being, the possibilities that Atlantis and Lemuria may have actually
been real flourishing civilizations themselves. Mesopotamia does not have
the advanced technological relics that are found in Egypt, and therefore
must have been a later civilization, or one which was not allowed this
knowledge anymore, as those technologies still have not been reproduced
anywhere on earth. Khemit will be dealt with at length later, but for now
we look at Sumer for more similarities. A dominant patriarchical system of
rulership had engulfed the society, and its government, by the time the
Mesopotamian civilization was established. This patriarchy was later passed
on and adopted to become Christianity, Rome, and Islam, as well as other
European and western cultural civilizations. More than 4,000 years before
the Bible, the stories of The Garden of Eden, The Flood, and The Creation
(of the Earth, plants, beasts, and Man) were preserved, in Cuneiform, on
tablets of clay which were unearthed in the late 19th century. After years
of research, translating of the tablets, those later Biblical versions of
the same stories have taken on a whole new meaning.

One of the things, we, as humans, need to understand, is we must look at
both sides of any idea before we make a decision. Otherwise we are truly
the definition of the word gullible. This is especially important when it
deals with the matter of giving away your soul to a supposed deity that
asks you to surrender it without question and completely. And of course
when that same supposed deity wants your service in bringing other souls to
its fold, there is danger afoot. Be careful about that.

  Religion preys on those full of guilt and fearful of death. The
importance of finding one's path has led many into the dens of deception.
So many people have turned their souls over to a God in the hopes that they
will not disappear when they die. The tactic of The Dark lord of evil,
whether manifested in Babylon or America, is to instill guilt and fear into
the hearts and minds of the human prey, then offer a route of escape which
promises your only possible forgiveness, or hope, is what they are telling
you. So people surrender their souls to belief systems that put them into
the position of going to work recruiting other souls for the same master.
The surrender of ones soul to any deity is something not to be taken
lightly. In other words, before you do something like that, it is admirable
and prudent to fully research, from both viewpoints, the validity of the
system and documents that you are putting your faith in. This is the way to
really look at anything, look at it completely from both sides. And even
then, you may believe that you have found the correct way, the proper path,
the ultimate reality, but surrendering your soul and recruiting souls just
seems to be a strange requirement from any almighty deity.

  It is simple to see, if you can control a persons sexuality you can get
them to believe anything. Government enforces the religion of the dark
lords. The concept of guilt, associated with sex, is an ancient tool for
control. The oppressor says "Sex is bad, unless I say its okay". As in, you
must have a license to engage in licentious behavior. There are far too
many forms of totalitarian dictatorship, with government enforced religious

  "Follow Your Bliss" remains one of the truest thoughts on religious
freedom. Even with all of the negative connotations heaped upon it by
religious systems (who want control) contorting it to be a statement of
evil, with such pedantic reasoning as "So if I want to kill It's okay?"
ignoring the golden rule as the first law of following ones bliss.

  Secret Societies have a great motto "Ordo Ab Chao" meaning "Order Out of
Chaos". Agendas are formulated designed to give the powerful more power.
Chaos is created, and media blitzed. Then cries go out for solution. Laws
are passed which could never have been passed without the chaos. The order,
has reigned through deception of the masses, and the agenda is

  The Fascist state that is being created by these secret societies is
indication that there is fear of the average person on the street. Fear of
detection that the religions, governments and corporations behind this
agenda are destroying humanity.

  How can it be that a world so rich with resources can still be a world
where poverty and hunger are still in such great abundance? Those who seek
fortune from the exploitation of other human beings seem to be the pillars
of the planetary hierarchy. The Governments with their holy contractual
ceremonies, The churches with thir vast wealth, The Bankers and money
brokers who run the economy so the rich and powerful get more rich and
powerful while the poor are ground into destitution and the middle class
collapses into obscurity. This very same
governmental/religious/capitalistic hierarchy that is destroying the
planetary environment, disguised as those very institutions that are
supposed to be helping it, is grabbing up property ownership under the
guise of turning public lands into preserves [This in America]. This
follows the very same patterns that have recurred throughout history,
greed, corruption, and fascism waving the illusionary flag of freedom.

  Freemasonry is the secret organization famous for its use of Christianity
as a tool for control. The King James version of the Bible, edited by Sir
Francis Bacon, a 33rd degree Freemason, is used to create order in society
through the implementation of a belief system geared towards their Fascist
ideologies. The chaos is carefully orchestrated to insure the passing of
more and more laws that will, eventually, completely destroy freedom. This
is why there is more and more morality being preached by politicians.

  Priests and politicians speaketh with forked tongue, out of one side
comes the illusion of tolerance and understanding, while the other side
says you had better believe what I believe or you are in trouble.

  Just remember that freedom does not say you are only free to do what you
are told to do. If there ever would be some kind of genocide where all of
the non-believers are put to death, this too would be nothing more than a
recurrence of what has happened all along, on our planet. Fascism rears its
ugly head, and must take control of every aspect of the individuals life,
therefore insuring that no-one will decent, no one will challenge the
authority of whatever religio/political image is portrayed to the populace.
If, in fact, Sitchen is right, the extra-terrestrial gods did indeed plant
the seeds of humanity, and others who elaborate on his findings, and these
gods have been with us all along, which, by the way, religion claims to be
the case, "the Gods are ever present". Expected events will be more of the
same old repression and oppression that has been going on ever since the
beginning. Even in Mesopotamia, where Sitchen says humanity were slaves of
the "Man Gods", who had power and authority, who kept the secrets of their
realm to themselves, IE: "Dont eat of the tree of Knowledge", those who
were given the gift of power seem doomed to prosper from the suffering of
others. This does not need to be the case. This planet is filled with
wealth, however philanthropy, and even kindness are as always lacking. What
else should be expected from those who find pleasure in the suffering of
others. And this is the legacy of religion and government on our planet. If
it's not one form of genocide, it's another.

  Even if it means standing up to the ones that are in charge of this whole
mess, somebody must awaken and do something drastic. If some expected
messiah appears, but he comes from the same school as any of the gods of
the old world (especially those in Mesopotamia) then the world must prepare
for another ride into hell, for as the world is becoming, so it shall
become. The scholarship involved in the disproving of the worlds religious
systems is not an easy task, as everywhere you look they all say "I AM
RIGHT". In my studies I have found that all of them are wrong. Especially
those which are blatantly forceful in their attempt to control the human
mind through false moral and dogma systems. The fruits of religion are
frustration, depression, and despair, because they are bent on controlling
the freedoms of thought, sexuality, and worship, including entheogenic
Plant use, and condemn real understanding. This is the current state of the
systems imposed upon our planet. It wouldn't be so bad if we were just
talking about rich people acquiring wealth and making something of
themselves, but we are talking about is a societal force deeply rooted in
the banking, governments and religions which is gearing up to instill a
"New World Order" which will force dogma and beliefs on the entire world.
Just as the people in Mesopotamia believed that they needed the gods, so do
people today trudge along in their oblivious stupors, unaware of the
mechanisms that are usurping all that stands for freedom.

Active participation in society, ignoring the usurpation, is in my
estimation exactly the apathy that allows it to continue full speed ahead.
The destruction of mankind appears to be the nature, for some reason, of
the patriarchical systems that took over somewhere around eight thousand
years ago. Whether or not this is the inherent nature of the Patriarchy
remains to be proven, yet by the looks of things their nature seems to
leave alot to be desired.

  Why is it that the idea is popularized (through media) there are two
things you should never talk about, religion and politics. This is because
dialogue between people is the real enemy of the state, just as true
freedom of thought has become "THE" crime. Discussions of religion and
government eventually arrive at conclusions which are not in the interest
of the authorities. Uncensored conversation allow people of different
levels, and fields of understanding, to actually learn from one and other.
No-one can expect everyone else to have the same viewpoint as they do,
because everyone's paths in life are different. Some people know about
this, and some people know about that. Its a big world out there and there
is much to learn.

  Anyone who tells you that the quest for immortality is as simple as one
belief has not done his/her homework. People under this assumption might
want to hold off on becoming the instrument of preaching that to your
friends and family. It just might not be that simple.


Forerunner to Christianity and source for much of the world's Mythology

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